Chapter 87: Jamboree

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(AN: Spiderman 2 very good, would recommend)


"I spy with my little eye..." Odessa peered across the desert expanse, having a great vantage point sat atop the great walls that surrounded Junkertown, mostly repaired of all damage sustained during the siege nearly a week ago, though supports and construction crews continued working still. "Something beginning with..." she took her time, scanning every which direction, however this was simply a ruse as she had already chosen her 'something', and that 'something' would be impossible to figure out! "Something beginning with 'S'!" Her face was sly and cocky, knowing that not even a hundred seekers could guess her 'something' correctly, it was simply too brilliant, even for her own intelligence. Crossing her arm triumphantly, it would only be a matter of moments before the game would be over, and she would be the clear victor, as was predestined by the stars and fate itself!

"Is it 'sand'?" Rose answered unenthused, propping her head upon her arm for support, trying to stay awake through the mind-numbing children's game. Odessa was dumbfounded, falling onto her back, holding her head in confusion and convulsing, "HOW DID YOU KNOW?! YOU HAVE TO BE CHEATING?!" She only received a bored look before the silver-haired assassin returned her spying eye back towards the horizon, watching and waiting. "You've said sand at least ten times now, and I've guessed sand each and every time, and you still keep choosing sand." The Junker girl collapsed to the floor, mock crying and drowning herself in a pitiful sorrow, "That strategy usually works on my brothers and sisters..."

"Maybe that says more about your siblings then..." Rose responded, smirking at the girl's antics beside her. However, she hadn't really been focused much on the game at all, rather she had been sitting atop the wall for many hours each day since their retaliatory force had left, as if she were some lookout upon the crow's-nest. Mako's group had returned a day or so earlier, with all the soldiers they had set-out with and all their vehicles, while having gained somehow more then triple their amount, accompanied by hundreds of wastelanders. He retold the events without sparing a detail, how the slaves had broken free from the warlord's northern capital, saved by 'bird people' who struck at night and disappeared before the dawn, something Rose still found hard to believe. And that the Yowie had headed eastwards with Lobo and Bizarro to intersect the Mongul and end the war once and for all.

She had felt anger at first, knowing that they had simply let them go without any push-back, while they held the far easier task of scouting out a dead fort. Yet, knowing [Y/N], it made sense soon enough, he had always taken the major brunt of the workload, seeing it as his responsibility, no one else's. And in the face of the Mongul's strength, there was realistically little that Roadhog's forces could have done, one-on-one they couldn't fight the enhanced Warzoons. However, what was most strange was the lack of information they were able to find scavenging through the warlord's capital, nothing had been left untouched by the assault. Some bare vehicles and poultry foodstuffs, but in terms of material wealth and technology, weaponry or even written word, the place had been entirely ransacked.

The entire place had been scorched to its very core, blackened and left in a state of ruin. The Junkers didn't know what to make of it, or even where to start on how to deal with a potential new threat from the skies, who appeared equal or eve stronger then the Warzoon horde who had done so much harm already. Rose understood the situation another way. As she had heard the events retold it sounded increasingly more so like there had been some mass coverup, someone not wanting whatever was in that place to be revealed just yet. She had no real evidence to support her superstitions, keeping the thoughts to herself and letting them ruminate.

The Warzoons were similar to the Doomsday, but they weren't at the same time, especially the Mongul himself, whose philosophy was the complete polar opposite to the heroic person she had grown to know. And now with talk of 'bird people' flying about, it only served to make the whole situation appear more unusual, the world seemingly getting crazier and crazier by the day... 

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