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Act 2-Chapter 7: We won't let him

After the events from the day before, Mrs. Byers allowed the twins the day off school. Joyce had called Hopper over to see if he knew anything about what was going on, or if he could do anything but Avery just stayed in her room the whole time, avoiding being dragged into conversation. After a few hours of boredom, there was a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it!" Avery yelled, walking towards the door from the couch which she had eventually moved to, standing over the drawings of what looked like vines that were placed on the floor by her mother and brother when Hopper was over.  She opened it to reveal the raven hair of her best friend, "Oh, hey Mike!"

"Hey Ava. Is Will here?" Mike asked.

"Yeah he's here. He might be sleeping though," Avery told him.

"Can I see him?" he asked.

"Let me ask my mom quickly," she said. Mike nodded and Avery called her mom over and told her what Mike had asked, causing her to walk over to the door with the two kids.

"Hey, now is not a really good time," Joyce told the boy.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah, y'know he's not feeling real well. He's just laying down, so we'll tell him you stopped by, okay?" Mrs. Byers asked. 

Joyce began to shut the door when Mike said, "It's about the shadow monster, isn't it?"

With a bit of hesitancy, Joyce let Mike into the house. The two children walked into Wills room to see what he was up to and see if he was ok. He was sat on his bed with his head down, sweating greatly.

"Will, are you okay?" Mike asked as the two walked in.

"No," was all Will replied with.

"What's going on?" Avery questioned, sitting next to him on the bed.

"It's like I feel what the shadow monsters feeling" he told them standing up from his bed looking between his sister on the bed and his best friend examining the pictures of the vines that were plastered all around his room, "see what he's feeling."

"Like in the Upside Down?" Mike asked, turning his gazze away from the pictures and to the boy standing in the middle of the room.

"Some of him is there. But some of him is here to," Will said.

"Here, like in the house?" Avery asked.

"In the house and," Will began and froze for a second, "in me. It's like he's reaching into Hawkins more and more. And the more he spreads, the more connected to him I feel..."

"And the more you see the now-memories," Mike finished.

"At first I just felt it in the back of my head. I didn't even know it was there. It's like when you have a dream, and you can't remember it unless you think really hard. It was like that," he told the two, sitting back on the bed with Mike sitting next to him on the other side, "But now it's like. Now I remember. I remember all the time."

Avery saw her brother begin to tear up a little and pulled him into a hug, causing him to sob a little.

"Maybe. Maybe that's good!" Mike said, trying to cheer him up.



"Just think about it. You're like a spy now. A superspy! Spying on the shadow monster," Mike explained to them, "If you know what he's seeing and feeling, maybe that's how we can stop him. Maybe all this is happening for a reason."

"You really think so?" Will asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, i really do!" Mike said, smiling at the two. Will wasn't looking, he was looking at the drawing of the shadow monster he made after he first saw him at the arcade a few nights before.

"What if he figures out we're spying?" Will questioned, "What if he spies back?"

"He won't," Mike told him.

"How do you know?" Will quietly said.

"We won't let him," Avery spoke up, grabbing onto her brothers hand, smiling.


That night, Avery and Mike had slept on the floor of Will's room, the two in seperate sleeping bags. The two woke up the next morning to Will gasping loudly. The two looked at eachother and back to Will.

"Will, what's wrong?" Mike asked sitting up properly.

Will told the two and they all rushed out of bed to tell Mrs. Byers what had happened.

"Mom," Will said, Joyce stayed staring at the vine drawings around the room, to discover what they were.

"Mom!" Avery said a bit louder. Their mother turned around to face the three in shock.

"I saw him," Will told her, leaning closer to the woman sat on the sofa.

"You saw who, baby?" Joyce asked.

"Hopper," Will told his mother, "I think he's in trouble. I think he's going to die."

(A/N: Pretend that in the past two weeks I uploaded more than that I actually did. I got really busy during my easter break. I hope you had a good easter if you celebrate that and make sure you eat plenty of water and eat enough. Please vote and comment since it tells me you like the fanfic and have a good day/night. Also, sorry it's a bit short, like I said I got quite busy and had know time and wanted a good ending to this chapter <3)

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