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Act 3-Chapter 2: Suzie, do you copy?

Avery and Will were sat at the table, eating their breakfast before going to Dustin's house to surprise him after returning from 'Camp Know where', the summer camp that Dustin had spent the last month at. Jonathan ran out of his room buttoning up his shirt after 'waking up late'.

"Hey, hey, hey! Wait up!" Joyce shouted to Jonathan. 

"Oh no, I'll eat at work. I'm late," he replied, heading towards the door.

"Your cheek," Joyce laughed, walking over to her eldest sonand wiped off lipstick from his cheek from Nancy who must have snook in the night before.

"All right, all right," Jonathan said after his mother had finsihed, "I gotta run. See you later!"

"Ugh. gross," Will said, pouring some syrup onto his pancakes.

"Well, I don't think you'll find it gross when you fall in love," Joyce replied, sitting in the chair opposite her daughter. 

"I'm not gonna fall in love," Will told them both.

"You've just not found the right girl yet Will," Avery explained, causing her brother to look down slightly.

"Hey?" Joyce asked, putting her fork down and walking towards the fridge, "What happened here?" 

"I don't know," the twins said finishing off their breakfast.

"Come on Will we gotta go," Avery said placing her plate in the sink and walked towards the door. Will quickly finished the last bite of his pancakes and followed his sisters actions. They said goodbye to their mother and got onto their bikes, riding towards Dustin's house. 


After a short ride, the twins arrived at the Henderson house. The two were the last to arrive and they went into Dustin's house to finish making the 'Welcome home Dustin' banner. After a few minutes, the banner was nearly finished when they were interrupted whilst waiting for the final coat of paint to dry.

"-Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? over," the voice of Dustin crackled through the walkie talkie that they were using to track Dustin's where abouts.

"Shit!" They said,quickly running to pick up the banner and hide behind a wall. After five minutes, they heard the door open and Dustin talking to his mother. They held their breath, hoping not to be caught until they heard Dustin walk down the hall to put his luggage away.

"Now," Avery muttered  to Eleven, who was allowed out for this one occasion, after a few seconds, signalling the plan to begin. El closed her eyes and her nose began to slowly bleed. Moments later, they heard Dustin walking back down the hall and the noise from his toy robots. 

"Stop," Avery whispered to El again, causing her to open her eyes and the toy robots noise stopped. 

Dustin walked slowly towards the toys which signalled for the six of them to sneak up behind him with their party party horns and the sign. Max held her hand up, counting down from three. When all of her fingers were down, they all blew on the horns loudly. Dustin screamed and sprayed his Farrah Focett hair spray directly into Lucas' eyes. The remaining five took the horns out of their mouths and stared at the scene in shock. 

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