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Act 1-Chapter 14: The cliff

The three of them were still biking, looking around for El. At one point, they biked by a now-destoryed shop which El had definitely raided. You could see that the doors were destoryed from her power and police were talking to the owners, asking questions about what happened.

It was around 3:00pm now. They started at around 9:00am. They were all shouting for El in the woods, praying that they wouldn't be out for too long and that they would find El. Eventually Mike stopped suddenly, causing the others to stop as well.

"Guys, do you hear that?" he asked them. They kept shouting for her, thinking that the noise they had heard was El. They turned around and saw two people walking towards them. Two people who were easily recognisable. Two people who would be the worst people to see right now. James and Troy.

"Hey there, frog face, toothless, Avery," Troy said, carrying on walking towards them.

"Shit! Run guys! Run!" Dustin yelled, dropping his bike with the other two copying him and running to.

"You're dead Wheeler!" Troy yelled, chasing after them. 

They kept running and running and running. They didn't know how long for but it was a while. Eventually, they arrived at the top of a cliff.

"Ahh! Cramp!" Dustin yelled.

"Just keep going! Keep going!" Mike told him, not wanting to get caught by the two close behind them.

Dustin did as told and kept running. James came out from in front of them. They turned around with Troy behind them. They were cornered. Dustin held a stick to protect, whilst Mike grabbed a rock to protect him.

"Stay back! Don't come any closer!" Mike yelled. The two didn't listen and tried enclosing the three of them in between. Mike threw the rock at James but missed by a big distance. 

"Nice throw, numbnuts!" James laughed. Dustin decided, to charge at Troy at try and hit him with a stick. With a war cry, he did just that. And missed. Troy grabbed him, putting his arm around his neck, keeping him from moving,holding a knife up to his neck. Dustin dropped the stick and grabbed his arm.

The two left, looked at the scene in front, whilst James snook up behind and grabbed Avery. Pulling her back and keeping her arms behind her, leaving Mike in the middle, all alone. 

"Get off! Get off me!" Dustin yelled.

"Let me go you shit!" Avery shouted to.

"Let them go! Let them go!" Mike demanded.

"Stay back! Or I cut him!" Troy told him.

"What do you want!" Mike asked, not wanting anything to happen to any of his friends.

"I wanna know how you did it!" Troy told him. Mike looked at him confused, "I know you did something to me! Some nerdy science shit to make me do that!"

"You mean piss your pants?" Avery laughed.

"Our friend has superpowers! And she squeezed your tiny bladder with her mind!" Dustin said, 100% truthfully.

"Shut up!" the boy behind him shouted, moving the knife closer to Dustin's mouth, "I think I should save toothless here a trip to the dentist. Help him lose the rest of his baby teeth!"

"Let them go!" Mike yelled at the two of them again.

"I'll let him go! Sure, but first it's your turn!" Troy told him. Mike looked at him confused again, "wet yourself."


"Jump! Or toothless here gets an early trip to the dentist," he told him. Mike stayed silent, "I'll cut him right now!"

"Alright! Just hold on! Hold on!" Mike told the two bullies either side of him.

"Mike don't!" Avery told him.

"Yeah, don't do it! I don't need my baby teeth!" Dustin told him. He ignored the two of them and walked towards the cliff edge.

Mike walked closer and closer to the edge, his two friends begging him not to jump. He stared down into the waters below them all, knowing what was going to happen after he leapt. His toes were slightly over the edge of the cliff, he was getting ready to step off.

"Mike, don't do it!" Avery shouted at him.

"Seriously! Don't do it man!" Dustin yelled

"Troy, I don't think this is a good idea man!" James told his friend, knowing the consequences. His friend stayed quiet. Dustin and Avery were still trying to persuade him not to jump.

"Dentists office opens in 5! 4! 3! 2!" Troy yelled, Avery aggrisively stamped on James' foot, causing him to release her. She ran at full speed over to the cliffs edge. But it was too late. Just as she got there, Mike had jumped.

"Mike!" She yelled, kneeling down at the edge. The other three ran over to see him floating. He eventually floated up and landed on the cliff. Avery looked around and saw what saved him. El.

Her blonde wig was gone and she was covered in dirt. Her nose was bleeding (after just using her powers) and she looked pissed.

She stared at James, making him slide and trip back wards. She then moved her gaze towards Troy, tilted her head to the side and broke his arm.

"She broke my arm! My arm!" Troy scream.

"Go," El demanded menacingly. 

"Yeah that's right! You better run! She's our fried, and she's crazy! You come back here, she'll kill you! You hear me? She'll kill you, you sons of bitches!" Dustin screamed, during that Avery ran up to Mike and engulfed him in a huge hug, suprising him.

"Never do that again, you hear me!" She told him. 

"I won't," he replied, hugging her back.

El eventually fell to the gorund, using too much power. The three all ran over to her to see if she was okay. 

"Mike. I'm sorry," she said.

"Sorry? What are you sorry for?" he asked her.

"The gate. I opened it. I'm the monster," she cried.

"No. No El, you're not the monster," Mike began, "You saved me. Do you understand? You saved me." 

Mike pulled her into a hug. Dustin and Avery looked at each other and smiled, joining in with it. It was hard to believe everything that happened in the past few days had actually happened.

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