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Act 1-Chapter 12:The Argument

The next day, the party went out and looked for the gate. They were walking for what felt like hours following Dustin who was looking down at the compass. They eventually found a rail road track and kept following that. Lucas and Dustin in the front and Mike, El and Avery behind.

"I never thought I would be spending my day looking for a magical gate to find my brother," Avery laughed.

"Yeah," Mike emotionlessly replied. He sounded like he had something on his mind.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah, It's just..." he began and then stopped.

"You can tell me y'know?" Avery told him.

"Yeah. I know. Ava I have something I really need to tell you," he admitted.

"What's up?" she questioned, hoping she knew what he was going to say.

"I just really-" he began.

"Mike. Avery," the small voice of El said from behind them. The both of them turned around to see what she needed, "Turn back,"

"What? Why?" he asked her.

"I'm tired," El lied. Avery could tell she was lying.

"Well, I'm sure we're almost there. Just hold on a little longer. Okay? I'll walk with you," Avery told her, "Mike, you can tell me later,"

Avery stepped back a bit and started walking with El, holding her hand and comforting her.

After a while, they arrived to a scrap yard, just without many things there.

"Oh no," Dustin said.

"Oh no? What's 'oh no'?" Lucas asked,walking up to Dustin.

"We're headed back home," Dustin announced, turning around to face the rest of the group. Everyone questioned if he was right. Asking if he was sure, and if he was reading it correctly. Dustin proved that he was right by talking about the sun setting where they just came from, saying they looped back around.

"You're just realizing this now!" Lucas asked, very annoyed.

"Why is this all on me!" Dustin yelled.

"Because, you're the compass genius!" Lucas shouted back at him.

"What does yours say?" Dustin asked the other two.

"North," they both said simultaneosly. Dustin kept muttering to himself, trying to put together what happened and how they made a mistake.

"Maybe the gate moved," Mike suggested. Dustin shook his head and disagreed. The others made suggestions on what was messing with the compasses but most of them were stupid.

"It's not a magnet. She's been acting weirder than normal. If she could slam doors with her mind, she could definitely screw up a compass," Lucas concluded.

"Why would she do that?" Mike asked him.

"Because, she's trying to sabotage our mission. Because she's a traitor!" Lucas yelled. He walked up to her, whilst Mike asked what he was doing, "You did it, didn't you? You don't want us to reach the gate. You don't want us to find Will."

"Lucas come on, just leave her alone!" Mike told him.

"Admit it. Admit it!" Lucas yelled at her. He grabbed her arm and lifted it up to see her sleeve, "That's fresh blood! I knew it."

"Lucas, come on!" Mike shouted at him.

"I saw her wiping her nose on the tracks! She was using her powers!" Lucas told them, throwing El's arm down.

"Bull! That's old blood! Right El?" Avery joined in the conversation, "Right, El?"

"It's not safe," El whimpered. Why would she do that? She was stopping Avery from finding her brother. Mike and Avery looked at each other in disbelief.

"What did I tell you guys!" Lucas yelled, "She's been playing us from the beginning."

"That's not true! She helped us find Will!" Mike cried.

"Find Will? Find Will! Where is he then? Huh? I don't see him!" Lucas looked around sarcasticly, 'looking' for Will.

"You know what he means Lucas," Avery commented.

"No I actually don't Avery. Just think about guys, she could've just told us where the Upside Down was right away. But, she didn't. She just made us run around like headless chickens!" Lucas yelled.

"Guys just calm down!" Dustin said, signalling to Avery to help break them up.

"No!" Lucas smacked Dustin away from him,"she used us! All of us! She helped just enough, so she could get what she wants. Food and a bed. She's like a stray dog!"

"Screw you Lucas!" Mike yelled.

"No! Screw you Mike! You're blind! Blind, just because you like that a girl other than Avery isn't grossed out by you! But wake up man! Wake the hell up! She knows where Will is and now she's just letting him die in the Upside Down!" Lucas shouted at the raven haired boy in front of him.

"Shut up!" Avery joined in. The subject of her brother in the Upside Down was quite a touchy one and even though he was alive, they didn't know if he would be for much longer.

"For all we know! It's her fault," Lucas told them, Mike kept telling him to shut up but he kept going on and on about how El is the monster. How it was all El's fault that he was gone. The four of them looked at El, who was stood listening to everything Lucas had to say.

"I said shut up!" Mike shrieked. A fight began to commense. Mike wrapped his arm around Lucas and dragged him to the floor. Dustin, El and Avery kept telling to stop when eventually snapped. She let out a large scream and Lucas went flying off of Mike and hit one of the cars, causing him to faint. The three party memebers all ran up to Lucas to see if he was alright. To see if there was any bad damage.

"Lucas are you alright?" Mike shouted, trying to get him to hear. They kept telling him to wake up, shouting his name, hoping he would wake up.

"Why would you do that! What's wrong with you? What is wrong with you!" he yelled at the girl who stood in the same place she had been the whole time, she began to burst into tears. After a bit more yelling for him, Lucas eventaully woke up. All three of them took a large sigh of relief.

"Lucas, you okay?" Mike asked, trying to be nice.

"Lucas, how many fingers am I holding up?" Dustin asked, shoving his hand into his face, Avery slapped his hand down, knowing it wouldn't help.

"Let me see your head," Avery told him, trying to move his head foreward.

"Get off me!" Lucas yelled, slapping her hand away. The three of them tried helping him up, when he pushed them away, got up on his own, and began to walk away. Mike began to walk off with him, when Dustin and Avery held him back.

"Hey guys? Where'd El go?" Avery asked, causing the other two to turn around.

The three began shouting for her. No response. She was gone. Their only hope of finding Will, was gone.

(A/N: Woo the good part! If you guys liked this chapter pls vote and comment and put some suggestions for more chapters in the comments)

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