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Act 3~Chapter 3: Hang out

It was another boring day at the Byers house. Jonathan was at work, as was Mrs. Byers, leaving the twins on their own all day. They were sat on the sofa, eating some waffles that their mother had left out for them before leaving for work, and watching Star Wars. They were sat in silence, except for the occasional comment on the movie, until the phone rang.

"I'll get it," Avery said, putting her empty plate in the sink and walking towards the phone attached to the wall.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hey Ava, it's Mike," a voice on the other side of the phone said.

"Oh hey, what's up?" she questioned.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over today? My dad and Nancy are at work and my mom is taking Holly to the pool," he told her.

"Yeah, sure. Let me just ask Will if he's okay whith that," Avery replied, moving the phone away from her ear to shout to her brother.

"Hey Will?"

"Yeah," he said, turning his head away from the screen to look at his sister.

"Are you okay with me going to Mike's for the day?" she asked him.

"Oh, yeah sure I guess," Will shrugged, looking back towards the TV sadly.

"Okay thanks," Avery replied, "Yeah, I can come over, I'll be there in a few." She said to Mike.

Mike agreed and the two hung up. Avery went up to her brother and hugged him before heading towards the door to grab her bike and ride towards the Wheelers.


After a short ride, she arrived at Mike's. She put her bike on the front porch and walked to the front door. She knocked and it was opened to reveal Mrs. Wheeler.

"Oh hi Avery! Mike's upstairs in his room. Me and Holly should be going in about five or so minutes," Karen told her. Avery thanked her and ran up the stairs. She knocked on Mike's bedroom door and no reply. She knocked again and once again no reply. She opened the door and saw nobody there. Avery walked in confused, shouting his name to see if she could find him.

Suddenly, she felt something wrap around her waist, pulling her backwards, causing her to scream. She heard laughing and turned around, being greeted by none other than Michael Wheeler.

"You son of a bitch! You scared the shit out of me!" she laughed, slapping his arm.

"Alright, alright I'm sorry," he smiled, giving her a quick kiss.

"What should we do?" Avery asked.

"We could watch a movie?" Mike suggested. Avery agreed and the two walked down the stairs to the living room. The two were sat on the sofa scrolling through different channels until they found something they could both agree on. Despite both of them having an interest in teh movie, they spent the majority of the time making out with each other. The two were continuing there make out session until they were interrupted by the front door opening by Mrs. Wheeler and Holly who had just gotten back from the pool. They quickly pulled away before the two of them could see.

"Hey you two, how you been?" Mrs. Wheeler asked, placing her bag down in the kitchen table.

"Good mom," Mike replied annoyed after being interrupted.

"I won't get on your nerves any longer. You two can go upstairs or to the basement," Karen laughed. The two smiled and walked towards the stairs, "Just don't do anything stupid!

"Oh my gosh! Mom!" Mike groaned, causing Avery to laugh as they ran up the stairs.

Avery was sat on Mike's bed whilst Mike was shutting the door and turning on the radio in his room. He eventually joined Avery on his bed and the two continued making out. That was until they were, once again, interrupted. This time, not by Mike's mother but by his Supercomm.

"Hey Mike, it's Will," a crackly voice said. Mike groaned in annoyance and got up, picking up the walkie talkie. Avery expected him to pull the antenna up and reply, but instead he turned it off completely and threw it to the side. He walked back over to the bed and leant in to kiss his girlfriend again but she pulled away.

"What's up?" Mike asjed grabbing her hand but she pulled that away as well.

"Why did you do that?" Avery questioned.

"Because we're hanging out," Mike laughed, acting as if it was all okay.

"Yeah, but what if it was important?" She asked.

"I'm sure it's nothing. He would've started whith it if it was so important," Mike told her.

"Yeah, but he's my brother. What if he needed me home or something?" Avery questioned.

"Jeez, I didn't think it would be that important. Sorry," he said.

"Are you gonna answer him then or just leave this all awkward?" Avery suggested.

"Fine,"" he stood up, going towards the walkie talkie, "Sorry mom." he muttered, quiet enough for him to think that Avery didn't hear but loud enough for her to here.

"Y'know what ?" she began, "You don't have to call him back. I'm just gonna go."

"What why?" Mike asked.

"It's... late," she replied.

"It's barely three o'clock," Mike told her.

"I know but mom needs me home," she said opening the door before Mike could say anything else. She ran back downstairs, bid farewell to mrs. Wheeler and Holly and left, grabbing her bike and riding back home, questioning what had happened in the lat few minutes.

(A/N: Hello! It has been like nearly a month since I last uploaded and I'm sorry it is a bit shorter than some of my other chapters. I am on summer break now so I may upload more we never know because I'm lazy and procrastinate over everything. I will aim to upload at leasttwice over summer (including this chapter). Next school year I am starting my exam subjects (subjects I have to take my exams on) so I may have even less uploads since I will have some exams and have to revise. I hope you all have a good day/night and make sure to eat/drink <3 :D)

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