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Act 4~Chapter 4: The second death

The next morning, Avery had woke up in a cold sweat after a horrible nightmare that she hadn't had since she was nearly seven years old. This nightmare occurred rather regularly when she was younger, but never in this much detail. She shook if off, quickly wiping the sweat off of her forehead and got changed, not wanting her boyfriend who was sleeping soundly next to her, however facing the wall after fidgeting in the night, to wake up and worry about what had happened. Once Mike had woken up and the couple had got changed and ready for the day, they called Dustin and Max to tell them they were ready. The group of six had to go and get some supplies for Eddie. They drove up to the shed he was in, each holding a few bags and walked over to the door. Dustin opened it and they were greeted with a rather frightened Eddie.
"Jesus!" he shrieked, getting scared by the quick opening of the door.
"Delivery service," Dustin smiled holding up his two bags, walking in with the others following him.
"So we got, uh, some good news and some bad news," Dustin told him, "How do you prefer it?"
"Bad news first, always," Eddie replied, chewing on a handful of honeycomb cereal and taking a drink of his beer.
"We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you," Dustin explained.
"Also, they're, uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy," Mike added.
"Like, 100% kind of convinced," Avery agreed.
"And the good news?" Eddie asked.
"Your name hasn't gone public yet," Robin told him, "But if we found out about you, it's a matter of time before others do. And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you."
"Hunt the freak, right?" Eddie asked.
"So, before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence." Dustin told the group.
"That's all, Dustin? That's all?" Eddie replied, sarcastically.
"Yeah, no, that's pretty much it," Dustin agreed, not understanding Eddie's sarcasm.
"Listen, Eddie, I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this before. I mean, they have a... a few times, and... and I have once. Mine was more human-flesh-based theirs was more smoke-related, but bottom line is, collectively, I really feel like we got this," Robin explained.
"My brother got taken by this... this giant monster from the same place that Vecna is from. We've have been fighting these shits for three years. We can do it again," Avery told him.
"We usually rely on this girl who has super powers. But, uh, those went bye-bye, so..." Steve said.
"She also moved to California," Mike added.
"So, we're technically in more of the--"
"Brainstorming phase."
The group repeated what Max had said, agreeing with her.
"There... There's nothing to worry about," Dustin reassured, even though he didn't fully believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.

A loud siren suddenly began, catching their attention. They looked in the direction of the loud wails, wondering what was happening. They realised that it was probably for Eddie. They had found out where he was and was coming to arrest him.
"Shit," Steve whispered.
"Tarp. Tarp. Tarp," Robin instructed. Eddie jumped back into the small rowboat, lying down as the four kids covered him in the tarp. The six of them ran to the window, waiting to be caught by the cops. However, the cars didn't pull into the house, they just drove straight by.
"What's going on?" Avery asked.
"You don't think..." Max began, looking at the others, trying to get her message across.
"Vecna got someone else?" Dustin finished for her.
The group raced out of the shed, warning Eddie of where they were going and jumped into Steve's car. They followed the sounds of the sirens, wanting to see what was going on.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the trailer park. Steve pulled up on the side of the road, seeing Nancy being interrogated by the new chief of police and two other officers. They got out of the car and saw Nancy give them a small wave, trying to be as discreet as possible to not give away the fact that they were there. Steve gave a small wave back as the six of them tried listening in to the conversation that the oldest Wheeler sibling was having. After another few minutes, the officers left, allowing Nancy to walk back into the trailer park, with the other six following behind her. They sat down at a picnic table in the middle of the trailer park. All of the officers had left to look more into the murders, leaving them to chat freely in public.
"You're saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy, it's from the Upside Down?" Nancy asked, trying to get across the explanation about Vecna that they had just told her.
"If the shoe fits," Steve shrugged, answering her.
"Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse," Dustin began, "Now, wether or not he's doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens, we don't know."
"All we know is this is something different. Something new," Avery added.
"Doesn't make sense," Nancy said, shaking her head.
"It's only a theory," Dustin reminded her.
"No, Fred and Chrissy don't make sense. I mean, why them?" Nancy said.
"Maybe they were just in the wrong place," Dustin suggested.
"They were both at the game."
"And near the trailer park."
"We're at the trailer park," Steve said, "Uh... should we maybe not be here?"
"There is something about this place," Avery added.
"Fred started acting weird the second we got here," Nancy told them.
"Acting weird as in...?" Robin asked.
"Scared, on edge, upset," the oldest Wheeler said.
"Max said Chrissy was upset too," Dustin said putting the pieces together.
"Yeah, but not here," Max informed him, "She was crying in the bathroom at school."
"Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right?" Robin asked, looking around at the group.
"So, maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecman..."
"Don't know about you guys, but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone," Steve suggested.
"Maybe they did," Max said.
"Yeah, Nancy did the police say anything to you about either one of them seeing Vecna?" Avery asked, looking at her and crossing her arms, resting them on the table.
"I saw Chrissy leaving Ms. Kelley's office," Max told them, "If you saw a monster, you... you wouldn't go to the police. They'd never believe you. But you might go--"
"Your shrink," Robin finished, causing Max to nod in agreement.

