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Act 1-Chapter three: The missing girl.

Avery was sat at home. Her older brother was outside looking and shouting for Will whilst her mother was on the phone, doing as the chief suggested and calling Lonnie, their dad, to see if Will was there. There was a knock on the door, Avery called for her mom and went to open it.  She opened it and saw three cops standing at her door. The chief in the front holding her brother's bike.

Hopper explained where he found it and what he found it like.

"It was just sitting there?" Joyce asked.

"Yes," Hopper replied.

"There was no blood or anything?" Joyce asked.

"No," Hopper said.

"If you just found his bike, why are you here?" Johnathan interrupted. 

"He's got a key to the house right," Hopper asked the three of them.

"Yeah," Avery answers.

"So maybe he came back here," Hopper suggested standing up from the sofa.

"So, what you're saying I didn't check my own house?" Joyce asked standing up to. Joyce and Hopper have some back-and-forth chat, so Avery decided to sneak away into her room and listened to some music on her walkman.


It had been a good three or so hours since Hopper was here. Avery sat on her bed in silence, listening to all of the people shouting for her brother outside. If only she asked him to wait for her at Mike's house, maybe this wouldn't have happened. She eventually hears some static talking coming from the walkie talkie.

"Guys? Do you copy?" the muffled voice of Mike said through the walkie talkie. Avery rushed over to it and picked it up.

"Yeah, it's Avery, I copy," she spoke through the radio.

"It's Lucas, I copy to," Lucas spoke through his own walkie talkie.

"Say over when your done talking guys. So I know when your done talking," Mike suggested.

"I'm done. Over," Lucas said, exaggerating the word 'over'.

"I'm worried about Will. Over," Mike spoke.

"I am terrified. I hope he's okay. Over," Avery said through her radio.

"I was thinking, last night, Will could've cast protection. But he didn't. Over," Mike stated.

"What's your point? Over," Lucas asked.

"My point is, he could've played it safe. But he didn't. He cast fireball. Over," Mike added. The three of them sat in silence for a minute when Lucas spoke.

"Meet at mine in 10. I'll get Dustin. Over and out," the three of them turned off their walkie talkies and grabbed their backpacks.

"Mom! Am I allowed to go to Lucas'? Dustin and Mike are!" Avery asked her mother.

"Fine, just get Johnathan to drop you off. I don't need you missing as well," she replied. 

Avery ran to her brother's room and asked him. Hesitantly, he said yes and got his car keys and drove towards the Sinclair house.


They arrived after a short car ride to Lucas' to see the three boys waiting outside for her. Avery began to get out of the car when her brother stopped her.

"Please don't do anything stupid. I can't lose you to," her brother said.

"Don't worry, I won't," she reassured him, hopping out of the car. The four of them spoke about the plan and set off to find Will.

After about half an hour of walking, it slowly began to rain and thunder. The four of them were still out in the woods looking for Will. They luckily all brought coats.

"WILL!" Avery and Mike yelled together.

"BYERS!" Lucas yelled.

"I'VE GOT YOUR X-MEN 134!" Dustin yelled after all of them. There was sadly no response, so they kept marching on. The storm began to get a lot worse.

"Guys, I really think we should turn back," Dustin suggested.

"Seriously Dustin?" Lucas said.

"If you wanna turn back Dustin, be my guest, but I am finding my brother," Avery spat and marched on quickly, with Mike followed close behind her.

"You ever think Will went missing cuz she ran into something bad? And now we're going to the last place he was seen, and we don't have any weapons or anything!" Dustin shouted towards the two ahead.

"Dustin shut up!" Avery replied as she stopped walking.

"I'm just saying does that seem smart to you?" he asked walking up to the two.

"Shut up!" Mike told him. The two at the front were listening to something and heard someone panting.

"Will?" Avery whispered and ran towards where the voice was heard. The three boys followed after her. They used their flashlights to look around to see what the source of the panting was.

Mike moved his flashlight up towards a figure in front of some trees. The figure was not Will. It was a girl with a shaved head wearing a bright yellow 'Benny's Burgers' t-shirt which was long enough to be a dress.

(A/N: Pretend this had a cool ending sentence. If you liked this, please vote and comment. I have nothing else to say now so bye :D)

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