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Act 1-chapter 6: The board.

The four of them sat at the Wheeler's dinner table with the rest of Mike's family. All of the picking at the food.

"Something wrong with the meatloaf?" Karen asked the four of them.

"No. I just had two bolognasandwiches at lunch. I don't know why," Dustin told the women.

"Me too," Lucas agreed.

"I'm not very hungry," Avery said.

"It's delicious mommy," Nancy smiled taking another bite of the meal.

"Thank you sweetie," Mrs. Wheeler replied.

"So, there's this special assembly tonight for Will on the school field. Barb's driving," Nancy told her mother.

"Why am I just hearing about this?" Mrs. Wheeler asked her putting the fork down.

"I thought you knew," Nancy mutterd in response

"I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will is found!" Karen replied.

After a minute of persuasion, Karen finally gave in and allowed Nancy to go to the school field.

"Why don't you take the boys and Avery as well?" Karen asked looking at the four of them.

"No!" They all yelled in sync.

Mrs. Wheeler kept talking when Avery heard someone walking down the stairs. She turned around to see what it was. She saw Eleven walking down the stairs from Mike's room to the basement. She gently kicked Mike in the shin to alert him about El and quickly pointed her head in the direction of her. The raven haired boy turned around, taking a drink of milk and saw her walking. He quickly turned back around, and choked on the milk. The family turned to face Mike, but Dustin hit his hand on the table, so they would turn away from the girl walking down the stairs.

"Sorry, spasm," Dustin apologised. The four looked around at each other, hoping that El had arrived at the basement. Holly, the youngest Wheeler sibling, suddently began to cry due to the loud noise of Dustin fist.

"It's ok Holly, it's just a loud noise," Karen said, picking Holly up and taking her to calm down.

Nancy looked at Dustin, "nice," she said as she got up and went to get changed for the assembly.


The four of them walked down to the basement. Mike was in front, holding a plate of left-over meatloaf from their meal.

"El?" Mike asked, looking around for the girl. They all saw her laying down on the couch.

"No adults. Just us, and some meat loaf!" Avery smiled at the girl. Mike knelt down and passed the tray to Eleven. She said nothing and warily looked up at Dustin and Lucas.

"Don't worry. They won't tell anyone about you. They promise, right?" Mike said, looking up at the two.

"We never would've upset you if we knew you had superpowers," Dustin admitted. Avery smacked him around the back of his head, in punishment for his bad choice of words.

"Ow!" He yelled, rubbing the back of his head, and looking at the girl stood next to him.

"What he meant to say was, they were just scared earlier. That's all," Avery said to El and knelt down next to Mike.

"We just wanted to find our friend," Lucas said to her.

"Friend?" El asked, looking up at Lucas.

"Yeah friend, Will," Lucas replied.

"What is friend?" El asked him, loking confused.

"Is she serious?" Lucas asked looking at Dustin in annoyance. Dustin said nothing and just shrugged.

"Erm... a friend is someone who..." Lucas began.

"A friend is someone that you'd do anything for," Mike continued on after him.

"You lend them your cool stuff, like trading cards and comic books," Dustin explained.

"And they never break a promise," Avery finished.

"Especially when their is spit," Lucas added.

"Spit?" El asked him.

"A spit swear means," Lucas spat into his hand, "You never break your word. A bond," he clasps his hand into Dustins.

"That's super important. Beause friends, they tell each other things. Things that parents don't know," Mike finished looking at El.

They all sat in silence when El stood up and sat down at the table with the DnD set on.

"What's the weirdo doing?" Lucas asked sitting up on his elbows from his lying down position on the basement floor.

"Can you stop calling her a weirdo?" Avery asked, repeating the move that Lucas just did on a seperate part of the floor. He ignored her, staring at the girl sat at the table. She rested her hands on the board and closed her eyes.

"El?" Mike asked, standing up and walking over to the table signalling the others to follow him. El eventually opened her eyes and picks up the wizard figure from the board, which was Will's character.

"Will," El said quietly.

"Did you see him? On Mirkwood? Do you know where he is?" Avery asked the girl. El didn't reply. Instead she swiped off all the characters from the board, causing them to fall on the floor. She flipped the board upside down. She placed the wizard figure in the centre of the board.

"Hiding," she said.

"Will is hiding?" Avery asked the girl, El nodded in response, "from the bad men?" El shook her head.

"Then from who?" Mike joined in. El picked up one of the figures from the floow and gently placed it next to the Wizard figurine. It was the same two-headed monster from the campaign a few nights before. The demogorgon.

 (A/N: Pretend I have update since last week. If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment. Also Happy Halloween if you celebrate that! If not hope you have or had a good day :D)

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