Chapter 19: Containment

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CODENAME: ███ ████████


DATE: 06/08/2047


SITE LOCATION: ███████ ██

Dr. Paul [L/N]

ENTRY 149: After all the events that occurred last night, we have finally come to a final conclusion as to the amount of personnel and test subjects casualties in the uprising. Fifty-seven of the original seventy scientists, including the lead scientist, Dr. Bertron, on hand at the time, was killed. Furthermore, sixty guards on duty at the time have been killed or remain in critical condition. If we had to contain anything, we wouldn't have enough manpower in order to guard the facility, the site is effectively defenceless as it stands. Besides that fucker Slade...

Every test subject has been confirmed dead or is in the process of forced euthanasia. Slade and [Y/N]'s strength alone seems to have completely ended the experiment. There will be no more experiments left soon.

Those remaining still haven't come to a solid conclusion as to what should happen with [Y/N]. He is not yet dead fortunately, but for how long that lasts, I can't say for certain. The situation is volatile and tensions are still running high.

With Bertron dead, full authority of the facility has been transferred to Wilson, who will have the final say over what will happen with [Y/N]. The options appear quite limited. All I can truly hope for is some miracle to occur. That perhaps the veteran soldier has a turn of heart. What was even the use in searching for such fantasies? Getting my hopes up for nothing would only make the hurt worse.

I'm not really sure as to what our role will be now. As the last fifteen or so scientists left, and with all the experiments dead, the whole purpose of us being here has been called into question. With no Doomsdays to monitor, to conduct further experimentation on, what would be the use for scientists.

I'm still very shaken up from yesterday's events... I watched so many people that I had worked with for the last three years die in only the span of an hour. Everything is up in the air. Honestly, I'm done with all of this. If I could call it quits here and now I wouldn't hesitate, run away and never turn back. However, if there is even a single way that I can help keep [Y/N] alive, the I'll be needed here. I have to stay for even a little bit longer, just a while more.


Slade sat at a wide desk. To his left and right were the remaining scientists who had survived last night's great purge, and currently Slade was hearing the argument for and against the execution of [Y/N]. Slade saw this whole situation as a great headache, and wouldn't have minded having this whole problem be over already. He put a hand to his forehead, letting out a long sigh, as the scientists argued before him.

An older woman situated further away from Slade on his right stood up from where she was sitting, pressing her arms into the table and leaning forward, "Last night we lost friends and family. We have tried and toiled with this experiment for the last three years of our lives. I think it's time that we give up already. There isn't any point in keeping him alive. We can't possibly do any more research now anyway." She argued, continuing, "And it's not like the government is going to allow us to continue the experiment any further after last night anyway. It's become too big a liability, it needs to be put down." She finished.

Springing up was a younger scientist, Dr. Paul, someone that Slade had known intimately. From skimming over camera footage and the dirty looks he would send the assassin whenever they crossed paths. Paul was evidenty extremely close [Y/N], "And we would have even more casualties if [Y/N] hadn't intervened and saved me and the rest of the staff in the communal area at the time! It's not these kids' fault that they were dragged into this experiment. They were ripped from their lives, taken advantage of and turned into monsters, only for them to be killed. When did we descend so far into barbarism?!" The doctor retorted with raw emotion, his investment in the boy's safety clear.

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