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Act 1-Chapter 5: Superpowers

Lucas, Dustin and Avery were all waiting outside of school for Mike until the bell went. They all walked towards there lesson, in hope that Mike just went in early but he wasn't there.

"This is weird, he's never this late!" Dustin whispered to the two other as they looked at Mike's empty seat at the front of the class.

"I'm telling you, his tupid plan failed," Lucas stated.

" I thought you liked his plan?" Avery asked. 

"Yeah, well obviously it was a stupid plan or he would be here!" Lucas said.

"What if his mom found out a girl slept over?" Dustin asked.

"What does that make me Dustin? I sleep over all the time!" Avery joked.

"Yeah well, a girl that his mom doesn't know then. What if his mom found out a girl she doesn't know stayed over," Dustin reinterpreted his last words.

"Then he's in deep shit. I know it." Lucas claimed.

"If Mrs Wheeler tells my tells my mom," Dustin began.

"If she tells my mom, I'll never be allowed out of the house again!" Avery said.

"No way! Mike would never rat us out," Lucas explained.

"I dunno," Dustin replied not very convinced.

"All that matters if, after school the freak will be gone and back in the loony bin and we can focus on finding Will," Lucas finished, The three of them faced the front of the class and listened to Mr. Clarke begin the lesson. 


The day was boring and slow. All Avery could think about was what shit Mike had gotten himself into. The three of them got onto their bikes and rode to the Wheelers house to see what Mike was up to.

Avery knocked on the door and it was answered by Mike.

"Oh thank God your okay!" Avery cried hugging the boy in front of her.

"Yeah," he replied hugging back. Then the girl pulled away.

"Where the hell were you?" she asked the boy whose face had gone slightly pink.

"Oh right! Come on!" Mike said running up the stairs to his bedroom with the other three following him. He opened his room door and let the three of them in.

"Are you out of your mind?" Lucas asked looking at Mike who was closing the door.

"Just listen to me," Mike said.

"You are out of your mind!" Lucas concluded.

"She knows about Will!" Mike yelled, causing Lucas to stop talking.

"What do you mean she knows about Will?" Avery asked him. Mike walked over to his bookshelf and grabbed a framed photo of the four boys holding a trophey from their first win at the science fair. Avery wasn't really interested in science and never participated, that's why she wasn't in the photo.

He held the photo for all of them to see, "She pointed at him on the picture. She knew he was missing. I could tell," he told the three of them.

"You could tell?" Lucas replied.

"Just think about it. Do you really think that it is a coincidence that we found her on Mirkwood? The same place that Will  disappeared?" Mike asked.

"That is weird," Avery agreed, looking at Lucas.

"And, she said bad people are after her. I think those bad people took Will. I think she might know what happened to him," Mike admitted.

"Then why doesn't she tell us?" Lucas asked and then turned to girl sat on Mike's bed and got all in her face, "Do you know where he is? Do you know where Will is?" he began yelling at her.

"Stop your scaring her!" Mike yelled.

"She should be scared! If you know where he is, tell us!" Lucas carried on shouting at the girl. Her eyes started watering. Lucas turned away from the girl and to Mike.

"This is nuts. We have to tell your mom!" Lucas concluded.

"We can't! Eleven said telling any adult would put us all in danger!" Mike told his friends.

"What kind of danger?" Dustin asked.

"Her name is Eleven?" Lucas mocked.

"El for short," Mike said.

"Mike!" Avery yelled as he looked at her, "What kind of danger?"

"Danger danger," he answered. Mike moved his fingers into a gun position and placed it against all of his friends heads. When he did it to Lucas, his hand gets batted away.

"No, no, no! We are going back to Plan A. We're telling your mom!" Lucas says. He walked over to the bedroom door to tell Mrs. Wheeler. He opened it slightly but it instantly closed. He tried again and it happened again.

The four of them turned around in unison towards Eleven who now had blood dripping out of her nose, looking angry.

"No," she said staring at them all.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapted. If you did please vote and comment since it tells me you liked it!)

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