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Act 3~Chapter 5: The aftermath of the breakup

The girls were in El's room. El and Avery sat on the bed and Max dancingand singing along to the music being played. The two on the bed were looking through magazines.

"Oh! You've found Ralph MAcchio!" Avery laughed, looking over the girls shoulder.

"Macchio?" El giggled.

"Yeah, he's the Karate Kid," Max told her sitting with the two, "Hai-yah!" she shouted, doing a Karate chop, causing the two others to laugh.

"He's so hot right?" she continued, "I bet he's an amazing kisser, too."

"Oh, definitely," Avery piped up.

"Hey, uh... Ava?" Max began, "Is Mike a good kisser?"

"I mean, he's my first boyfriend but-" Avery said getting cut off.

"Was!" Max told her, "was your first boyfriend."

"Right," Avery replied, "well he WAS my first boyfriend, but he definitely was a good kisser."

"Avery?" El said, "Do you feel bad?"

"Erm..." Avery began. Originally she didn't feel bad, but progressively she began to, "I guess I didn't really when I first did it but now. I don't know, maybe i'm just being stupid."

"Hey, don't worry about it, okay?" Max said, putting her hand on her shoulder, "He'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness. I guarentee you, him and Lucas are, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now. They're like "Oh I hope they take us back."" Max said in a whiny voice, imitating the boys, causing both Avery and El to laugh.

"God, what I would't give to see their stpid faces," Max finished. El and Avery looked at each other and smiled, telling Max the idea.

Avery changed the channel on the radio to static and Max grabbed a blindfold. EL took it and sat down in front of the rodio, tying yhe blindfold arounf her eyes whilst the two others sat on her bed in front of her.

"Is this really gonna work?" Max asked. El nodded.

"Holy shit, this is insane!" she chuckled excitedly.

"Max!" Avery said, hitting her lightly on the shoulder to get her to be quiet for El to concentrate.

"Yeah, quiet. I'm sorry," Max said hushing up.

The three sat in silence whilst El tried to find the three boys.

"I see the," El said after a few seconds.

"What are they doing?" Max asked keeling down next to El.

"Eating," she replied, "They say we are 'species'," El said after a few more seconds of silence.

"What?" Avery asked kneeling down on the other side of El.

"Emotion, not logic," El told them.

After a minute or so of waiting for El to say something, she hastily pulled the blindfold off.

"What happened?" Max asked.

"What'd you see?" Avery questioned.

El said nothing and began laughing. The two others looked at her confused and began laughing along with her. That was until they heard a car oull up. The three of them knew it was HOpper coming back from wherever he was. They changed the radio channel back to normal music and gout out some comics and read them.

"Hey!" Hopper yelled, "when I say three inches I mean-"

He opened the door and saw Avery, El and Max laying on their stomachs looking through the magazines.

"Jeez, do you knock?" Max asked.

"Yeah! Jeez!" El repeated.

"Oh, hey!" he said, "I'm sorry. I thought that, uh..." he tried to think of an excuse.

"El's still here, she's not run away again or got taken," Avery told Hopper, closing her comic. Avery was told by El that Hopper had a stupid 'three inches' rule so she won't run away again like she did the November prior or get taken by any bad men.

"Max and Ava wanted to have a sleepover," El told her father, "Is that okay?"

"Yeah," he said, "Yeah. Yeah. yeah. Your parents know about it?"

The two girls both nodded at the man in front of them.

"Uh, yeah, it's cool," he told them, "Yeah. That's really cool."

"Did you need something?" Max asked him.

"No, no," Hopper replied, "Uh, I'll leave. I'll just let you... I'll leave you..."

Hopper turned around and closed the door after him. The three girls looked at each other in confusion, shrugged and turned back to their comics.


After a while of reading comics, the girls got bored and decided to play a game. They chose to play spin the bottle but instead of kissing or dares, El would spy on them. There were different names of their friends or families and whoever it landed on, El would spy on with her powers. Avery finished writing the last name with the other two sat around the board.

"Holy shit, I can't believe we're really doing this!" Max laughed.

"Ready?" Avery asked El, putting the cap on the pen and placing it down next to her.

"Ready," El repeated. Max span the bottle and after a few seconds, it stopped, landing on Mr. Wheeler.

"Ugh. Boring," Max said.

"Yeah, boring," El said to.

"Spin again," Avery told her, "trust me I've known the Wheeler's basically my whole life. Mr. Wheeler is probably in his chair, sleeping."

El went to grab the bottles and pulled her arm back and asked, "Against the rules?"

"We make our own rules," Max smiled.

El grabbed the bottle and span it again, sfter another few seconds, it stopped on another name, Billy.

"Okay, look, I should warn you, if he's with a girl or doing something gross, just get out of there right away before you're scarred for life," Max told her getting up and grabbing the blindfold.

"Max," Avery said.

"No, I'm just saying, I'm serious, he's really gross!" Max explained.

"Max!" Avery laughed.

"Okay, shutting up now," Max chuckled.

Max moved over to the radio and changed the channel to the static sound. El put on the blindfold and the two other girls looked at her.

After a few minutes, El said, "I found him."

"What's he doing?" Max and Avery said at the same time.

"I don't know," El told them, "He's on the floor... talking to someone."

Another few seconds passed and El quickly ripped the blindfold off, taking deep breaths.

"What is it?" Max asked, worried.

"What happened?" Avery questioned, just as worried.

El looked between the two girls taking deep breaths, panicking.

Whatever El had just seen. It was bad.

(A/N: Hey guys, it's been a while (two months) but ignore that. I've been really busy with school and homework and shows and stuff. I may not update for a while again so if I don't, I hope you all have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you have a good day/night and make sure to eat and drink enough. I love you all:D)

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