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Act 4~Chapter 6: Nancy and Robin's plan

"I don't know how long I have. All I know is that, for Fred and Chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision. And I just saw that goddamn clock, so..." Max began, taking a big, shaky breath, "looks like I'm gonna die tomorrow."
The group were silent. Max's inevitable death wasn't something they wanted to talk about. Their thoughts were quickly interrupted but a loud clanging noise in the distance.
"Stay here," Steve told them, walked to the door, grabbing a lamp on the way out. He slowly walked out, holding the lamp up to try and defend himself from whatever the source of the noise was. The group slowly followed him, disobeying the instructions that were given to them, using their flash lights to allow Steve to see. They suddenly heard footsteps coming their way very quickly. Someone was running towards them. Steve held up the lamp ready to attack. The thing turned the corner towards them as Dustin lifted the flashlight to see what was directly in front of them.

None other than Lucas Sinclair was there, holding his hands up and jumping backwards, screaming in fear at the others, not realising that it was his friends in front of him. The others screamed, also jumping back in fear, not realising it was their friend in front of them.
"It's me!" Lucas shouted before Steve could attack him.
"It's me," he repeated, lowering his hands
"Jesus, what's wrong with you Sinclair!" Steve yelled.
"I'm sorry."
"I could've taken you out with this lamp!" the older boy said loudly.
"Sorry, guys. Sorry," Lucas panted, trying to regain his breath, "I was... I was biking for eight miles. Give me a second. Shit," Lucas regained his breath and looked at the group, "We've got a code red."
"Dustin," Lucas said, walking towards the curly haired boy, "I've been with Jason, Patrick and Andy, and they've gone like totally off the rails. They're trying to capture Eddie, and they think you know where he is. You're in terrible danger."
"All right. Yeah, that definitely sucks, but we've got bigger problems than Jason right now," Dustin informed his friend.


The eight of them decided to go to the Wheeler's for a few nights so they could all stick together until this Vecna business was done with. Nancy and Robin were showing them what they had found in the library.
"Okay, be honest. Uh..." Steve began, reading over one of the articles, "You guys understand any of this?"
"No idea what any of this means."
"Pretty straightforward," Dustin shrugged.
"Oh, straightforward, really?" Steve asked, not buying what Dustin was saying.
"What's confusing to you?" the curly haired boy asked, "So far, everyone Vecna has cursed has died, except for this old Victor Creel dude Nancy found. He's the only know survivor. If anyone knows how to beat this curse, it's him."
"Yeah, that's assuming he was cursed, which we don't even know. How can Vecna have existed on the '50s? It doesn't make sense," Steve explained, rubbing his head in confusion.
"Far as we know, Eleven didn't create the Upside Down," Dustin said, "She opened a gate to it. The Upside Down has probably been around for thousands of years. Millions. I wouldn't be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs? What are we--" Steve began, not understanding what Dustin was talking about.
"Okay, Okay. But if a gate didn't exist in the '50s, how did Vecna get through?" Lucas asked.
"How's he getting through now?" Steve continued.
"And why now?" Avery added.
"And why then? Just pops out in the '50s, kills one family and he's like, "I'm good." And poof, he just disappears. Just... gone?" the older boy asked, "Only to return 30 years later and start killing random teens? No I don't buy it. Straightforward, my ass. Honestly, Henderson, a little humility now and then, it wouldn't hurt you."
Steve sat down in the spare chair, looking over the article again, in complete silence. Max was sat at the desk on the opposite side of the basement, writing something. Avery looked over at her, slowly moving away from boyfriend's arm around her shoulder to see if she could see what her best friend was doing.
"Any idea what she's writing?" the girl asked, moving back into her boyfriends arms. Steve looked over his shoulder at the red haired girl to see if he could figure it out.
"Did she sleep?" Mike asked.
"I mean, would you?" Lucas asked. Avery looked down, she didn't sleep that night knowing she was going to die within the week, she couldn't imagine what Max was thinking, knowing that she was going to die the next day.

Before the conversation could continue, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. They turned around and saw Nancy and Robin walking down them, clearly wanting to say something.
"Okay, so..." Nancy began, "we have a plan." Nancy and Robin sat down with the other four and explained their plan.
"Thanks to Nancy's newspaper minions, we are now rock-star psychology students at the University of Notre Dame," Robin told them.
"I'm now Ruth," Nancy said.
"And I'm Rose," Robin finished.
"Ruth?" Steve asked, Nancy shrugged.
"Nice GPA," Dustin said, looking through Nancy's file.
"Thanks," she smiled, "So we called Pennhurst Asylum, told them we'd like to speak with Victor Creel for a thesis we're co-writing on paranoid schizophrenics--"
"To which they said no," Robin added.
"But we landed a three o'clock with the director," Nancy took back control.
"Now all we have to do is charm him and convince him to let us talk to Victor," Robin said.
"Then maybe we can rid Max of this curse," Nancy finished, finally.
"About that," Steve said, looking at Max, "We've been doing our Victor Creel homework, and, uh... we got some questions."
"Lots of questions," Mike added.
"So do we. Hopefully Victor has the answers," Nancy said.
"Wait... Wait... Wait a second. Uh..." Steve looked through the two files belonging to Robin and Nancy, "Where's mine?"

Nancy and Robin looked at one another, pondering what to say without being too harsh, when they finally told him that it would be better if he stayed behind to look after the kids and to protect Max and possibly help with however this death could occur. Before Steve could object, Nancy and Robin went upstairs to find a suitable outfit for Robin to wear to Pennhurst, however Steve went running behind them, wanting to object and get a proper answer, leaving the Party alone in the basement.

(A/N: Bit of a shorter chapter but oh well. I'm nowhere near the end of this fanfic yet but I already have like five ones planned, so Im prepared for the next like many years. Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to vote and comment and remember to eat and drink enough! Hope everyone has a good day/night! I love you all :D)

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