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Act 4~Chapter 7: Max's letters

Steve had came back down stairs in a slight mood after being forced to babysit once again as Nancy and Robin can down stairs (Robin in a completely different outfit that looked a lot more professional than what she originally was wearing) to say goodbye and to grab a walkie talkie in case anything happens for quick and easy contact.

About half an hour after the two girls had left, they were still sat in the basement in silence whilst Max was still sat at the desk doing whatever she was doing. Mike, Avery and Steve were sat on the sofa and Dustin and Lucas were sat on the two chairs next to it, all five of them staring at the back of Max's head.
"I know you guys are staring at me," the red head said, still not turning around.
"What, sorry?"
"You said you needed something?"
"Just hanging out."
"How you think your eyes boring into the back of my head is protecting me from Vecna, I don't know," she said, collecting whatever she was doing and turning around in her chair and standing up, walking towards them. However, the five of them were trying to not look at Max. Steve was throwing a ball in the air, Dustin and Lucas were reading, and Mike and Avery were sharing a random magazine that Nancy had left down there, not necessarily paying attention to what it was actually about.
"You can look at me now," Max allowed, shrugging.
"Thank you. Sorry."
They all put their distractions down and looked back to their friend. Max sighed and shuffled through some papers that were in her hand and picked some out.
"For you," she said, handing one to Dustin, "For you," she moved onto Steve, "You guys," she passed two to Mike and Avery, "And, um, you." she passed a final one to Lucas, "Oh, and, um, Ava, give these to El and Will when you get back to California," she passed two letters to Avery.
"Oh... Um, I don't know if that's a good idea," Avery said, knowing she may not be here by the end of spring break.
"Why?" Max asked.
"My..." she thought, "I'm just that clumsy, I'll just y'know, lose them."
"Yeah, okay. Mike can you look after them and just give them to Ava when she leaves?" Max asked, moving them to Mike.
"Yeah," he grabbed them, "What are they anyway?"
"They're--" she began, before she saw Dustin start opening his, "What are you doing? No, don't. That's not for now. Don't open it now."
"Don't... okay," Dustin apologised, closing the letter.
"So what are they?" Avery asked.
"It's, um... it's a fail-safe," she explained, "For after. If things don't work out."
"Wait, whoa. Max, things are gonna work out," Lucas said.
"No!" the red haired girl shook her head, "No, I don't need you to reassure me and tell me it's all gonna work out. Because, people have been telling me that my entire life and it's almost never true. It's never true. I mean of course this asshole curses me. Should've seen that one coming."
The group were in silence before Max walked over to the small table that the party would play DnD on. Max picked up the walkie talkie and looked at it.
"If we go to East Hawkins, will this reach Pennhurst?" she asked.
"Of course. Yeah," Dustin agreed.
"Why are we talking about East Hawkins?" Steve questioned. Max didn't say anything but looked at the older boy, "No. No. No!" he answered understanding what Max was asking.


Max walked towards Steve's car, ignoring the boys protests who was following behind her, with the other four following behind him.
"Max, Max. Seriously," he said, "Seriously, I'm not joking. I'm not driving you anywhere."
"Come on Max, wouldn't you rather be inside? Y'know? Safe?" Mike agreed, catching up with Steve.
"Guys, if you think I'm gonna spend what is likely the last day of my life in the armpit that is Mike Wheeler's basement, then your out of your mind," Max told them, "So, either take me where I need to go or tie me down, which is technically kidnapping of a minor. And if I live to see another day, Steve, I swear to God, I will prosecute."
Max walked over to the door, going to open it, when the handle didn't do anything. She tried again but it once again didn't open.
"Open the door," she demanded.
"Uh, no," Steve replied.
"I know a good lawyer," the red head told him.
Steve looked between the car and Max, Max's face did not change emotion. She glared at the older boy, waiting for him to open the door.
"Come on Steve, just open it," Avery sighed, "If it's her last day on earth, surely you should let her do what she wants."
Steve sighed and got the keys out of his pocket and walked to the door, putting the key in the lock.
"Henderson, that super walkie of yours better reach Pennhurst," Steve sighed, getting in the car with the other four following. Max had thrown her bag into the car before she turned around. The red haired girl looked behind her, looking into the distance before she got into the car and shut the door behind her.


The party was driving to the trailer park, the first in place that Max wanted them to go. They were in complete silence, minus the rather quiet singing on the radio. When they arrived, Steve parked at Max's trailer.
"This better be fast, Mayfield," Steve sighed, turning the car off.
"Twenty seconds," she agreed, grabbing her backpack and getting out of the car. The other five were watching, waiting for Max to turn back around and walk to the car.
"This things got batteries in it, right?" Steve asked, picking up the walkie talkie, not knowing the answer to the very obvious question.
"I'm not even answering that question," Dustin replied, turning away from the older boy. Steve turned towards the other three to see if they would reply, but they shook their head, not answering the obvious question.
"Yes, it has batteries," Dustin eventually answered, noticing Steve's obliviousness.
"Yeah, I got it." They sat in silence, waiting for Max once more.

It was a lot longer than 20 seconds since Max left. They began getting a bit worried, wondering where she was. Should they have left her alone if she was going to inevitably die? Probably not. Moments after they got out of the car begin looking for her, Max ran over to the car.
"Hey. That was longer than 20 seconds," Steve said, getting ignored but the red haired girl, "Hey, whoa, whoa. You all right?"
"I'm fine. Just drive," she answered, quickly getting in the car.
"Did something happen?" Avery asked, following the other girls actions by getting in the car.
"Can we please just go?" Max asked, ignoring the questions. Steve did as Max said, pulling out of the driveway to the next location Max wanted to go to.

"Turn here," Max insisted, after a while of silence.
"Here?" Dustin asked, recognising the directions the Max was giving them. The red haired girl nodded. Steve turned the corner as Max instructed, the other four seeing the sign name "Hawkins Cemetery". When Steve stopped, Max instantly got out of the car, walking towards one of the graves. Lucas followed, trying to stop her. They couldn't hear what was being said, but when Lucas got back in, he looked very defeated.

The group were sat in the vehicle, staring through the window at Max, who was sitting in front of one of the graves reading a letter. Avery presumed it was Billy's grave and a letter to him that she was reading. She put the letter back in its envelope, but didn't move. Steve impatiently looked at his watch, seeing how long she was gone for.
"All right, it's been long enough," he said, opening the door and getting out. Dustin, Lucas, Avery and Mike had gotten out of car, whilst the older boy was sat in the front with the window open.
"Steve, just give her some time," Lucas said.
"I have, all right Sinclair?" he said, "I'm calling it. She wants to get a lawyer, she can."
Steve turned around and continued walking towards the girl. When he eventually got to her, he looked down at her, saying something. He then crouched down next to her, placing his hands on her shoulders.
"Guys!" he shouted, getting their attention. The four of them ran over, worried about what was going on.
Once they got to the two, they looked down at the situation. Max was sat, still in front of the grave, her legs crossed. Her eyes were completely white and her pupils were very pale and rolled slightly to the back of her head. Something was wrong with her and it was very clear what.
Vecna had gotten her.

(A/N: Sorry there wasn't an update last week, I had my work experience so i was busy and I was ill. Also, its a bit of a cliffhanger (even though most people already know what is gonna happen). Max is about to die and has given everyone letters as a final goodbye. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did, make sure to vote and comment. Remember to eat and drink enough. I love you and I hope you have a good day/night! :D)

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