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Act 3~Chapter 16: California

It had been just over a week since the Byers family moved from the town of Hawkins, Indiana to Lenora Hills, California. Joyce had started looking for a job, she needed money for the four of them to live. Jonathan got a car to eventually take the four of them to and from school everyday whilst Joyce was driving around for interviews.

Today, was Will, Avery and El's first day of High School. It was weird starting half way through the year, everyone would already know each other and have their little friend groups. At least they all had each other. Jonathan was finishing his final year of high school, so was able to take them without interrupting any work days. He had started looking at places to go to College, he and Nancy would call pretty much every night trying to find a place that they can both agree on so that they can go together.
"Come on Ava! We gotta go!" Jonathan shouted up the stairs to her.
"Oh shit!" she said, looking at the clock resting on on one of the full boxes in her room, seeing that it was nearly 8:30. She ran down the stairs, nearly tripping over the last step and grabbed the converse she had left waiting by the door, hopping to the car, following her two brothers and her step sister, whilst trying to tie her shoes. Joyce had an interview for a telemarketer position that morning, so she couldn't see them off. The four of them got in the car. Will in the front (as per usual) and Avery and El in the back (as per usual).

It was roughly a ten minute drive from their house to the school. Luckily, being new, they didn't have to make it by the first bell. They had an appointment with the principal to get schedules at 8:45 so had a little time to wait outside the office. Jonathan walked over to the other building, where his classes would be, after being instructed that that's where seniors classes mainly are. After five or so minutes, the principal called them in. They sat in front of his desk, and waited for him to talk.
"So you must be Avery and Will Byers and Jane Hopper?" the principal asked. The three of them nodded, remembering that, when applying for the school, Joyce had put El's name down as her birth name, Jane, as to not bring any suspicion on her peculiar name. The principal handed each of them their schedules when they were interrupted by a knock on the door. The principal called for the person to come in and a girl, around their age, with blonde hair up in a high ponytail walked in.
"Sorry to interrupt, Mrs. Gracey told me you wanted to see me?" she said, looking between the three siblings and the principal.
"Ah, yes," the Principal said, standing up and walking towards the blonde girl, "This is Angela, she will be showing you around the school. I believe you all have most of your classes together. Hopefully you can become friends."

Angela lead the three of them out of the office, starting off the tour. The school was a lot bigger than what the twins had seen of Hawkins High School, so it was nice to have a change, but also rather overwhelming.

The four of them went to the gym, the math rooms, the biology rooms, the chemistry labs, the cafeteria, the library. Every room that the school had to offer was significantly larger and better looking than the ones at Hawkins. The whole tour took around an hour, stopping at every room that was necessary to the three kids.

Throughout the whole tour, Avery and Angela were chatting. Whether it be about the tour or just random things, they seemed to be getting along really well. High School definitely wouldn't be that bad if she had a friend.

"Okay, that's the end of the tour. Any questions?" Angela asked, stopping outside of the principals office again.
"I have a question," El said, smiling at the blonde girl.
Angela rolled her eyes, "Yes?"
"Oh..." El sighed, "Well, I was just wondering. Do we need to go over to that other building for anything?"
"I obviously would've shown you that if it was needed," she replied, quite passive aggressively.

The bell rung at around 12 for lunch. Three people walked over to the group of four. They must have been Angela's friends. The blonde girl started talking to the three others whilst the other three waited to be told what they had to do.
"Come on Avery, we gotta get to lunch before all the good food is taken," Angela smiled. Before Avery could say anything, Angela grabbed her hand, chasing after the other three who had started to walk off. Avery looked over to her brother and best friend, seeing their sad faces as she was taken away. The two quickly went out of vision as Avery was dragged around a corner towards the cafeteria.

The two girls were stood waiting to buy lunch. After getting their lunch and Angela leading Avery to where her friends were all sat, Avery saw her two siblings walk in, looking around anxiously.
"Do you mind if Will and E-- Jane sit with us?" she asked.
"Erm... sure, I guess," Angela said.
Avery stood up, waving, gaining her siblings attention. The two walked over and sat down, holding the pre-packed lunches that Mrs. Byers had made for the four of them. There was a very awkward silence that was covering the table, except the very loud splutters of Angela's friends trying to hold in laughter.

The rest of the first day went very slowly. Angela continued talking to Avery throughout the day, the two becoming very good friends. However, all Avery could think about throughout the day was getting home and calling her boyfriend. Mike had told her to call him when she got back from her first day of High school.

When the four arrived at home, they greeted their mother explaining about the day and then went their separate ways either to their rooms or to the couch. Avery went straight to the phone, dialling the Wheeler's number.
"Hello?" the familiar voice of Karen Wheeler said.
"Hey Mrs. Wheeler, It's Ava. Is Mike around?" she asked.
Mrs. Wheeler moved the phone away from her mouth and shouted, "Mike! Avery is on the phone!"
Mike ran down the stairs from his room and took the phone off of his mother.
"Hey!" he said.
"How was your first day?" he asked.
"Great! I actually made a couple of friends!" she said, happily.
"Really! I'm so happy for you!" he replied, Avery could tell he was smiling from the other end of the phone.
"Thanks! How are you doing? How is High school for you?" she asked.
"Pretty good. Me, Dustin and Lucas have met this really cool dude that likes DnD! Max has been kinda distant, but I guess she just misses you and Billy and is adjusting to everything," he explained.
"Well that's cool. Try and tell her that I'll try to call her after school tomorrow," she said.
"Ava, can I borrow the phone. I just remembered I gotta call this dude from school," Jonathan said, walking over.
"Yeah okay, just let me say bye," Avery said to her brother and turning back to the phone, "Hey, Mike, Jonathan has to call this dude from school so I'll try to call again soon."
"Yeah, okay. I'll see you soon," Mike said.
"Okay, I love you," Avery smiled.
"I love you, too," Mike replied, also smiling.
Avery went a very dark shade of pink. It had been a week of saying 'I love you' to one another, but it still brought up the fluttering feeling in Avery's stomach. She hung up the phone and turned around, her older brother leaning against the wall, arms crossed, smirking at his younger sister.
"What?" Avery asked.
"Sorry to interrupt you and your boyfriend," he chuckled. Avery got very embarrassed and tried covering up the redness on her cheeks.
"Shut up!" Avery groaned, "Who do you even need to call anyway?"
"This guy called Argyle or something. I got sat next to him in one of my classes and he told me to call him if I needed anything," he explained, grabbing the phone and looking at a small piece of paper which, presumably, had the number on it.
"What do you need?" she asked.
"Just some notes for what I've missed," he said picking up the phone. Avery nodded and ran to her room. She finished unpacking the last few boxes, and eventually it was dinner. The family ate, spent the rest of the day together and then went to bed.
Today wasn't so bad.

(A/N: This is the last chapter of season three! I am honestly so excited for season four, like I can't even explain. If you enjoyed this chapter (and season three) make sure to vote and comment! Remember to eat and drink enough. I hope you have a good day/night! I love you!)

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