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Act 2-Chapter 3: Best friend

Avery was eating dinner with the Wheeler's, waiting for her mother to come and pick her up. 

"After dinner, I want you to pick out your toys for the yard sale," Mrs. Wheeler told her son.

"Fine," Mike said saddly.

"Two boxes worth," she continued.

"Two boxes!" Mike repeated in shock.

"You heard me," she said.

"I'm fine with you giving away a couple, but the other ones have way too much emotional value!" he told his mother

Him and his parents had a bit more of an argument until Mike finally gave in. They finished their meal and the two kids ran downstairs to the basement to sort out the boxes of toys.

Mike was throwing in toys that he didn't look at anymore without care whilst Avery sat next to him, waiting for him to finish sorting through them. He was sorting through the shelves when he reached a dinosaur figurine. He held it up and stared at it for a second, pressing a button making it roar. He put it to the side and then picked up a lego Millenium Falcon. The same one from last year that Dustin tried to make El lift with her mind. Mike looked over at the still-made pillow and blanket fort that El slept in for the time she stayed here.

Avery put a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, I know much you miss El. How much we all do. If you want, we can try call her."

Mike looked at her and nodded. The two walked over to the fort and Mike picked up the Walkie talkie. 

"El, are you there? El?" he said. Instead of a response, there was a crackling so he carried on talking, "It's me. It's Mike. And Avery is here to! It's day 352, 7:40pm. We're still here," he paused again and more crackling came out of the machine, "If you're out there, say something, or give us a sign. We won't even say anything. Just... I wanna know if you're okay."

He finished talking and waited for a response, but there was just crackling. He pushed down the antenna and thre the walkie talkie to his side, muttering something under his breath that Avery couldn't hear. The two went to stand up and leave when something came out of the walkie talkie. A muffled "guys" had echoed around the room. The two ran back to the machine and pulled the antenna back up. The voice said the same thing again.

"Hello, is that you?" Mike shouted, praying for it to be El.

"Yeah, it's me, Dustin. What're you doing on this channel again? I've been trying to reach you all day. We were right, Max is MADMAX!" the voice, that was learned to be Dustin, shouted happily through the walkie talkie.

"Yeah, I'm busy," Mike said moving the antenna back down, cutting Dustin off. He sat there in silence for a bit, causing Avery to reach her arm around his shoulder, pulling him into a hug. 


Avery was picked up an hour or so after that. The family were watching a movie so Joyce and her new boyfriend Bob were setting up the TV and the popcorn, whilst their kids were in their rooms. Avery walked out of her bedroom to hear Will yelling. She curiously walked over to his room to see what was happening, leaning against the door listening to them.

"You know what? You're right! You are a freak!" Johnathan told him. Will looked at him confused, "No, I'm serious. You're a freak. But what? Do you wanna be normal? Do you wanna be like everyone else? Being a freak is the best. I'm a freak. Ava's a freak!"

"Rude," Avery said walking into the room and sitting on her twin brothers bed.

"Sorry Ava," he appologised then turned back to Will," But yeah, I'm a freak!"

"Is that why you don't have any friends?" Will asked, causing Avery to chuckle.

"I have friends Will," Johnathan laughed.

"Then why are you always hanging out with me and Ava?" he replied.

"Because you guys, are my best friends, all right! And I would rather be best friends with Zombie Boy than with a boring nobody. Y'know what I mean?" Johnathan stated, Will began to speak when he was interrupted, "Okay, look... Who would you rather be friends with? Bowie or Kenny Rogers?" Will scoffed, "Exactly. It's no contest! The thing is, nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world. You got it?"

"Well, some people like Kenny Rodgers," Will stated.

"Kenny Rodgers?" Bobs voice said, walking down the hall, "I love Kenny Rodgers!" The three siblings looked at each other and laughed, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing," Avery chuckled.

Bob walked over to Will's shelves and picked up one of the films that Johnathan bought earlier. 

"Mr. Mom!" Bob cheered, picking up the movie and looking at the title, "Perfect!"

He walked out of the room and the three of them broke into a fit of laughter. They all walked into the living room and the movie began they were eating popcorn and yawning at it, enjoying the night.

(A/N: Kinda a boring chapter but still we will live. Make sure to vote and comment and add to 'reading list' or 'library' to get notified when I update it! :D)

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