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Act 1-Chapter 19: Everything is normal

Will had been saved from the Upside Down, however, he was in hospital after being in there for two long, and being killed by the different atmosphere. If it wasn't for Hopper and Joyce knowing CPR, he would be dead.

Everyone was sat in the hospital waiting room, waiting to be allowed in the room to see Will. Dustin and Lucas had fallen asleep, but Avery and Mike were too stressed to sleep. After a few minutes, Johnathan walked in and nodded at the two.

"Guys! Guys! Will's up! Guys! Get up!" Avery and Mike yelled at the two. After they woke up, they ran into Will's room. 

"Byers!" Mike yelled, immediately running up to Will and hugging him. 

"Be careful! Be careful!" Joyce told them. Lucas and Dustin ran up and joined in the hug.

"Scooch! Let me see my brother!" Avery demanded, pushing through them to hug her brother. 

"You won't believe what happened when you were gone man!" Lucas told him.

"It was mental!" Dustin added.

"You had a funeral!"

"Jennifer Hayes was crying!" 

"Troy peed himself in front of the whole school!"

Will began to cough violently. 

"You okay?" Avery asked, sitting on the bottom of the bed, grabbing onto her bbrothers hand.

"It got me. The demogorgon," Will said sadly.

"We know," Dustin told him.

"Don't worry! It's dead!" Avery said.

"We've made a new friend. She stopped it. She saved us! But, she's gone now," Mike informed.

"Her names Eleven,"

"Like the number?" Will asked.

"We call her El, for short,"

"She is basically a wizard,"

"She has super powers,"

"More like yoda,"

"She flipped a van! With her mind!"

Then they all started speaking over each other. After about an hour of talking to Will, they had to go, visiting times were over. They still visited everyday until Will got escused from the hospital about a month later.


It was now Christmas Eve, the party were in Mike's basement playing a game of DnD.

"Something is coming. Something Angry. Something hungry for blood," Mike began, "It is almost here."

"What is it?" Will asked excitedly.

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