Chapter 81: Eye of the Storm

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(AN: Very rough map reference for where everyone is below:)

(AN: Very rough map reference for where everyone is below:)

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It was decided that they would leave the Warzoon corpses where they laid, broken and deteriorating among the constantly shifting sands, slowly eating away at the decaying bodies. Spending any time burying or burning the bodies was time they didn't have, and digging holes or fetching kindling didn't sit well with the embittered bikers, a funeral was too nice for their enemies. [Y/N] eventually came forth with the order to ride on. It provided two main purposes, serving as a sign of resistance against the Mongul for travelling wastelanders, but also as a stark warning for any more marauding Warzoons. Any look at the stiffening collection of bodies would make even the strongest warrior's stomach turn, and give any raiding party second thoughts about continuing further.

However, as they rode on, the idea of bringing the Mongul in alive didn't sit right with many of the bikers, and Mako shared these sentiments, knowing the extent to which the warlord had desecrated his lands. Yet, they didn't question it, they knew better than to go against the Yowie's commands, the man who had single handedly turned the war around in their favour, united all the Junkers warlords together once again, and delivered a crippling blow to their greatest enemy. Whether or not they agreed or not didn't matter, they would serve their leader with distinction, through thick and thin, as he had done for them in their darkest moment, there was no discussion.

The sun was the only thing to bear witness to their journey, crossing miles of territory, greeted by the odd group of cacti. The landscape seemed to only grow more hilly and mountainous, having long left the Great Victoria Desert, they were soon to leave the Gibson desert behind them as well, with more greener pastures in view. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for any sign of life, not a single village along the way having escaped the violence, with a bloody steak etched deep into the land, a festering wound that would last for generations. Any hope of finding survivors was quickly thrown away, the only realistic desire was to find the Mongul before he could do anymore damage.

What was strange however was the apparent lack of any life as they entered the Great Sandy Desert, not a wastelander or Junker, nor Warzoon in sight. They had prepared for a hard fight, with brutal warfare, it was now or never, though casualties and losses were expected, but as long as they finished the war the bikers didn't care. On the contrary, only bird calls occasionally rang from high above them, with no sense of defence or garrison to speak off. "These areas should be crawling with Warzoons, they occupied the area quickly during their invasion." Mako commented, his voice stern but the notable confusion in his voice didn't echo confidence. "They've pulled back then, trying to hold onto their core territories. That's what I'd do." [Y/N] responded, though he too wasn't sure, it was a strange situation, ready and prepared for a fight only to encounter nothing.

Yet, they wouldn't encounter nothing for long, as two scouts raced back towards the main group, gaining the attention of the entire force, "Boss! We've made contact, a group a mile or so ahead!" [Y/N] and Mako looked at one another. "Legion or raiders?" Mako asked, the scout shook his head, "Neither, just Watelanders. They don't have many weapons and they look like they've been through a fight, what should we do?" [Y/N] revved the twistgrip, determination in his eyes, "Well let's go help them, nobody should be out here right now..." He soon took off, followed by Lobo and Bizarro and a small squad of bikers. "Roadhog, I don't like this. A group of wastelanders alive out here with nothing to their name doesn't fit right, and we haven't seen a Warzoon for miles..."

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