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Act 4~Chapter 3: Vecna's curse

The car pulled up a little bit away from Reefer Ricks house. The six got out of the car and began walking up to the front door. Dustin, who was in front, rang the doorbell, waiting for an answer from either Eddie or Reefer Rick. He rang the doorbell repeatedly, waiting for an answer.
"Okay. Well, that's settled. I guess he's not here," Steve said.
"Eddie! It's Dustin!" Dustin shouted, knocking on the window.
"Great," Steve sighed.
"Look, we just wanna talk, okay?" Dustin continued, "No cops, I swear. We just wanna help. Eddie! Rick!" Dustin began ringing the doorbell continuously again.
"Dustin, Eddie is most likely a wanted criminal right now, you really think he would answer the door whilst he is probably on the run?" Avery asked. Dustin ignored her and continued knocking on the door.
"Hey, guys?" Max shouted from outside. The remaining five walked over to her and looked at what she was staring at. A rundown, white shed was stood a bit away from them.
"You think he might be in there?" Mike asked.
"Only one way to find out," Dustin replied, walking ahead towards the shed.

Using their flashlights, they were looking through the windows, trying to see if they could spot Eddie. Robin slowly walked over to the door, opening it, the door releasing a very loud, high pitched creak.
"Hello?" she said, creeping into the building, "Is anyone home?" The others followed her in, their flashlights brightly shining, investigating the shed.
"What a dump," Steve said. He eventually turned off his flashlight, and grabbed an oar for some protection. He walked over to a pile of tarp in a boat and began poking it.
"What are you doing?" Dustin asked
"He might be in here," Steve replied.
"So take the tarp off," Dustin groaned.
"If you're so brave, you take the tarp off," Steve sassed, continuing to poke the tarp. Dustin didn't take the tarp off, he only shone his flashlight over it.
"Hey, look over here," Max said, looking down at some wrappers, "Someone was here."
"Maybe he heard us. Got spooked and ran," Robin suggested.
"Don't worry," the curly haired boy chimed in, "Steve will get him with his oar."
"I know you think you're being funny Henderson, but considering everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don't find it funny in the slight--"
Steve got cut off by something jumping out of the tarp that he was previously poking at, pushing him up against the wall, a broken beer bottle pointed at his neck.
"Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!" Steve shouted, as he was being pushed.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Eddie! Eddie! Stop! Eddie! Eddie!" Dustin shouted, Eddie turned his head to face them, keeping a firm grip on Steve, "It's me. It's Dustin. And... and Mike. This is Steve. He's not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?"
"Right. Yeah," Steve whispered.
"Steve, why don't you drop the oar?" Dustin commanded.
Steve reluctantly let the oar go, however Eddie only tightened his grip on Steve, causing him to let out a loud groan.
"He's cool. He's cool," Dustin explained.
"I'm cool, man. I'm cool," Steve choked out.
"What are you doing here?" Eddie asked.
"We're looking for you," the curly haired boy said.
"We're here to help," Mike added.
"Eddie, these are mine and Mike's friends. You know Robin, from band. This is our friend Max. The one who never wants to play DnD. And this is Avery, Mike's girlfriend," Dustin introduced them all, "Eddie. We're on your side. I swear on my mother. Right, guys?"
"Yes. Yes. We swear."
"On Dustin's mother."
"Yeah, Dustin's... Dustin's mother."
Eddie finally released his grip from Steve, pushing away from him and walking to the nearest place that he could sit down. Steve was holding onto his throat.
"Eddie..." Dustin began, "We just want to talk. Okay?"
"We want to know what happened?" Mike asked.
"You won't believe me," Eddie sniffed.
"Try us," Avery shrugged. Something told her that this spring break maybe wouldn't be as peaceful as she thought it would be.