The group got off of the bench, walking over towards Steve's car. They had opened the doors, about to walk in when Nancy turned away from the car and went to walk over to the wooded area on the other side of the trailer park.
"Whoa, whoa, Nance. Nance!" Steve shouted, getting her attention, "Where are you going?"
"Oh, there's just something I wanna check on first," she told them, walking slowly backwards towards the trees.
"Something you wanna share with the rest of us?" Dustin asked.
"I don't wanna waste your time," she told them, "It's a real shot in the dark."
"Yeah, okay. Are you out of your mind?" Steve asked, "Flying solo with this Vecna creep on the loose? No, it's too dangerous. You need... You need someone to..." Steve stopped what he was saying and through Robin his car keys, "Here. I'll stick with Nance, alright? Take the car, check out the shrink."
"I don't think you want me driving your car," Robin warned.
"I don't have a license," Robin told him.
"Why don't you have a license?"
"I'm... poor," she said.
"I can drive," Max suggested.
"No, never again. Please. Anybody but you. No," Steve said, remembering that day two years ago after his fight with Billy. Steve looked at him shrugging, suggesting that he drove, "No chance."
"Come on," the curly haired boy whined.
"All right, okay. This is stupid," Robin said, grabbing a flashlight from Dustin and passing the car keys back to Steve, "Us ladies will stick together. Unless you think we need you to protect us?"
Robin smiled at Steve and turned around, walking away. Nancy shrugged and smiled at Steve also, trying to hold in a laugh and followed Robin into trees.
"Be careful!" Steve yelled to the two of them walking away. Robin turned her head around and waved at him, continuing to walk.
"Just gonna stand there and gawk?" Dustin asked .
"Shut up," Steve groaned, walking towards the car.
"Why don't we go? Okay?" the curly haired boy said jokingly.
"Shut up and get in the car," the older boy told them, "Wipe your feet." Dustin stuck one foot inside the car and wiped it on the inside.
"On the outside, not the inside." Dustin sat in the car and wiped his other foot on the inside of the car.
"Always the babysitter. Always the gaddamn babysitter!"

The other three opened the car doors and got in, Steve and Dustin in the front, Max, Avery and Mike in the back. Steve began to drive away from the trailer park, driving towards Ms. Kelley's house to ask her about Chrissy. They had driven for a few minutes in silence with only the quiet songs on the radio.
"Woah, Ava are you okay?" Mike asked, looking over at his girlfriend.
"Yeah, why?" she asked.
"Your nose is bleeding," the raven haired boy told her. Avery furrowed her eyebrows looking confused and felt her upper lip. She moved her finger away and saw the blood on finger.
"Oh shit. Hey Steve have you got a tissue or something in here?" Avery shouted holding her nose, to stop any of the blood from dripping on her or the seat.
"Er... yeah here," he said, passing Mike a packet of tissues. He grabbed one and held it on Avery's nose, letting the blood stop. After a minute or two, the bleeding stopped. Mike crumpled up the tissues he used to be thrown in the trash when they arrived home.
"You sure you okay?" he asked again.
"Yep," Avery smiled. Mike nodded and looked away. Avery did the same but quickly felt the familiar painful stinging sensation in her head, she quickly held onto her head with one hand groaning quietly at the pain.
"Avery, are you okay?" Mike asked again, looking at her, holding her other hand.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just another head ache," she groaned, still in agony.
"We can get you some painkillers or something when you get back to Mike's but we're here," Steve told them.
They looked out of the front window, seeing the house of Ms. Kelley.

(A/N: Hey! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Things are starting to get good now. Lowkey love Steve and Dustin's friendship, might be one of the best in the whole show can't lie. Anyway, Avery is not only getting head aches but nosebleeds now. What could be causing this? If you liked this chapter remember to vote and comment. I hope you all have/had a good day. I love you all :D)

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