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Act 1-Chapter 17: Sensory deprivation tank

Dustin called Mr. Clarke on information for making a sensory deprivation tank, the thing that El needed for them to find Will and Barb. He grabbed a note book and started writing down everything that their teacher was telling them word for word. After a few minutes, he put the phone down.

"Do you still have that kiddie pool we bobbed for apples in?" Dustin asked Joyce.

"I think so," she replied, looking at her kids who nodded at her.

"Good, then we just need salt and lots of it," Dustin told them.

"How much is lots?" Hopper asked the boy at the end of the table.

Dustin looked down at the paper and then back to the group and said, "1500 pounds."

"Where are we gonna get that much salt?" Nancy asked.

The group made their way to the school, they would use salt that you put on the ground after it snows, to make it less slippy. They decided that Johnathan and Hopper would get all the salt, Nancy and Mike would get hoses, Lucas, Dustin and Avery would set up the pool and Joyce would be making black-out goggles for El so she wouldn't see anything.

Dustin was rolling it along the school hall floor, getting it to a good position to set it up. They untied it and layed it out.

"How does this even work?" Dustin asked them, after the edges fell down once they layed it flat.

The three kept pulling it out evenly and after a few minutes, they actually layed it out properly. 

Everyone brought their collective items they were sent to get into the hall and began filling up the pool to the correct temperature.

"Colder!" Lucas shouted to Nancy who was controlling the taps, "Warmer!" he shouted at her again, "Right there!" Nancy let the taps run for a second and then turned them off when the pool was full enough.

Hopper and Johnathan sliced the bags of salt open, pouting them into the pool. Then, Dustin tested an egg to see if it would float, it didn't. So, more salt was added. He tried again, and it floated. 

Mike set up the walkie talkie to be static sounds again, whilst El took off his watch and her socks. Joyce gave her the goggles and she got into the pool. After a few seconds, the lights began to flicker. Everyone was sat in silence, watching El laying in the pool.

"Barbara?" El whispered, the group all moved slightly closer in anticipation.

Suddenly, El began breathing slightly heavier. The light above went out.

"What's going on?" Nancy asked.

"I don't know," Mike replied, hoping El was okay.

"Is Barb okay? Is she okay?" Nancy questioned the girl in the bath.

"Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone! Gone! Gone!" El yelled. Joyce grabbed onto her arm in support, telling her it would be okay.

"Castle Byers," El told them. That was where Will was, "Will."

"Will?" Joyce asked, happily, "You tell him. Tell him I'm coming. Mom is coming!" 

El repeated what Joyce just said to Will. His voice came through the walkie-talkie saying, 'hurry'.

"Okay, You tell him to stay where he is! We're coming! We're coming okay? We're coming!" Joyce demanded. Once again, El repeated it.

"Will! Will! Will! Will!" El began yelling, hyperventilating a few seconds after. Eventually, she ripped the goggles off and carried on breathing heavily. Joyce hugged her as El's breathing began to slowly slow down again.


The party were sat on the bleachers warming El up with a towel whilst Hopper asked Joyce questions about Will's whereabouts in the Upside Down. After a few seconds, Joyce and Hopper went to the Upside Down whilst the rest of them waited at the school for them. For about half an hour, the party was sat in silence, not knowing where Nancy and Johnathan were. Eventually, Mike went up to check where the older silblings were.

"There gone!" Mike told them all, storming back into the gym.

"What?" Avery asked, sitting up from her lying down position on the bleachers.

"Nancy and Johnathan. His car's gone," he informed them all.

"They're probably just sucking face somewhere," Dustin laughed.



"No! No way!"

 "Did they go with the chief?" Dustin asked him. The black haired boy stood up infront shrugged.

 "No," El whispered.

"What?" Mike said.

"Did yousee them? Do you know where they are?" Avery asked, hoping she hadn't lost another brother to the Demogornan. El nodded, "Where? Where did they go?"


The five had been sat down alone for about ten minutes, begining to get bored and irritated.

"Guys! This is crazy! We can't just wait around!" Mike told them all, very visibly bored of waiting for everyone.

"Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us," Lucas answered.

"Yeah, and we don't know where you're sister and Ava's brother is," Dustin butted in.

"El can find them!" Mike said happily.

"Mike, look at her!" Avery yelled from behind them, hugging El and comforting her.

"I still think we should stick to the chiefs plan," Dustin said.

"Exactly, we stay here, keep El out of sight and keep her safe. That's the most important thing. Remember?" Lucas agreed, "Besides, she's okay, she's with Johnathan."

"Yeah, and she's kinda a bad ass now so," Dustin said and then began to walk away from the group.

"Well, where are you going? You just said stick to the plan!" Mike yelled after him.

"I am. I'm just gonna get some chocolate pudding. I'm telling you, lunch lady Phyllis hoards that shit!" he yelled walking towards the door.

"Are you serious!" Avery asked him.

"El needs to be recharged!" he finished and walked through the doors. Lucas and El followed Dustin into the kitchen whilst Mike and Avery found a seat in the cafeteria. 

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