Chapter 42: Reunion

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(AN: This chapter will be slightly shorter than the previous few since it is more just talking and less action, lotta drama in this one folks! Also I didn't really know a good picture so use your imagination.)

[Y/N] was incredibly pensive, looking towards the floor lost in a sea of thoughts adrift, any onlookers passing by would think he had fallen asleep with his eyes open or be put-off and intimidated by his stoic exterior and large stature. [Y/N] didn't notice this, or more likely didn't care, as the problem ahead of him was much more important, one of the hardest things the young man would have to do. Instinctually, [Y/N] reached down into a pocket within his coat pulling out a small flimsy and open case of cigarettes, moving his hand to take one before realising what he was doing and hurriedly stuffing it back where it belonged, he wanted to be focused, now was not the time. Standing next to [Y/N] McCree, one leg propping up his body, learning back against the wall behind him, keeping a similar cool expression excluding the intimidating look that [Y/N] had mastered.

Looking up from the floor he had been staring at for the last ten minutes or so [Y/N] stared straight ahead, all around the two men were men in black suits, Overwatch agents attempting to keep out of sight, trying to blend in with the crowd and keep their attendance covert. [Y/N] counted in his head, three men in the crowd of civilians across the street, one of them is asking if they can get something to eat quickly before getting shouted at by his co-workers. Another two were standing around the corner to the left of [Y/N] and McCree, trying and failing to keep a low-profile, but [Y/N] could tell that McCree had also made note of their presence, [Y/N] could hear their heart-beat hasten when the young cowboy looked over at them. Multiple other persons could be heard, not that they could realistically do anything to harm the two, but it did show how the higher-ups had really started to lose faith in Blackwatch's secret weapon. It made sense, while [Y/N] wasn't in control, someone had been able to take control of his monstrous form only a few days ago and kill many, the number reaching unnecessarily high numbers and [Y/N] had started to become seen as a liability by some. But it would seem that Reyes and possibly also Morrison were in his corner, honestly he couldn't tell by this point, and it wasn't as if they were wrong in their assortations, if Doomsday ever did get let loose within an urban setting the outcome would be catastrophic.

The fact that they hadn't attempted to slap a tracking device on [Y/N] yet did surprise him, but he was sure just as much as they did that it wouldn't hold for long, perhaps they had already done it, ingested through a drink maybe? But at this point [Y/N]'s theorising started to become slightly abstract. If he wanted to do someone [Y/N] could make it happen, what happened with Brainiac was a one-off affair, whatever he did [Y/N] wouldn't allow it to happen again, though how he would go about that was slightly more tricky, he could train his mind all he liked but if some device could simply strip him of his command then he would lose. Being quickly reminded of McCree standing to his side, the cowboy let out a moderately loud cough, followed by one of his quick remarks, "You'd think we were terrorists with how they're keeping tabs on us..." [Y/N] let out a small exhale in response. [Y/N] coolly responded, "We aren't really that different from terrorists, we just get our backing from the crooks in the UN instead." before straightening out his back slightly, and getting a more rousing laughter from McCree. "I forgot that you could make jokes." the cowboy fired back, prodding towards [Y/N], who shot him a side-eye before giving his own small chuckle.

While the two had only reunited with each over a week ago after not speaking for nearly three years, the two young men had quickly fallen back into their jovial relationship, almost as if they were brothers and while Jesse was still annoyed about [Y/N]'s lack of contact it seemed to dispel slightly after spending some time together. The issue related to Angela however, he still hadn't gotten over it, though McCree attempted to push it away for the time being, seeing as [Y/N] was now trying to right his evidence wrong. McCree had convinced [Y/N] that he wasn't going to be able to run off again, that he needed to see Angela again, but even more significantly [Y/N] needed to see his daughter who was already over one and a half years old. Now that Jesse had started thinking about the kid again his anger seemed to resurface slightly, but he maintained his cool appearance, nothing it would do to help now.

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