Chapter 15: Confidential

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CODENAME: ███ ████████


DATE: 26/07/2047


SITE LOCATION: ███████ ██

Dr. Paul [L/N]

ENTRY 143: The atmosphere in the facility has been growing incredibly tense recently. Two recent attacks on individuals or groups of guards have raised questions in the confidence of the test subjects. One of the attacks left two guards in critical condition, another losing an arm, the last having permanent brain damage. Many candidates seem to be conspiring against the scientists, it would seem that soon something is going to happen. The flame will hit the fuse. When we reach that point many will die. It's just a matter of time.

In response to these attacks, Wilson has instituted large crackdowns on the young people. Each child is now being put into their own room, or cell if we want to be realistic, to prevent any chance of conspiracy. Yet, these teens are crafty and keep finding new ways to avoid the suspicion of the guards. While it may seem like a challenge for mere guards to take on the 'Doomsday' subjects we do have one form of defence. In the last few months we have developed a type of material in which can revert a 'Doomsday' back into their base form. It weakens the subject to a position where they can be reacquired and punished. We have named this material, Kryptonite.

With this weapon, we now have a way to defend ourselves against any sudden insurgency that may occur. Though we are still not sure of the long term consequences of repeated contact with the substance. Well, rather than being ripped apart and killed.

What caused all these issues? [sigh] We should have expected this, putting young people into a tight, small space, contrasted with the free life that they previously had, and giving them tremendous power. Limiting them to this facility and repressing their power. It was bound to happen, and we should have prepared sooner.

However, one of the main catalysts of the current tension was the creation of an international task force by the UN, entitled Overwatch. With the creation of this group, it would seem that the government has given up on our little project instead working together with governments around the world to fight the Omnics. Thus, this facility has become little more than a prison, to contain these creatures. Research has transferred from expanding their power to finding ways to contain them, such as the recently discovered Kryptonite.

This has obviously changed the behaviour of the candidates, they are angry. They were promised with becoming protectors of the world, now they are prisoners of an involuntary facility who took advantage of them and experimented upon them. In a deep pit within the Earth. Hell, if I was in that position I would be pissed too.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't in that position myself. While the higher ups pretend that us scientists and doctors have all the same liberties they do, we all know that we are just as caged as the test subjects.

We haven't been allowed to return home, communicate with loved ones or even stand outside the facility at this point, we are prisoners. I wouldn't be surprised if they had done some nefarious action to get us removed from the records, edit some files, plan some 'suicides', write some notes and leave them scattered about. It would be easy enough, having disappeared off of the face of the Earth. A non-problem.

I'm not sure why we haven't been taken care of yet to be honest, we aren't giant monsters who can fight back, there is little reason for us to remain, but here we are. Perhaps this is my little amount of luck remaining, well [slight chuckle] I can only hope...

Due to the increased security and rigidness, I haven't been able to see [Y/N] in a while. Hell, [Y/N] might have more freedom then some of us scientists here at this point. After his fight with one of his fellow candidates, Wilson seems to have selected him as his protege, and from that point onwards they have been training ever since. I'm not sure how close they are to be entirely honest. Yet, I can be sure that Wilson is more concerned with having a reliable warrior rather than a surrogate son. And I'm sure [Y/N] thinks the same, or I can only assume so.

But due to the close relationship between Slade and [Y/N], he has gotten quite a few allowances from the facility. He's being elevated from the position of a basic test subject to a higher position. Well, at least he is being treated alright. What am I saying? This whole place is the wrong place for all these children, this whole thing is a tragedy.

Something is going to happen soon, I'm not sure what or when, but the why is obvious and when the conflict breaks out, there will be bloodshed.


Research notes regarding the creation of a new substance, named Kryptonite, that was made in order to combat a potential assault from the 'Doomsday' subjects. "From rigorous testing, the stone has been deemed a viable and successful method of halting the candidates and new ways of finding ways to weaponise the material are already being explored". Seized during inspection of ████████ experimentation site, project ██████. Subject materials were acquired and sent off for further research and experimentation. (2052)

During the period of time after the formation of the Overwatch Strike Team, the utility of the 'Doomsday' project has been relegated greatly, and now the project has become little more than a facility to house the test subjects. In order to ensure their containment, we have devised a new material that we believe can be used to halt and harm a 'Doomsday' candidate.

Originally, when coming up with ideas for what we could use to halt a 'Doomsday', we set out to create a weapon that could, A) Weaken a 'Doomsday' candidate. B) Force the candidate to undergo a nauseous form of weakness. And C) Potentially exterminate a test subject, if the situation required such a drastic action.

Our first attempts were repeatedly met with failure, and we couldn't understand the reason behind the apparent issue. Assisting us in our research was one of the more helpful subjects, Number Seventeen, whose help was invaluable towards creating a substance that could potentially bring down one of these creations.

Through much trial and error, we were able to devise an initial prototype. When exploring options, we discovered a specific gemstone that's properties held the power to immobilise and harm a 'Doomsday'. This led to rapid advancement in the creation of a working weapon. We named the stone that we had found 'Kryptonite', in reference to the scientist who had originally discovered it Dr. John Krypt.

From the reaction and explanation from Number Seventeen, we can clearly see that the stone can be used as a viable weapon against the subjects, in an event in which they would need to be subdued.

In the future, we endeavour to try and create further variants of Kryptonite that would have diff--- [the rest of the document has been ripped apart, the second part of the research note has not been recovered, further examination is needed on this point.]

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