Chapter 12: Combat Training

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DATE: 19/04/2046


SITE LOCATION: ███████ ██

Dr. Paul [L/N]

ENTRY 71: "It's been a few months since the children were administered with the 'Doomsday' serum, we've seen small but significant success from some brighter candidates, but overall a great loss. Over this time period much testing has been practised on the subjects, especially those who had not yet developed a successful alternative form. Dr. Bertron's general hypothesis, as bat-shit crazy as it sounds, was to force the children into the same experiments that we would usually put the 'Doomsday' forms into, and the 'faulty' subjects should experience, on instinct, an immediate transformation."

"Now me, and the rest of my colleagues, or at least the ones who won't lick Bertron's boots, all agreed that this was crazy. None of our research so far had justified that this methodology would bear any results, however, Bertron has the ultimate authority, and over time, our influence has been really whittled away, to which we have no real power here."

"We should have taken Dr. Catherine's disappearance as an obvious red flag however, we continued on anyway. A few months ago, a new order was instituted that "No science personnel were to have the ability to leave the facility, unless under explicit command of Dr. Bertron. Some of the scientists, maintenance, and security workers already lived on site. Yet, this new order made it mandatory. We are all now trapped in this metal pit under the dirt, with no way of leaving. Bertron's little dictatorship. All the security workers answer straight to Bertron and do anything he wishes. If anyone went out of line, they were taken to a dark corner and had a bullet put right between their eyes."

"I've said this multiple times already, but I'm just going to keep my head down, put as little attention on myself as possible and try to get out of this hell somehow. Though, now that I think about it, the prospects of us all getting out alive seems slimmer than I may have previously believed."

"If the information that these experiments had gone on were to ever leak. I'm sure the government would go to any length to make sure it is never discovered..."

"I will get out of this place, even if it takes a decade, me. Of course, I would try to bring [Y/N] with me, and [Y/N] will get out..."

"Speaking of [Y/N], he seems well, or at least, as well as he could be in this place. The vast majority of my colleagues seem to hold favourable views towards him, though I am certain it is not for any moral reason, rather he makes a suitable candidate for their testing, Jesus..."

"I even heard Bertron talking about him at one point, that slime. I'll make sure he doesn't get his hands on [Y/N], I don't trust any sick experiment that he would try to get past us." [long sigh]

"The advanced group, including [Y/N] had their first training session yesterday, with the new hired mercenary the government brought in. Straight forward bloke from the looks of it, haven't had a chance to speak with him. Don't necessarily want to find out, but [Y/N] told me some interesting things about their first encounter during training."

"Apparently, he had his eye on [Y/N] throughout a majority of the exercises, and when called for a sparring partner, explicitly picked out [Y/N] from the crowd of ten to twenty young people. He most likely overheard the good reputation he had and wanted to test out the best candidate, 'kicked my ass' was [Y/N]'s response when I asked him how it went. We laughed a bit, but he seemed quite determined after he said that. I hope he doesn't get too sidetracked, on top of his numerous durability experiments, there is only so much stress I can go through thinking about that boy..."

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