Chapter 111: Devil's Night

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"[Y/N]!" A familiar voice called out to the large man, as he trudged through the war-torn streets. He had found himself at the largest camp under Overwatch's administration, and luckily for him, both the people he had hoped to find were alive and well. Through the crowd of bodies a smaller figure pushed and squeezed through without much consideration, before finding herself around him. If he didn't recognise her voice then her silver hair certainly gave away her identity, and she wrapped her arms around him tight, intent to not let go. It was strange to see Rose show such signs of affection considering how much she tried to maintain a stoic appearance, not that dissimilar to himself.

He smiled, despite the situation, and placed his hand atop her head. "Hey, kid. I'm glad you're alright." And she smiled back at him, before realising how she was acting, and then she recoiled, sternly folding her arms and hiding her grin. They were in public, and as he had suspected, she did want to maintain that stoic image. It was a strange scene amongst all the death, but to them it was needed to push through all the noise. "[Y/N], you aren't dead, that's good." McCree remarked, marching over towards him, exhaustion evident on his face. Jesse must have had to lead the whole clean-up. He certainly didn't envy his friend. "You had such little faith in me." He responded dryly. In all fairness, he looked like a zombie, his clothes torn, hair matted and covered in blood. A moving corpse was what many believed they were seeing...

"What's the situation." [Y/N] asked. McCree tipped his hat. "We still aren't sure about the real numbers, but it isn't looking good. Jack and Ana are coming to take control, he didn't sound very happy when I spoke to him." Jesse explained. "I can imagine." He added, turning to look at all the sheer destruction. "All we can do is sit and wait for our next orders, and collect the bodies." It was a pretty grim picture. Hope was certainly in short supply. "You need my help?" He asked, but the cowboy declined the offer. "I've been given explicit orders not to let you out of my sight. They don't want news that you're here to get out. This was all supposed to be an information gathering mission, not all of Manhattan underwater."

Rose clicked her tongue, it was clear that she hated the Overwatch leadership. [Y/N] knew it very well, because he also hated the Overwatch leadership. He was still conflicted on Jack, and Ana was giving him conflicting personalities. If he stood before Petras however, it would be very hard for him not to throw at least one single punch, despite the punishment. "Their loss, what about Blue Boy?" He asked. "Superman doesn't follow our jurisdiction, we can't really tell him not to help, and he doesn't have all the baggage."

"Great." [Y/N] responded without much enthusiasm. There wasn't really much for him to do but sit around and twiddle his thumbs, given he was being restrained once again. He didn't necessarily have to follow Morrison's orders, but it would make everything far more annoying, and probably meant another few years in the Outback. He wondered how Bizarro and Lobo, Brainiac and Harry were doing, all of them out in the desert? How was Dune doing setting up the new settlement on the abandoned Omnium? Were the Warzoons integrating themselves into Junker society well? He felt so distant from that world now...

"There is one upside though." McCree said, turning towards one of the further tents. [Y/N] nodded, waiting for the answer. "When we were evacuating civilians a certain someone caught my attention, said he had been trying to contact you but there wasn't any response." He raised a suspicious brow. "Stone?" Jesse nodded. "Bingo. He's got some information, thought it best to get it to you now." That was some good news, the best they would get today amongst the death and destruction.

The three marched towards the distant tent. "Stone, you wanted to see me?" [Y/N] said loudly, announcing his presence. The place was a mess with bundles of tattered documents, bulky folders and papers littered all around the place. Evidently, Silas wasn't too happy with the sudden move. "You lot show up in the city for one day and New York cracks in two, is there a coincidence?" He wore a hard expression, busying himself with what little he could salvage.

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