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Act 2- Chapter 9: The lab

Joyce, Avery, Mike and Bob were surrounding a crying, screaming Will who was being wheeled on a stretcher in Hawkins lab to an available room. He had a breathing mask and was clinging onto his arms as he wriggled around on the stretcher in pain. Mrs. Byers was holding onto the side of the stretcher, reassuring Will (who was not paying any attention and was focusing on the pain) that it would be okay. 

Eventually, a free room was found and they placed Will on the bed, checking his heartrate and temperature. 

"Will, where does it hurt?" one of the doctors asked.

"All over!" he cried.

"He says he feels liek he's burning. Check for burns," Doctor Owens demanded, as another doctor began to cut Wills shirt to do what was asked.

"Where does it hurt most Will?" The same doctor as before asked him after seeing no burns on him.

"Everywhere! Everywhere!" he shouted loudly.

Will was then injected with a needle to put him to sleep so they could easily check him. Mrs. Byers was clinging onto Bob whilst crying whilst Avery was holding onto Mikes hand, trying to stay strong but struggling when seeing her brother in so much pain. 


Mrs. Byers and a few doctors went into another room to discuss everything that was going on with Will. Bob, Mike and Avery were staring at a sleeping Will, praying that he would be okay when he woke up. After a while Mike and Avery fell asleep on the uncomfortable chairs after being awake all night. They woke up after hearing Bob shouting for a doctor that Will had woken up.

"Sweetie, how you feeling? You okay?" Joyce asked crouching down next to the bed with her youngest son on.

"Okay, they're on their way," Bob told them, coming back into the room. He walked over to Joyce and  stood behind her. "Hey," he said to Will.

"Who is that?" Will asked his mother, getting the attention of Mike and Avery, causing them to sit up properly.  


"It's me, big guy. It's Bob," he chuckled, confused.

"Are you a doctor?" Will questioned.

"No. No, it's just me. Just... just Bob," Bob told Will slightly sadly.

After a few minutes, the doctors came in. Everyone was stood scattered around the room whilst the doctors were running some tests. 

"Do you know your name?" Doctor Owens asked him.


"Your full name?" He asked.

"William Byers,"

"Do you know who I am?" Owens quizzed.

"A doctor,"

"Have we met before?" Doctor Owens asked.

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