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Act 3~Chapter 14: Goodbye Byers

Three months later

Today was the day nobody was excited for. The Byers family were leaving Hawkins. Joyce realised that ever since the incident on November sixth three years ago that Hawkins was no longer safe for them, and they had to get away from it all. She was unsure about moving at first, but the loss of her best friend, Jim Hopper was enough to finally push her over the edge.

Avery and Mike had gotten back together, realising that they were both in the wrong and had apologised, everyone had discovered Suzie's existence after hearing Dustin and her singing through the supercomm, which allowed them to tease Dustin about it a lot. Max and Lucas had gotten back together also.

Max, Lucas, Dustin and El were finishing packing  up things in the living room, Jonathan and Nancy were taking things that didn't need to be packed in boxes into the van along with Joyce, Will was in his room, finishing the last few things in his room whilst Mike and Avery were taking some of Joyce's boxes into the truck.

The young couple walked back in, just as Will was bringing the last few things in his room and placing it in a box labelled 'donations'.
"Whoa, dude. that's the donation box," Mike told him, seeing Will place his dungeons and dragons box into the donation box.
"I know. We can just use yours when we come back," Will explained, "I mean if we still wanna play."
"Yeah, but what if you want to join another party?" Mike asked.
"Not possible."
"We could never."
Mike chuckled at the two, looking between his best friend and his girlfriend. The twins smiled back as Will went to go and grab the last box from his room.
"I need to go and pack up the last few things from my room," Avery told him.
"Yeah, okay," Mike nodded.

The young Byers girl was packing up her closet, putting the last few t-shirts in a box and taping it shut. She went to take the final box out of her room, knowing she would never be back in here. When she got to the door, she took a look back one, to think of all the memories and two, to make sure nothing was forgotten. That's when she saw something on the top of her closet. She put the box down and stood on the boards of her bed, reaching up to try and grab whatever was at the back. She sighed when she realised she wasn't tall enough to reach it.
"Need some help?" Mike asked, walking into the room. His girlfriend nodded and Mike stood on the bed as Avery got down. He reached for whatever it was grabbing it and bringing it down. It was the sloth plushie. The same one that Mike had gotten her the Christmas that Will had disappeared. The first not normal Christmas the Byers had had.
"You kept it?" Mike asked, looking down at it, the memory of giving it to her coming all back to him.
"Of course, it was the first present I got that meant something to me," Avery smiled, taking the plushie from him, the memory of receiving it coming all back to her.

"Ava! Wait!" he yelled, running too fast and almost tripping. The three of them looked back at the stairs to see what he needed. Avery told her brothers to wait in the car whilst she saw what Mike needed.

"What's up?" she asked, as he arrived in front with an arm behind his back.

"Well, I got you this," he said, moving his arm to reveal a sloth teddy, "I saw this in the store and instantly thought of you. Not because I thought it looked like you or anything, I just know you like sloth's so I got you one. Do you like it?"

"Mike, I love it!" she replied, taking the sloth from his hands, "I didn't get you anything though."

"It's fine. We agreed on no presents this year but I saw this and just couldn't not get it," he laughed.

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