Chapter 31: Battle of Mombasa Part. 2

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As the small convoy of UMVs made their way through the underground highway, small lights placed periodically shone brightly upon the soldiers, some blinding, others dimming from the excessive damage to power systems. Yet, the majority of the tunnel remained intact and allowed the unit brief respite between continuous firefights. Each team member having either a stern or solemn expression, or perhaps a mix of both. [Y/N], being the large grey monster that he was, lacked the real ability to show much emotion in his 'Doomsday' form besides a neutral or angry expression.

Looking to his right, he analysed Angela's expression and posture, her eyes looking straight forward, obviously anxious for what's coming next, gripping tightly onto her medical staff with an iron grasp, sweating. While not necessarily adept at social skills, [Y/N] simply put one of his large hands over her own, engulfing her comparatively tiny hands. Slightly shocked as she hadn't noticed the movement, Angela looked up towards her left, looking into [Y/N]'s face. While most people would simply see a passive expression, not showing any real emotion, Angela could tell that it was [Y/N]'s best attempt to help somewhat, giving an appreciative look.

As they turned a corner, two small groups of five or so Omnics, of different varying types, stood on-guard blocking access through the tunnel. Springing into action and taking the Omnics by surprise, the UMVs swung up to the small group, with brief gunfire disabling many, with the rest damaged. A lone OR14 unit, seeing the attacking forces, stood their ground, digging in, and stood in the way of an oncoming UMV, before it crashed into the Omnic, leaving a massive indent, followed by a small explosion and killing the driver and its inhabitants. [Y/N] quickly exited his vehicle, charged at the OR14 unit, and began wrestling with the Omnic, using his oppressive strength to overpower the enemy, forcing it into the cement. Both combatants locking grasps, [Y/N] fakes a strike with left, before grabbing the right arm, and ripping the Omnic's arm , followed by a strong upper-cut to the OR14's head, striking it straight off.

With the small combat finished, Vivian did a quick check-up over the whole unit, making sure that no-body had been harmed, before signalling for the convoy to return on its journey. [Y/N], preparing to re-enter his UMV, briefly heard a quiet sniffling, followed by sobbing, and noticed that no one else seemed to be able to hear it. Taking it as a benefit of his enhanced senses, [Y/N] began to follow the sounds of crying, which confused Vivian, shouting after the large monster, "[L/N], where are you going?" To which [Y/N] didn't respond. In the far corner of the underground tunnel was a lone car, overturned on its side, with some growing fire spreading across the vehicle. Recognising that somebody or multiple people could potentially be trapped, [Y/N] began sprinting towards the vehicle, to the surprise of his unit, especially Angela, who called after him, concerned. Some of the soldiers began making snide comments, quietly saying, "The freaks finally done a runner..." and "We should have never trusted that thing..." Who were all given the largest glare from the young medic possible, putting them in their place almost immediately.

As [Y/N] reached the car, he looked inside the driver's seat, clearly seeing an injured man's body, most-likely dead, with their bleeding head angled towards the glass, cracked and broken in place, showing the great damage the car had taken on impact. Looking to his side, he noticed a trail of oil leaking from the fuel tank, having already let out a large quantity of gasoline, which was dangerously close to the growing fires. Looking into the car's backseat, [Y/N] saw two young children, as well as an older woman, who seemed to also have some damage to the front of her skull, probably being in the front seat before the crash.

As [Y/N] lifted the car to get a better look inside, screams could be heard from inside, hurling insults at the young man, shouting, "MONSTER!" or "PLEASE DON'T HURT US!" Accompanied by continued sobbing. This annoyed [Y/N] to a great extent, however, being the bigger person, he ripped the door right off of its hinges, before reaching in to grab the small family, who had only grown in their fear and volume, attacking [Y/N]'s hand. However, even with their struggling, [Y/N] eventually got a grasp on the three, grabbing them gently before pulling them out, with them struggling all the way. Once the family was outside of the car, [Y/N] placed them on the floor, to which they ran in the direction of the soldiers, who had moved closer to the car, screaming for help, and telling them to shoot the large monster. Angela, while somewhat pissed off at their remarks, comforted the young children, beginning a short medical check on the three.

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