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Act 2-Chapter 5: The creature

The Byers family were getting ready for the day. The three of them were all looking for Mrs. Byers car keys, to take the twins to school.

"Jesus. Have you seen them?" Joyce asked lifting up the pillows on the sofa.

"We're looking mom," Jonathan replied, looking through a coat pocket.

"Yeah, we're looking," Will replied looking through a bag.

"Yeah," Avery said, looking around the kitchen for them.

"Aha! Found 'em!" the voice of Bob said, exiting their mothers room, causing the siblings to look at one another in confusion, "Hiding under some jeans, sneaky little buggers."

"Thank you! Thank you!" their mother said, giving him a kiss on the cheek, "You're a life saver!" 

Joyce walked over to her three children and said, "Can you take Will and Ava to school today? I cannot be late again."

"He's staying over now?" Jonathan asked, slightly annoyed.

"Can you just take the twins please?" she begged.

"I can take them," Bob said, causing the three to turn around.

"Will you make sure they get in okay?" Joyce asked her boyfriend.

"Yeah of course! What do you say kids? Wanna go for a ride in the Bobmobile?" he asked them, happily.

The two children looked at eachother and relucantly nodded. They went out to his car and sat down, Avery in the back and Will in the front, as perusual.The three of them sat in silence for a bit, only with the quiet sound of the radio.

"Was that you I heard milling around last night or was that a ghost?" Bob asked Will, causing Avery to may more attention now that she knew what was going on with her brother.

"Yeah, me probably," Will said quietly, trying to avoid conversation.

"Another nightmare?" he asked the boy next to him.

"Um... no," Will replied, lying. The two stopped talking for a second.

"Did I ever tell you about Mr. Baldo?" Bob questioned the twins.

"Mr. Baldo?" Avery repeated, chuckling a bit.

"Yeah. I was a little younger than you two, standing in line for the Ferris wheel at the Roane County Fair. And suddenly, I feel this fat white glove, tap me on the shoulder. I spin around, and there he is. Mr. Baldo," he told the kids," "Hey kiddo, would you like a balloon?"" he said imitating a clown, causing the two to laugh a little, "Go ahead, laugh, it's funny. It wasn't funny back then, I can tell you that. I couldn't get him outta my head. Every night, he would come to me in my dreams. And every night when he came to me, I ran. It got so bad that I made my mom stay in the room with me until I could fall asleep every night."

"Really?" Will asked, relating to the story.

"Really. It went on like that for months. And then one day, the nightmares suddenly stopped. Wanna know how?" he asked Will.

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