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Act 3~Chapter 11: The Bite

"He said he was building something," El explained, "That was all for me."
"Building something..." Max repeated, "Is he talking about the flayed?
"He must be," Nancy agreed.
"So, he's building an army, just like we thought," Lucas sighed.
"Yeah, but he's not building this army to spread," Mike continued.
"He's building it to stop Eleven," Will finished.
"Last year, El closed the gate on him," Avery said, "I have a feeling that really pissed him off."
"Like, royally," Lucas joked.
"And the Mind Flayer now knows that she's the only thing that can stop him," Mike continued, "But if she's out of the way-"
"Game over."
"He also said he was gonna kill all of you," El told them, looking around at the group.
They were all silent. The thought of their imminent deaths wasn't a very thing good to think of.
"Yeah, well, that's nice," Avery mumbled sarcastically, getting some disapproving looks from the rest of them.
They all heard a faint screeching in the distance, scarily similar to the screeching of the monster in the hospital the day prior. Nancy walked over to the window to investigate, secretly praying that the noise was something else that would cause them no harm.
"Do you guys hear that?" she asked, even though it was obvious they all could, she wanted to know if she was going crazy.
They all sat in silence, becoming more alert of what could be the imminent deaths Eleven had just informed them all about.
"It's just the fireworks," Jonathan said, trying to comfort them all and secretly himself as well.
"Billy..." she said randomly, "When he told you this, it was here, in this room?"
El nodded. The continuing thunderous bangs getting louder, still a good distance away though. They all sat in silence, thinking of something to do when Will lightly touched the back of his neck.
"He knows we're here," he whispered, but still loud enough for the others to hear.
The group of eight all walked outside, to see if the flesh monster was in sight, weaving slightly through the woods to a clearer area. They all saw the very bright flashes of the rainbow fireworks at the fourth of July festival. It all looked normal. That was until they heard the loud footsteps and saw the familiar, unsetting body of the fleshy, bloody creature from the hospital, slowly making its way through the woods towards them. Towards Eleven.

Nancy went to Hopper's shed for a gun and Jonathan went to find a weapon he could use whilst the party went back inside, trying their hardest to protect El (and themselves) from her possible death. They were using tables to block the windows and any random shelf or heavy object they could to try and prevent it from breaking the doors down.
"Hey, get away from the windows," Nancy demanded, grabbing the gun she found in Hopper's shed. The group were all waiting at the back wall for the flesh monster to try and break the walls down to attack them. The plates that were draining began shaking, the light bulbs in the lamps began shaking.
"It's close," Will said, talking over everyone's heavy, scared breaths. The leaves from the trees the creature was brushing against were rustling from the aggressive footsteps. Branches were snapping, the footsteps were getting closer. The mugs hung up fell off the hangers, smashing. But, then it stopped. All the rumbling and crashing stopped.
"Where'd it go?" Max asked. She didn't get a reply, except the very loud, heavy breaths of the others.
The creature quickly fired a singular arm directly through the wall, trying to find its way towards Eleven. The group all frantically ran towards the other walls, screaming and trying to avoid the creatures hands. Before it could grab El, Jonathan ran at it with his axe, trying to chop off the hand. It only briefly cut through it, so he took the axe out and hacked at it again, and again and again. That was until the arm moved back, making Jonathan slightly trip when aiming to cut it again. The arm threw itself in Jonathan's direction, changing its target.

Nancy fired the large gun at the arm, causing it to screech and turn its focus towards her. She shot at it over and over until she ran out of ammo. The arm quickly shot itself in her direction, she backed into the wall, trying to get as far back as she could to avoid getting into the creatures grasp. The creatures arm was barely in front of her when it stopped, beginning to wriggle around in pain. El had used her powers to slowly pull the arm back. She aggressively and quickly threw her arm down, causing the peculiar hand on the monster to be sliced completely off. The handless arm flailed around, going back through the large hole in the wall it had previously made.

"Holy shit," Max said, looking at the spot in the wall. The monster quickly pushed a new arm through the hole, making Max duck down as quick as she could to avoid getting hit. Eleven was stood in the middle of the room, using her powers to stop the arm from
getting any closer to her. Whilst all of her attention was focused on the arm, a third arm broke through the opposite wall of Hopper's cabin, charging towards Eleven. She quickly raised her other hand, stopping the other arm in its track. The two arms were struggling, trying to break free of El's grasp, shrieking and barking and growling showing their pain and want to be let free. With a yell, El aggressively threw both of her arms down, making the two separate demon-like hands be sliced off.

El panted, trying to get her breath back from using a lot of energy. Before she could relax, a fourth hand broke the roof behind her, catching her off guard. Before she could react, the grotesque hand had latched onto her leg, dragging her up into the roof. Mike and Avery ran over, grabbing onto her arms, trying to bring her back down to the floor, using as much strength as they could to get their best friend back. Eleven was letting out ear bleeding screams of pain and worry. Seeing Mike and Avery's struggle, Lucas, Max and Will all ran over grabbing onto El's hands to help. Nancy was fumbling around with ammunition, trying to load the gun as swiftly as she could to try and help them all. The party were all shouting at Nancy to shoot the hideous monster to protect their friend. As soon as the gun was loaded, Nancy lifted it up, aiming towards the little bit of face that she could see through the gap in the roof. The monster snarled in pain, however, still keeping a strong grip in El's calf. Avery looked around and noticed Jonathans axe which he had dropped when the monster charged at El on the floor from where it had broken off.
"Lucas!" Avery shouted. Her friend beside her whom she had just called looked at. Avery nodded her head in the direction of the ace, signalling for him to grab it and attack the monster.

He understood, letting go of El's hands and grabbing the axe. He threw his arms back in and began hitting the tentacle. The monster roared in pain with the mix of the gun shots and the chopping off of its arm. The monster had a large rush of determination rush over it. It tug harder and harder on El's leg, trying to pull her back, all of her friends doing everything they could to help.

After a lot of shouting and screaming and roaring, Lucas had managed to chop the leg off, causing them all to fall back after all of their balance that had gone into pulling El had gone. The whole group were surrounding El and hugging her, asking her if she was okay. There was no direct response, just a lot of tears. Mike looked around after hearing some quiet shrieks from the monster. He looked at El's leg and saw the small hand was still latched on. With a large amount of strength, Mike tugged on the hand, making it break away from El's leg.

Instantly, El let out a very loud, ear bleeding scream. Mike threw the hand to the side, watching it shuffle away quickly back to the rest of the monster. The large creature still was roaring and screeching. It stuck its head slightly in the hole in the roof, roaring at Eleven. She tried her best to stand up, limping closer to the hole. She lifted both her arms up in the monster's direction, yelling. The monster let out a pained screech, bursting and getting ripped in half by El's powers. They heard the distant roaring of the creature, trying to become one again.
"Go, go, go!" Nancy demanded.
"Come on, come on, go!" Jonathan demanded. Max and Avery ran over to El, picking her up and leading her to the truck to escape the monster and Hopper's cabin. The three of them got in the back of the van, everyone else finding a seat. The creature was still shrieking in pain a few strides behind them. Nancy quickly turned the car on a sped off to safety, getting away as quick as she could before the creature had finished becoming one again and chasing them.

(A/N: Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it took pretty much a week to write. The cast list for my school show came out today and I am gonna be in rehearsals a lot of the week until like July, so I will try and have frequent updates but they might not be. Remember to eat and drink and I hope you all have/had an amazing day :D)

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