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Act 2-chapter 1: Arcade

"Will? You found any?" Avery yelled to her brother whilst lifting up the pillows in the living room. 

"Yeah! I got enough for us both!" he shouted back, walking into the room holding up the money. Avery grabbed her half of the money and thanked her brother. The two got into the car and their mom drove them to the arcade.

Once they got there, they saw the other three party members who had just arrived on their bikes waving at them. They waved back and began to get out of the car when their mom stopped them.

"I'll pick you up in two hours. That's 9:00 on the dot, ok?" she said, the twins nodded and went to leave again, "And, if anything happens, if you need to come home, just ask them to use their phone and call home. Okay? Don't-"

"Don't walk or bike home. We know," Avery told her. The two said their goodbyes to their mom and got out of the car, being greeted by their friends. They walked inside the building and played some games, when Dustin went over to a game called 'Dragons Layer' and began playing, whilst the others watched. 

"To slay the dragon, use the magic sword," the woman on the game said.

"Oh Jesus! I'm in uncharted territory here guys!" Dustin told the group around him. Suddenly, the group began yelling different instructions at him, hoping he would succeed.

The character grabbed the sword, preparing to attack the dragon, when it got destoryed and killed by the beast. 

"No. No. No!" Dustin yelled, watching the character turn to ash in front of them, "No! No! No! I hate this overpriced bullshit! Son of a bitch! Piece of shit!" 

"You're just not nimble enough. But you'll get there one day. But until then, Princess Daphne is still mine!" Lucas teased.

"Whatever. I'm still tops on Centipede and Dig Dug," he claimed 

"You sure about that?" the voice of the worker Keith said, coming out from behind them. The five turned around to face him to see what he meant.

"Sure about what?" Dustin asked the man. He ate a cheeto and stayed silent, Dustin took a wild guess on it. He ran over to the Dig Dug game with the others following him.

"751,300 points!" Will yelled.

"That's impossible!" Mike said as the others nodded in agreement. 

"Who is Mad Max?" Dustin asked Keith.

"Better than you," he responded. 

"Is it you?" Avery asked him.

"You know I despise Dig Dug!" the worker scoffed.

"Then who is it?" 

"Yeah, spill it Keith!" 

"You want information, then I need something in return," he put another cheeto in his mouth and looked at Mike, causing the rest of the group to as well.

"No! No, no! No way. You're not getting a date with her!" he yelled, knowing what he meant.

"Mike come on. Just get him the date!" Lucas demanded.

"I am not prosecuting my sister!" he shouted at his friend.

"But it's for a good cause!" Lucas exclaimed.

"No, don'tget him the date. Know what? He's gonna spread his nasty-ass rash to your whole family!" Dustin told him.

"Acne isn't a rash and it isn't contagious you prepubescent wastoid!" Keith shouted.

Dustin kept arguing with the man whilse the others watched, when Avery noticed something.

"Hey Mike? Did you see where Will went?" she asked him.

Mike looked around for his friend and told her, "No, I didn't. I'm gonna look for him."

The two began looking around the arcade for the boy in the staff only area, the bathrooms, the check out counter. When Avery went outside and saw her brother, staring at the sky, completely frozen.

"Mike! I found him!" she ran back inside to the boy and lead him outside.

"Will!" Avery said, he looked turned to her from looking at the sky, "Are you okay?" Will looked back up at the sky. 

"Yeah, I just. I needed some air," he told the two of them, turning back around, confused.

"Come on. You're up on Dig Dug!" Mike told him, as Will walked towards them, "Let's take that top score back, huh?" 

"If you push Dustin further down, I'll do your chores for the week. Deal?" Avery asked him.

"Okay, deal," Will responded, looking up at the sky one more time and walking back in with them.

(A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in like a month, I have been busy and needed a break. If you liked this chapter, make sure to vote and comment!)

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