Chapter 72: Night Terrors

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(AN: Didn't feel much like writing over the last week or so, but wanted to get this connecting chapter out, continuing some existing plot lines, and hopefully a cool reveal. This chapter will be a little longer than usual to make up for the break. Also, how the hell does this story have two thousand votes? Also also, didn't expect to get to number two in malereader and number one in dc, even after not posting in over a week, which is pretty cool. I never expected to get anywhere near this amount of support, which I greatly appreciate. As always, enjoy the chapter!)


Song flourished throughout the winding Junker metropolis, people parading across the city, hanging from the rafters, a volatile and bustling energy vibrantly on display as the afternoon gained a warm hue, the sun falling upon the horizon coating the jagged buildings in a golden glow. However, the Yowie could not be found anywhere, some confused as to where their new king had gone too, expecting there to be much more fanfare and theatrics. Rather, Mason continued to march about broad-chested and proud, red faced and the life of the party, many wouldn't have expected the man to have lost his royal position only hours prior. Yet, those close to the Doomsday understood, a party not really [Y/N]'s forte, more introverted, he disliked the mass audience and attention, a new difficulty that he continuously seemed unable to avoid wherever he went. However, this didn't stop the other Outsiders from enjoying the night, given express permission by the man himself, it wasn't often that they got to relax, and they planned to exploit that fully.

Unfortunately, both Bizarro and Lobo couldn't move about without attracting a crowd, their performance during the Reckoning creating large discussion, the two men who fought alongside the Yowie, some already bestowing upon them the title of 'Disciples' for their service. The title was superficial but didn't dissuade the biker from throwing his weight about, making quite the event as he roared in laughter, sitting openly at a bar. Junkers watched on as he drank and drank, showing no sign of stopping, slamming his umpteenth keg down on the hastily crafted counter, wiping away the excess grog from his face revealing his sharp, pearly whites. Multiple men and women sitting adjacent held their jaws to the floor, astounded the man could keep going, some making bets on when he would collapse, or die from alcohol poisoning, some making quite the profit. The bar keep didn't hold any objections to continue feeding the strange victor of the Reckoning, enabling the crude behaviour, a cheer erupting after each finished barrel.

Bizarro had a similar experience, Junkers surrounding the man, asking him question after question about himself, his powers, the Yowie and their plans, the clone happy to oblige in his simple yet thoughtful manner. Recollection from before Brainiac found the man were scarce, his life working alongside his 'brother' [Y/N] constituted the bulk of his memories and was far better then the dark, watery abyss from his past. It wouldn't be incorrect to say that he was mentally still a child, the Doomsday attempting to look further into the issue multiple times, with Brainiac's assistance. While he looked similar in age to his 'brother', mental development had obviously not been a priority, or failed greatly. This was to say, Bizarro hadn't known any real youth, forced into adulthood, forced to kill by the green man, before given an opportunity to do some good. Morality was never really an issue he thought about, deep-thinking not the clone's favourite pastime, however meeting so many new people sure did feel good, a warmth igniting in his chest.

The interest he garnered from the wastelanders succeeded in brightening his disposition greatly, enjoying the attention, it made him feel like an actual hero, not in the way that [Y/N] was seen, like the Overwatch heroes with their vivid colours and wide grins. Fighting people was easy, but he didn't get any feeling from defeating his enemies, it just didn't really matter to the clone, yet the warmth he felt from those around him definitely caught his attention. His speech impediment seemed to also give him an exotic quality that some Junkers latched onto, continuing to fuel the idea of their saviours returning from some far off place to rescue them.

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