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Act 1-Chapter 2: The vanishing

"Where the hell are they?" Joyce Byers was asking, looking around for some keys.

"Try the couch mom," Avery tells her. She does as her daughter suggested and finds the keys under a cushion. She picks up the keys and walks over to her giving her a peck on the cheek and thanking her. 

"Ava where's your brother?" Joyce asked her.

"I'm not sure I got home a bit after him since I left something at the Wheelers and told him to go ahead but didn't see him when I got home so just presumed, he was asleep," Avery told her. Their mother walked over to Wills bedroom door and knocked loudly on it.

"Will time to get up! Come on!" She yelled. The door didn't open so she opened it. But the room was empty. 

"Jonathan, Will did get home last night right?" Joyce yelled from down the hallway, looking into the boys empty room.

"Is he not in his room?" Jonathan asked.

"Did he come home?" their mom yelled, walking down the hallway back to the kitchen.

"I'm not sure, I got back late from work," the boy admitted.

Joyce scolded her eldest son for working when she was since usually, he would have to look after the two twelve-year-olds whilst she was working.

"He probably just went to school early," Joyce said out loud to herself, "Come on Avery time for school," Avery finished off her breakfast and grabbed her backpack and then went to school.


The four looked all around for Will but couldn't see him.

"Weird, I don't see him?" Mike questioned.

"Me neither," Avery replied.

"He probably just went to class early again," Lucas said.

"Yeah, he's always paranoid that Gursky's gonna give him another pop quiz," Dustin added. Then from nowhere, an annoying voice came out of nowhere. 

"Step right up, ladies and gentlemen! Step right up and get your tickets to for the freak show!"  Troy, the boy that had bullied the four boys since elementary school, said to his friend, James. The boys never bullied Avery, she was more social and befriended them. That was before the two began harming the boys, "Who do you think would make more money at a freak show? Midnight, Frogface or Toothless.  Avery, who do you think?"

The two boys looked at her. She stood there and then said, "Oh piss off Troy,"

"Fine, James?" The boy looked at his friend.

"It's a tough one but... I gotta go with Toothless," James stated pushing Dustin backwards. 

"I told you a million times, my teeth are coming in. It's called cleidocranial dysplasia!" Dustin defends.

"I told you a million times," James said making fun of Dustin. The two boys laughed.

"Do the arm thing," Troy demanded. Dustin hesitated.

"Do it freak!" James yelled. Dustin took of his bag and coat and threw it to the side of him on the ground. Dustin pulls his arms across his body and the two boys look at each other disgusted. Dustin moves his arms back and the two boys laugh and walk off.

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