Chapter 11: Slade Wilson

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Excerpt from an audio-tape received from one of the scientists who worked on the United States' Enhanced Soldier Program during an interview which related to Slade Wilson, his response to the Enhancement drug and his combat proficiency, among other things. (US MILITARY 2045)

Interviewer: "Hello, Dr. █████, could you please state your full name for the record?"

Scientist: "Yes, certainly, █████, █████ █████."

Interviewer: "Well it's good to finally speak with you Dr. ████, It would seem I am quite lucky to speak with you, no one here that I have requested to speak with seems to want to talk about Colonel. Wilson, could you fill me in on why that may be?"

Scientist: "Yes, yes definitely." [slight croak from the Doctor] "Well Mr. Wilson was definitely a difficult subject to deal with. He was test subject number two and thus he took an earlier formula that had been rushed out the door and hadn't necessarily been safety tested as clearly as we would have liked, but our hands were tied."

Scientist: "Well, before taking the serum, Mr. Wilson was a model candidate. A physically fit thirty eight year old, many years of military service, so a good choice in terms of national perception. Strong willed, durable, didn't complain much, a family man, I'm pretty sure, an infant son and daughter if I remember correctly. He was never necessarily that agreeable with his fellow soldiers, in fact he didn't interact with them much, very focused on the experiment, i'm sure he wanted it to get over and done with as soon as possible, to return to his wi--"

Interviewer: "That's great Dr. █████. Now, how did he adapt to this enhancement serum?"

Scientist: "Oh yes, yes, sorry. Well, in terms of enhancement he far exceeded our expectations. Our original prediction was that the strength and mental capacity of the individual would be increased ten, maybe fifteen percent. However, the results seen from Mr. Wilson, both physically and mentally were astounding, scoring far higher than we had originally intended."

Scientist: "In some of the early firefight testing, if i remember correctly, he took on a full unit of veteran soldiers, many years into their careers, and ended the test within minutes, within little to no damage to his person, quite incredible really."

Interviewer: "I read." [The interviewer can be heard flipping through a bundle of papers.] "Ah yes, here. An anonymous soldier described his combat style as 'savage' and 'cut-throat', apparently he looked like a 'wildman' with 'blood in his eyes'. What is your opinion on these statements?"

Scientist: "Well, from further medical examination, we came to the conclusion that the serum may have had an impact upon the chemical balances in Mr. Wilson's brain. Perhaps causing an increase in mood swings and a higher chance of anger to surface."

Interviewer: "Would you argue that this chemical imbalance had an impact on Colonel. Wilson's combat ability in the testfights or in active duty?"

Scientist: "Not at all! If anything, it made him a far superior and proficient assailant. Going into situations that most men wouldn't dare go into, by himself, and against all the odds, coming out on top. Moreover, from further investigation, the chemical imbalances seemed to level out over a period of time. By the time he was back in active duty, our medical examinations checked him out as good and clean."

Interviewer: "Interesting, interesting. I've read here from this report that Colonel Wilson was in the field for four months, is that correct?"

Scientist:" Well I'm not one hundred percent sure, but that sounds correct."

Interviewer: "And in this time period, from what I understand, he served with distinction, completing every mission set on without fault."

Scientist: "Well I'm not an official in the armed forces, but from what I've heard, that would be the correct observation."

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