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Act 2-Chapter 11: The Snowball

Today was the day of the Snowball. Hawkins Middle Schools Christmas dance that they held for their students. The party went every year for a laugh but this year was the last year they could attend due to them graduating middle school in the summer. Avery had put her hair into two small ponytails that were pinned to the back off her head with the rest of it curled and down. She had a long sleeve dark blue dress with a black belt with some dr. martin like black boots. She never really wore makeup but decided to put on some mascara, lipgloss and blush, similar to the makeup she put on El the year before when they snook her into school.

Just as she finished applying some blush, Jonathan entered the room with his camera around his neck.

"Ava, come on we need to take pictures," he said waving his camera around for her to see. Avery nodded and put the brush down, following her brother into the living room. She saw her mother and her twin brother dancing to a song that she could barely here. The two siblings were laughing at the scene which caused the two to stop.

"Awww, Avery you look so grown up," her mother smiled, walking up to her and hugging her. After her mother released her, allowing her to walk over to Will so they could pose for pictures.

After taking a few photos so they could remember the occassion in years to come, Mrs. Byers let her three children get in the car as Jonathan was the photographer. It took around ten minutes to get to school. They had parked and Mrs. Byers was giving them instructions (mainly Will).

"Okay, I'll be back at 10:30 to pick you up. Will stay with either Jonathan or Avery and if something feels off, get the school to call me, I'll be here as soon as I can be. Have fun you three," Joyce told them all. The three of them said bye and got out of the car.They walked into the building and were greeted by Mr. Clarke.

"Will! Avery! You're looking very snazzy tonight! Jonathan, nice to see you!" Mr. Clarke said.

"Thanks," the twins both said in sync. The three of them walked through the door. Will and Avery going towards the drinks table that Nancy was at whilst Jonathan walked over to the photobooth.

"Hey Nancy," Avery said, putting her hands on the table.

"Hey," she replied, offering the two a drink. The two accepted and took a sip. The two turned around and saw Mike, Lucas and Max sat around a table talking. Lucas noticed the two and waved at them, signalling them to go over. They said bye to Nancy and walked over to their group of friends, weaving threw their classmates who were running around or dancing.

"Hey guys," Avery said, throwing her now empty cup into the closest trash can.

"Hey," Max replied, standing up from her seat next to Lucas.

Mike had turned around from where he was stood, talking to Lucas. He locked eye contact with Avery and blushed at the girl in front of him.

"Oh, hi," he stuttered.

"Hey," she smiled. The two looked at each other for a second in silence, until Lucas coughed, to regain their attention. The two turned away and the rest of the group began talking about random things. That was until Dustin appeared, doing a spin, showing off his hair. Instead of the usual chin length curls he usually had, it was all up in a rectangle-type shape with some around his chin and small curl in front.

"Holy shit! What happened to you?" Mike asked, chuckling standing up along with the rest of the party.

"What do you mean 'what happened'"? he questioned, his smile dropping slightly.



"You're hair!"

"Is there a bird nesting in there?"

Lucas went over to Dustin, playfully sticking his hands in his hair to mess it up. Dustin slapped his hands down and frowned.

"What do you mean, 'What's wrong?' There's no bird nesting in here, asshole. Okay?" Dustin told them, "I worked hard."

The party was all chuckling at Dustin as he tried fixing his hair. Dustin finished fixing his hair when a slow-dance song came on. All the people that were already on the dance floor paired up with either one of their friends or their significant other, whilst others standing around with their groups of friends were going between other friend groups looking for someone to dance with.

"Max," Lucas began, "Hey. Um, it's nice, right?" he continued, the others chuckled, trying to old in their embarrasment, "You want to, um... You want to like, you know. Like, just you and me?"

"Are you trying to ask me to dance, stalker?" Max laughed

"No, of course not," he replied, shaking his head, "Unless, you want to."

"So smooth," Max chuckled, grabbing his hand, "Come on."

Lucas and Max walked onto the dance floor and began dancing. The four of them were watching them dance when a girl came over to them.

"Hey, Zombie boy?" she said, causing them all to look at her, "Do you wanna dance?"

"Umm... I don't..." Will began, looking between his friends for an answer.

"Yes, he would," Avery finished for him pushing Will towards the girl.

"Thank me later," she whispered to her twin brother, before those two walked away, doing Lucas and Max did seconds before. The remaining three party members were looking at all of the couples on the dance floor.

"Wish me luck guys," Dustin said, looking over at Stacy, one of the popular girls in their grade and her friends, "I'm going in."

Mike and Avery were left watching Dustin asking Stacy to dance, until her and her friends walked away. Dustin walked over to another group of girls and the same thing happened. Nancy must have seen what had happend and walked over to him. Their conversation was indistinct but by the end of it Nancy and Dustin had moved onto the dance floor together and began dancing. The two both sat back down at the table waiting for one of them to ask the other to dance.

"Ava," Mike said after a minute or so of sitting in silence, "Do you wanna dance?"

Avery felt her face get hot and she smiled and said, "Yeah, sure. I don't really know how though."

"I don't either. Maybe we can figure it out together?" he replied, standing in front of her with his hand out for her to take.

"I'd like that," she smiled, grabbing his hand and walking onto the dance floor.

The two were stood with Max and Lucas to their right, Will and the girl he was dancing with to their left and Nancy and Dustin a few people behind Mike.

"You look beautiful," Mike told her. Avery didn't know what to say. Her face was very clearly red and a huge smile was plastered onto her face. The two were staring at eachother in a comfortable silence, not breaking eye contact.

As the end of the song neared the two hadn't stopped staring at eachother. Mike admired every feature on her face, Avery did the same with his. After a few seconds, the two quickly leant in. After a year of trying, and nearly kissing, it had finally happened. When the two pulled away, the both looked at each other, chuckling. The two kissed again, quickly pulling apart.

"Avery. Do you want to maybe be my girlfriend?" Mike asked, staring into the girls eyes.

"Mike, of course I do," Avery replied. She leant her head on his chest as the song ended.

They walked away from the dance floor, hand in hand and sat back down at their table. After a few seconds the rest of the party joined them. The rest of the night they were all talking and dancing.

Everything was perfect once again.

(A/N: I'm finally done with season two! I'm so excited for season three it's not even funny. I'm very grateful for the support on this fanfic. If you enjoyed this make sure to vote and comment and remember to eat and drink water! :D)

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