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Act 1-Chapter 9: Should I stay or should I go?

Avery was sat in her her room. The cops were here to talk to Joyce about Will. They told her their theories of what happened to him whilst her mom kept going on about how she talked to Will through the lights, everyone was calling her crazy though. Even Johnathan. Avery wanted to believe what her mom was saying but she saw her brothers body get pulled out of the water. He was dead.

The next morning, Avery woke up and went to get breakfast. She walked down the hall from her bedroom and walked into the living room. The whole house was a mess. The walls were covered in Christmas lights and fairy lights. The alphabet was writtien in black paint on the wall.

"Morning Ava," her mom said. Avery responded with a small half smile, "Honey, you don't have to go to school today. I know it would be a lot for you and a lot of people will be talking about it. It will be pretty over whelming." Joyce told her. Avery nodded and got some breakfast. She ate it and went back to her room. She sat on her bed listening to the noises outside of the wind and the birds. She remebered all the memories with her twin brother that she had in her room with him.

"Hey Ava, It's Mike. Over," a voice from the walkie talkie said. She walked over to the radio and picked it up.

"Oh, hey. Over," the girl responded sadly.

"Are you going school today? Over," he asked.

"No, mom let me stay off today. Over," she said.

"My mom presumed you wouldn't be and said that you can come over if it's alright with your mom. Over," he told her. 

"Sure, I'll go ask her. Over," she said. She yelled for her mom and asked, she said yes and she spoke to Mike again.

"Mom said yes. Over," she said.

"Okay, see you in 10? Over," he asked.

"See you in 10. Over and Out," she replied and turned off the walkie talkie. She got dressed and got ready to go. Her mom dropped her off at the Wheeler's and then drove back home.

Avery knocked on the front door when she arrived and it was opened by Karen.

"Oh hi Avery! How you holding up?" she asked her.

"I've been better. Moms a complete mess at the minute though," Avery replied. Karen invited her in adn told her that Mike was in his room. Avery ran upstairs towards the boys room and knocked on his door. She opened it, revealing to the boy that she was there.

"Hey Ava! How you feeling?" he asked her.

"Been better," she shrugged, "mom keeps saying that hes alive and that she spoke to him through the lights," she answered and went to sit next to him on his bed.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this. You really don't deserve it," he said hugging her.

"Don't be, it's my fault. I should've asked him to wait for me," Avery replied, pulling away from the hug.

"Don't say that. It's not your fault, you couldn't have known any of that wouldn've happened," he said. The two stared at each other and they both leant in.

"Hey kids!" Mrs. Wheeler yelled causing the two to move apart and act like nothing happened. She opened the door and walked in, "I'm going shopping with Holly. I'll be back in a couple hours. I'll see you later." she told the two. They both nodded their heads in unison and Mike's mom left.

"She interrupted us for that!" Avery thought..

"Do you wanna go to the basement and look at some of Will's old drawings or something?" he asked her. His face was bright red. Avery nodded and the two of them walked down the stairs to the basement.

Eleven was sat in the little fort that Mike made for her. She was fiddling with his walkie talkie, causing slight muffles. The two tried to ignore it when Mike finally snapped.

"Can you please stop that?" he asked her. She didn't listen and carried on, "Are you deaf! I thought we were friends y'know. But friends tell each other the truth. And they definitely don't lie to each other. You made us all think that Will was okay, that he was still out there, but he wasn't! He wasn't!" Mike yelled at El whilst Avery watched it all unfold, "Maybe you thought you were helping, but you weren't. You hurt me. You hurt us all. Do you understand? What you did sucks! Lucas was right about you all along." He looked back down at the photos in silence. Eleven was still playing around with the walkie talkie, despite Mike's rant just before.

The radio was still making stactic sounds until it changed to a muffled singing voice.

"So come on a let me know, should I stay or should I go?" the muffled voice sang. It sounded like someone. It sounded like Will. It was Will. The two of them rushed down towards El, who was still holding the walkie talkie, "Should I stay or should I now? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble If I stay it will be double." Mike grabbed the walkie talkie from El and shouted into it.

"Will, is that you? It's Mike and Avery! Do you copy? Over," he said. There was no response, "Will are you there?" still no response. Avery snatched it off of Mik and shouted into it, "Will!" The supercom went off before she could finish.

"Was that really him?" Avery looked up from the walkie talkie that had just turned off in her hands to the girl in front of her.

El smiled at her and replied, "Will."

(A/N: Hey! If you liked this make sure to vote and comment. Also, suggest ideas for like unimportant plot points like the start or end of a series. idk what else to say now so bye :) )

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