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Act 1-Chapter 7: Operation Mirkwood

El was sat on the Wheeler's couch, fiddling with his walkie talkie. The four others all stood around the table.

"We just tell our parents that we have AV club after school. That'll give us a few hours for operation Mirkwood," Mike told the group.

"You seriously think the weirdo knows where Will is?" Lucas asked.

"Just trust me on this. You got the supplies?" Mike asked Lucas.

"Yeah. Binoculars from Nam, army knife also from Nam, hammer, camoflague bandana and the wrist rocket," Lucas told them all pulling every item out of the bag and placing them on the table in front of them all.

"You're seriously gonna take out the demogorgon with a slingshot?" Dustin asked.

"First of all, it's a wrist rocket and second of all, the demogorgon isn't real. It's ,ade up. But if there is something out there, I'm gonna shoot it in the eye and blind it," Lucas replied.

"Dustin what'd you get?" Avery asked the curly haird boy. He emptied out his bag opposite Lucas' weapons. It was all snacks.

"Alrighty, so we got, nutty bars, bazooka, pez, smarties, pringles, nilla wafers, apple, banana and trail mix," he told them all proudly.

"Seriously?" Lucas said.

"We need energy for our travels for stamina, and besides, why do we need weapond anyway. We have her!" Dustin replied, pointing at El.

"She shut one door," Lucas said.

"With her mind! Are you kidding me? That's insane! Imagine all the other cool stuff she could do! Dustin exclaimed. He walked over to a blanket and moved it, revealing Mike's millenium falcon, "I bet she could make this fly!" He picked up the ship and walked over to Eleven and tried to get her to make the ship fly. He dropped it twice and it fell to the ground both times.

"She's not a dog!" Mike said grabbing the millenium falcon before Dustin could pick it up again.

"Kids! Time for school!" Mrs. Wheeler yelled down the stairs. Dustin and Lucas repacked their bags and left them downstairs for them to collect later.

"Stay down here, don't make any noise and if you get hungry, eat Dustin's snacks," Mike told the girl in front of him. Avery was waiting next to him.

"Michael! Avery!" Mrs. Wheeler yelled again.

"Coming!" Mike yelled back to his mother, "you know those power lines?"

"Power lines?" El asked.

"Yeah! The ones behind my house?" he asked, El nodded in response to what the boy said, "Meet us there after school," Mike told her. El looked at him confused.

"Oh right!" Avery said. She grabbed Mike by the wrist which caused them both to go a bit pink in the face and took of his watch and gave it to El, "When the numbers read 3-1-5, meet us there." El repeated the numbers that Avery said and smiled. The two of them grabbed their bags and coats and headed upstairs for school, leaving El sat on the couch in the basement. 


It was lunch. Nothing exciting had happened. Avery couldn't stop thinking about Will and how he was hiding. The four of them were at the back of the school looking for rocks for Lucas' wrist rocket.

"How about this one?" Mike asked picking one up and passing it to Dustin.

"No, it's too big for the sling," he replied dropping it, "Do yoy thing that Eleven was born with her powers like the X-men or do you think she aquired them, like... like Green Lantern," he asked changing the subject.

"She's not a superhero, she's a weirdo," Lucas stated.

"Why does that matter? The X-man are weirdos," Mike replied.

"If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?" Lucas said.

"What are you talking about?" Mike asked.

"Mike, seriously?" Lucas replied.

"What?" he asked.

"You look at her all like, "Hi El! El! El! El! I love you so much! Would you marry me?"" Lucas joked getting all in Mike's face.

"Shut up Lucas," Avery said.

"Ava, you're just jealous," he laughed.

"Am not!" she said.

"Are to!" Lucas replied. That went on for a few more seconds when Avery snapped.

"Lucas just shut up!" She yelled.

"Yeah, shut up Lucas," the annoying voice of Troy repeated, "Avery, y'know you don't need to keep hanging out with these losers just because your brothers gone. What are you even doing back here anyway?" 

"Probably looking for there missing friend," James laughed.

"That's not funny! It's serious he's in danger!" Dustin replied.

"I hate to break it to you Toothless, but he's not in danger. He's dead. That's what my dad says," Troy told them. Avery felt the anger rising in her body and clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palms, "He said he was probably killed by some other queer." The two boys looked at each other, laughing.

"Come on, just ignore them," Mike put his hand on Avery's shoulder, calming her down. She nodded back at him and the five of them walked through the two boys. Troy stuck his foot out, causing Mike to trip and cut his chin on a rock. The two boys broke out in laughter and walked away.

"You okay?" Avery asked, kneeling down to face the boy.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Mike replied angrily, watching the two boys walk away.

"Let me see, that looked pretty painful," she said, lifting his head up to see his chin, causing him to go bright red at her touch.

"I'm okay," he repeated, tiling his head back down after the girl was done looking at the cut.

"Hey, how about this one?" Dustin asked the three of them, picking up the rock that Mike cut his chin on.

"Yeah," the three of them said.

"Oh yeah, this is the monster killer!" Lucas laughed taking the rock from Dustin and examinging it, smiling.

(A/N: please pretend that I have an upload schedual cuz I really don't. This chapter was also meant to be a lot longer so the chapter name would've been more relevant so like if you have a better one pls lmk. If you liked this chapter, please vote and comment and if you have any suggestions on things to do for this fanfic pls tell me)

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