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Act 2-Chapter 10: The solution

"Eleven?" Mike said, walking up to her.

"Mike," she sighed happily, hugging him.

"Is that..." Max asked, the other three nodded at her.

"I never gave up on you," he told her, "I called you every night. Every night for-"

"353 days," she finished for him, "I heard."

"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?" he questioned.

"Because I wouldn't let her," Hopper said, taking a step towards the two, "The hell is this? Where you been?"

"Where have you been?" El repeated. Hopper pulled El into a hug and the two embraced for a second.

"You've been hiding her?" Avery asked stepping towards Mike to talk to Hopper.

"You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike shouted, charging head first at Hopper and punching him in the stomach weakly.

"Hey!" Hopper yelled, "Let's talk. Alone."

Hopper and Mike went into a seperate room to talk leaving the rest of the party to greet El. Eleven looked between them all, occasionally giving Max an angry stare.

"El," Avery smiled, bringing Eleven into a hug, "I missed you so so much."

"Me to," she replied, hugging back. The two released each other and she moved over to Dustin and Lucas.

"We missed you as well," Lucas said, him and Dustin hugging her.

"I missed you two to," El replied. 

"We talked about you pretty much everyday," Dustin chuckled as the three pulled away from their hug, all of them smiling at El.

"Teeth," El said, poking her hand in Dustins mouth.

"What?" he asked, stepping back a bit.

"You have teeth," she said. Dustin, Lucas and Avery all looked at each other, chuckling at El's discovery.

"Oh, you like these pearls?" Dustin laughed, purring and showing off his teeth.

"Dustin," Avery said walking next to him, patting him on the shoulder, "Never do that again."

"Eleven?" Max said, walking closer to the group, "Hey. Um, I'm Max. I've heard a lot about you." she put her hand out for Eleven to shake but she ignored it and walked over to Joyce, hugging her as well.

"Hey. Hey, sweetheart," Joyce whispered.

"Can I see him?" El asked, talking about Will.

El was taken into Will's room where he was laying on his bed, still unconscious with Joyce following behind her. As those two left, Mike and Hopper returned back into the main room.

After a few minutes, El and Joyce moved out of Will's bedroom and back towards the kitchen table. El was looking at somehting on the table. Avery walked over to the two of them, causing everyone else to follow her.

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