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Act 1-Chapter 4: The weirdo on Maple Street

"Is there a number we can call, for your parents?" Mike asked the girl from the woods who was sat on his couch.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Dustin asked.

"Dustin! You can't just ask people if they have cancer!" Avery scolded. The three boys kept on asking the girl question about who she was and where she was from.

"All right guys, that's enough! She's just scared and cold. Mike go and get her some clean clothes from the laundry," Avery demanded. He ran off to the laundry basket and grabbed some sweat pants and a sweat shirt. He hands the clothes to the girland she stands up and takes off Mike's coat that he leant her. She then begins to take the yellow top off. Dustin and Lucas turn away, whilst Mike and Avery hold her hands down to stop her. The two of them lead her to the bathroom at the back of the basement.

The girl walks in and Avery begins to shut the door when the girl stops her.

"You don't want it closed?" Avery asked.

"No," the girl quietly replied.

"So you can speak!" Mike said happily.

Mike shut the foor but left it open a tiny bit.

"Is that good?" Avert asked her.

"Yes," she replied quietly again. The two of them smiled and walked back towards Lucas and Dustin, leaving the girl in privacy to change.

"This is mental," Dustin stated.

"At least she can speak," Avery said.

"She said "No" and "yes". Mike your three year old sister says more than that!" Lucas excalimed.

"She tried to get naked!" Dustin put out in the open.

"There is something wrong with her, like, wrong in the head," Lucas insisted, pointing and poking his finger to his head.

"She went like," Dustin said and proceeded to mime pulling his top off. After a few seconds of silence, Lucas spoke.

"I bet she escaped from Pennhurst!" he suggested.

"From where?" Mike asked him.

"That nuthouse in Kerley County," he told the group.

"You got a lotta family there?" Dustin teased him.

"Bite me," Lucas replied looking at his friend and putting his hands on his hips. He then turned to face Mike and Aveyr and finish his suggestion, "Seriously though, think about it. It would explain the shaved head and why she is so crazy."

"And why she went like," Dustin mimed taking his top off again.

"The point is, she an escapee. She's probably a physco!" Lucas claimed.

"Like Michael Myers," Dustin stated.

"Exactly!" Lucas said pointing at Dustin in agreement. The other two roll their eyes and go and sit on the couch behind Dustin and Lucas.

"We never should've brought her here!" Lucas said, turning around to face the two sat down.

"So you just want to leave her out in the storm?" Avery asked him.

"Yes! We went out to find your brother! Not some other problem," Lucas said.

"I think we should tell your mom Mike," Dustin suggested. Lucas nodded at him.

"Who's crazy now," Mike rolled his eyes and throwing his hands up in the air.

"How is that crazy?" Lucas questioned.

"We weren't supposed to be out tonight!" Mike said.

"So..." Lucas said waiting for an explaination.

"So, if I tell my mom, she'll tell your mom," he said looking at Lucas, "your mom," he looked at Dustin, "And your mom!" he finished looking at Avery.

"Our houses become Alcatraz," Lucas replied.

"Then we never get home," Avery said. Lucas looked at Lucas to see what he thought. All he did was mime taking his top off and shrug. Mike tells them all the plan and they all leave.

(A/N: A bit of a shorter chapter but if you enjoyed it, please vote and comment :D)

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