Chapter 17: Revolt Part. 1

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[6:00 AM, Site location: █████, ██. Project: ███ ███████.]

[Security - Surveillance]

Generally all is calm on site and in the exterior.

Security personnel will start to switch off of their shifts around this time, not that they will be doing too much work, there isn't that much going on regularly.

Scientists and doctors can be seen drearily roaming the halls, escorted by armed escorts, going to wherever they are needed, food hall, research labs, meetings, etc.

Slade Wilson can be seen striding down the hallway, paying little attention to any of the people around him, an early riser, but definitely not a morning person. Always attempt to avoid him until twelve.

Jurgens walks sporadically through the facility, a large cup of coffee in his iron tight grasp, the only thing keeping him standing up and walking straight. We share a brief chuckle as we watch him struggle to stay awake.

Groups of two or three guards can be seen escorting individual candidates, bringing them backwards and forwards from their accommodations to the main hall, so they can get their daily rations. First the most well trained candidates are sent individually, out of fear that having too many in the same room may cause some unnecessary tension with personnel, then the lower ranked test subjects can be herded in as a group with a larger group watching over them as they eat.

Subject Seventeen can be spotted exiting his room, looking tired and annoyed, not an uncommon expression from the eleven year old, if I was that old and had to be woken this early then I would be irritated too. Due to a standing level of trust between the higher ups and Seventeen, the kid is allowed some autonomy and can go to the cafeteria on his own, under watch of the guards stationed there of course, he's not a free agent after all.

A doctor slowly walks up to Seventeen, not necessarily sure who exactly, though we quickly realise its Dr. [L/N]. The doctor and the test subject seem to share a conversation over their meal, talking at length until they both finish their meals. They let out some laughs, some concerned faces, some stern looks, and then they break ways, leaving the main food area.

Some guards can be seen in the corner of the hall playing cards, as a group of lower ranked test subjects enter the hall, single file. They all have dark expressions on their faces, strange.

All is calm on site, same old same old, nothing major to report in.


[10:00 AM, Site location: █████, ██. Project: ███ ███████.]

[Security - Surveillance]

Slade Wilson and Subject Seventeen can be seen in heated combat in the training room. The surveillance team always tune into this camera to see how the fights go each day, sometimes making a bet on how long Seventeen can last before being thrown to the floor by Wilson. Up until recently, Slade had dominated Seventeen constantly, but his opponent had been learning and adapting his combatant skill. It was clear that soon Seventeen might even beat Wilson, but today would not be that day. Slade could be seen slamming Seventeen back down upon the ground. Seventeen picks himself back up. Wilson lets out a snappy remark followed by a slight laugh. And the fight begins once again.

Unfortunately, unseen to the surveillance team who are hyper focused on the fight going on between the two combatants, one of the cameras has been knocked off centre, staring right at the wall, rather than the guard post that it should be looking at.

Sounds of a brief struggle could have been heard, but are overshadowed by the loud conversation between the guards judging the fight.

An upper torso can be seen falling to the ground, the arm slamming down, and a stream of blood being trailing from where the head would supposedly be, however is quickly moved, disappearing from the camera's view.

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