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Act 3~Chapter 6: Billy Hargrove and Heather Holloway

Avery, El and Max decided to investigate what happened to Billy. The chose to look around his room so they went to Max's house.

"It's gonna start pouring soon," Max pointed out, looking at the very gray sky, "We should be at the mall or, like, watching a movie or something."

"You don't believe me?" El asked the two girls.

"We believe you saw something, El," Avery told her, "I mean, you said Mike sensed you in there before. Maybe it was just like that. Maybe Billy just sensed you somehow."

"But the screams," El defended.

"Yeah, I know, but, here's the thing," Max began, "When Billy is alone with a girl, they make like, really crazy noises."

"They scream?" the girl asked.

"Yeah, but, like... happy screams," Max explained.

"Happy screams? What is happy screams?" El questioned.

"It's like..." Max looked at Avery for help, but she just shook her head and chuckled, "You know what, I'm just lend you my mom's Cosmo.

"His cars not here," Avery said.

"You really wanna do this?" Max asked.

El nodded and the three went on forwards towards the front door. Max lead them to Billy's room so they could look around to see if there was anything suspicious that could help them understand what El saw. His room was extremely messy, with posters of women in bathing suits and empty beer bottles scattered all over the place, a plate with used cigarrettes was laying next to his bed.

"Why do I get the feeling that we are gonna find all kinds of wrong in here?" Avery said, crossing her arms over her body.

Max walked over to his bedside table, opening the draw being greeted by a collection of adult magazines.

"Ugh, gag me with a spoon," she groaned, closing the draw. The three girls walked into Billy's bathroom, Avery turning on the light and looked around. El stopped, looking into the bathtub, calling the other two over, Avery and Max went over and looked in as well.

"Ice. It's just ice," Max said, comfortingly, picking up one of the empty bags of ice and looking at it, "It's probably for his muscles or something. He works out like a maniac."

Max dropped the bag back into the water, when El looked around. She noticed something on one of the cabinets. Blood. Avery and Max noticed her walking towards it and watched her open the cabinet and watched her pull out a box.

"El, what is it?" Avery asked. El reached into the bucket and picked out a red bag, and a yellow whistle, both covered in blood. El turned around, showing them both to the others. The three of them recognised them both from the pool, where Billy worked.


The three of them went to the pool, now wearing long rain coats as it was not heavily, El in a red, Avery in an orange and Max in a Yellow. They walked into the reception and were greeted by two lifeguards.

"Excuse me," Max said.

"No one in the water until 30 minutes after the last strike," the male lifeguard told them, "And don't try and argue with me. You wanna get electrocuted, go climb a tree."

"Yeah, we don't care about. We're not here to swim," Avery said, "Or get electrocuted."

"We found this," El said, getting put the two things and placing them on the desk.

"Does that belong to anyone here?" Max asked.

"Oh, yeah," the male lifeguard said, "That's Heather's. I'll get it back to her."

"We could give it back to her," Avery offered.

"You could. 'Cept she's not here. Bailed on me today." The male lifeguard said, the three girls looked at each other, both lifeguards looking at them, "What is this? You girls want a reward or somethin'?"

"No," Max said, "We're just... Good Samaritans."

The three turned around and El walked over to a wall with the lifeguards on it and stared at the photo of a girl called Heather. The girl El saw in Billy's mind.

"Heather," Avery said, "Do you think you can find her?"

El looks at the lifeguards to see if they are paying any attention and then she rips the photo off of the wall and they walk into the shower room.

The girls take off their coats and place them on the hooks. Avery turns on all the showers whilst Max gets some goggles to cover her eyes. They place the photo of Heather in front of El and sit in silence, allowing her to concentrate.

"What do you see?" Max asked.

"A door," El told them, "A red door." A few seconds later, El ripped the goggles off, taking deep breaths.

"What happened?" Avery asked, kneeling down next to the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder," El!"

El said nothing and kept taking deep breaths, panicking and looking around in stress. The two other girl eventually calmed El down and she explained that she saw an ice bath, similarly to the one in Billy's bathroom. Appararently, Heather lifted her head out of the bath and said "Help me" to El and then got dragged back under water, then we witnessed the rest.

The three girls decided that they were going to go to the house El saw in her vision which, they presumed, was Heather's hosue. That was until Avery looked at her watch and saw that it was nearly eight. Her mother called her when they woke up at Hopper's, disappointed that she didn't say anything to her about the sleepover. Therefore, Avery decided it best that she go home and look after Will rather than helping with this and in the morning, she would call Max who had planned to have El sleep over and ask what happened so they can carry on finding out what was happening to Heather in the morning.

Avery ran home in the rain and dark when she saw two familiar boys standing outside of her front door.

"Mike? Lucas?" she questioned, walking up to the boys.

"Avery? What are you doing here? I thought you were sleeping over at Max's?" Mike asked.

"Where's Will?" she asked, ignoring the question.

"We're not sure. We were playing DnD when Will got mad since we weren't paying attention and stormed out," Lucas told them.

"Will! Open the door!" Avery shouted, knocking on the door, as she left her own house key on her bedside table.
Lucas walked over to the window and looked in, seeing if he could see where Will was.

"Is he in there?" Avery asked, whilst Mike continued knocking on the door.

"No," Lucas replied. The two of them were knocking on the window seeing if he would answer when Avery remembered something.

"Wait! I think mom left a spare key in the shed behind the house," Avery remembered. The three of them ran tot he back of the house when Avery saw the familiar structure of her twin brother.

"He's over there!" Avery pointed at the boy. The three of them ran over to silhouette of Will Byers, shouting his name.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Mike asked. Will turned around to face them.

Will looked at them all in worry and said, "He's back."

(A/N: Happy new year everyone! I hope this year brings you lots of happiness (and stranger things season 5) and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, shockingly not a month after I wrote the last one. If you did enjoy this, make sure to vote and comment as it tells me you like the chapter. I hope you have a good day/night and remember to eat and drink. I love you :D)

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