"Her body just, like, lifted up into the air and, uh... And she just, like, hung there. In the air... And her bones... Uh, she... Her bones started to snap. Her eyes, man. It... It was like there was something, like, inside her head, pulling. I... I didn't know what to do, so I... I ran away. I left her there," Eddie finished explaining what had happened to Chrissy. He looked at the six of them, seeing what their reactions were, "You all think I'm crazy, right?"
"No. We don't think you're crazy," Dustin said.
"Don't bullshit me, man! I know how this sounds," Eddie shouted, interrupting him.
"We're not bullshitting you," Max said.
"We believe you," Robin agreed.
"Look," Dustin began, "what I'm about to tell you might be a little... difficult to take."
"Okay," Eddie slowly replied.
"You know how people say Hawkins is... cursed?" he asked, "They're not... way off. There's another world. A world hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours."
"Like ghosts and shit?" Eddie asked.
"There are some things... worse than ghosts," Avery said, remembering all of the horrible memories of the Upside down, "These monsters from this other world... we thought they were gone. But they've come back before."
"That's why we needed to find you," Dustin finished for her.
"If they're back again, we need to know," Max said.
"That night, did you see anything?" Robin asked him.
"Dark particles, maybe?" Mike questioned
"It would almost look like dust, swirling dust," Dustin explained.
"No, man, there was nothing you could see or, uh... or touch," Eddie told them, "You know, I tried to wake her, man. She couldn't move. It was like she... she was in a trance or something."
"Or under a spell," Dustin realised something.
"A curse." Eddie said, realising what Dustin was saying.
"Vecna's curse," Dustin said, revealing what he was thinking.
"Who's Vecna?" Steve asked.
"An undead creature of great power," the young curly haired boy said.
"A spell caster," Eddie muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear however.
"A dark wizard," Mike finished.


Mike and Avery returned back to the Wheeler's house after meeting with Eddie. It was rather late now, around midnight. Mike was in the bathroom, brushing his teeth whilst Avery finished unpacking the last few things from her bag. She was sat on the blow up mattress, waiting for Mike to get back from the bathroom when another headache came on. She groaned in pain again, grabbing her head, leaning against the board of Mike's bed.
"You okay?" her boyfriend asking, walking into the door and sitting on his bed.
"Yeah, just a headache, It'll be gone in a sec don't worry. I got one earlier today," Avery admitted, giving a small smile, trying to ignore the pain.
"You could've told me. Want me to go get you some like medication or something?" he asked.
"No, no it's okay. It'll be gone in a sec," she smiled. Mike nodded, tapping the spot next to him, telling Avery to sit next to him. She leant her head on her shoulder, Mike wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
"You can tell me if something's up, you know?" he told her.
"I know," she smiled. The two looked at each other and leant in for a kiss, Avery wrapped her arms around his neck, Mike placed his hand on her waist.

The kiss began to deepen, Mike had his hands on her waist, under her shirt and Avery had her hands in his hair, lightly tugging on his black curls, only pulling away for quick breaths. After a few minutes, the two were rudely interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Michael, Avery, it's getting late. Time for bed," Mrs. Wheeler shouted.
"Ok Mom!" Mike shouted back.
"Love you!" his mother yelled through the door.
"Love you, too, Mom!" he shouted, rolling his eyes and going a slight shade of pink.
"Night Mrs. Wheeler!" Avery shouted, laughing a bit at her boyfriend's embarrassment.
"Night, Ava!"
The two heard Mrs. Wheeler walk down the hall, opening the door to her bedroom and then close it. As soon as she was gone, Mike let out a loud groan from embarrassment, causing Avery to laugh again.
"Stop laughing," Mike groaned, laughing a bit as well.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she chuckled, stopping laughing. Avery got off of the bed, and laid down on the mattress, getting under the blankets.
"Hey... erm... do you wanna maybe sleep in here tonight?" he asked her. Avery felt her face get slightly hot but agreed nonetheless. Mike lifted part of the blanket up and she climbed in next to him, his arm wrapped around her to keep her from falling out of the small single mattress.
"Night Ava, I love you," he said.
"Night Mike, I love you, too," she replied, her face turning pink as he turned the small lamp off on his bed side table, the couple falling into a deep sleep.

(A/N: No cuz I love Mike and Avery. I want what they have with someone. Anyway, it's getting good now, Vecna has been discovered and Avery is getting headaches. If you enjoyed this chapted make sure to vote and comment and eat and drink enough today. I hope you have a great day/night. I love you all :D)

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