Chapter 20: Breach, Part. 1

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[ 21/02/2053 ]

It had been six years since the 'event' that occurred in the facility. Six years since the massacre that killed upwards of a hundred people. Six years since [Y/N] had been put into a medically induced sleep, and he had remained that way ever since. Nobody knew about the facility, out in the middle of nowhere. It was considered the government's biggest secret, the project they never should have begun funding for. No one dared to even speak its name. Everyone preferred it just never got brought up again, with hope that like a bad dream it would just go away eventually.

Directly after the massacre, with only fifteen scientists left in a position to remain working at the facility, Paul had got to work ensuring that [Y/N] would be treated correctly, that no ploy was attempted in order to kill him. However, since he had never reverted back into his base, human form, any attempt at killing the monster was rendered essentially ineffective. Even if a rogue scientist were to set out for some revenge, killing him seemed almost impossible.

Over the years, where it would be expected that the scientists would have created more tools and equipment in order to combat a potential breach, the hesitancy from the government to even acknowledge this failure, provided just enough resources to keep the facility up and running. Nowhere near enough for extensive research and development. Most of the equipment was nearly a decade old, sitting and deteriorating over time.

In this time, much had changed and the world had moved on from the 'Omnic Crisis' that ended five years ago. Even before the crisis ended, humanity had already begun winning more battles and the war soon fell comfortably in humanity's favour. The 'Doomsday' project didn't see the same level of success and the British government made the decision to fully invest into the international Overwatch Task Force, thus leading to the events that happened all those years ago.

From that point, the facility had remained little more than a prison, to confine the test subjects. Yet, now it merely keeps one test subject contained. That being Subject Seventeen. And he had been buried there, sleeping undisturbed for the last six years.

Over the years they have been pumping him full of drugs to make sure he remained inebriated and docile, preventing him from any moving and or waking, including the initial doses of Kryptonite that had been developed. From the understanding of the limited research staff on site, he was simply unable to wake up, a lifeless body.

However, while research funding had been slashed, the facility had seen a major increase in security personnel, much more even than it had ever held originally. [Y/N] was deemed a much greater threat than the combined might of the original revolt all together. It probably didn't help the issue that [Y/N]'s carnage during the revolt really scared many of the higher ups who wanted to bury him, but they failed.

Slade Wilson had moved on, doing mercenary work somewhere or other, they weren't sure, but it wasn't necessary for him to remain on site at all times to watch an inert rock. However, there was a way to contact him should anything happen, thus the actual power of the security team was incredibly limited should there be an actual breakout. Slade was the only real force besides [Y/N] himself that stopped the revolt all those years ago.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the organisation, Paul had been tampering with the supply of drugs that [Y/N] has been taking over the last few years. Slowly and by minuscule amounts, to ensure nobody noticed, and so far it had succeeded. Lowering the amount of Kryptonite and narcotics entering his body. Any day now he should have been able to move again, and when that day came... Well, he was sure going to make that night six years ago look like a joke in comparison.


Slade was returning from a job that he had been hired to do in New York. Some basic hit work, nothing too fancy, and it provided good pay, so he didn't complain.

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