Chapter 13: [Y/N] Vs. Harry

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Over the next three months, [Y/N] spent many hours in the training room. Mornings and nights. He would wake up earlier than any other test subject. Performing basic exercises in the training room for an hour or so, through the normal rigmarole of showering and breakfast. Then it would be time to go through with any of the mandatory or voluntary experimentation he had signed up for previously. Finally, it was their training session with Slade.

After the first lesson Wilson didn't necessarily pick on [Y/N] as he had done during the first lesson, selecting other candidates to spar. Just as he had been beaten badly by the soldier, so did any other candidate who attempted to fight Slade. They would all have a similar fate, lying face-first on the floor.

Since Slade wasn't having much fun pommeling children he also allowed the trainees to spar with one another, which was far easier than sparring with Slade. After [Y/N]'s first performance against Wilson, many seemed to think that he would be easy prey and decided to take him on, only for them to end up with broken wrists and many bruises. Who would have thought that fighting against other children instead of a genetically enhanced super soldier would be so much simpler.

After mandatory training, [Y/N] would usually stay behind and begin training for a further few hours more, something Slade noted. The first time he noticed, a large smirk appeared on his face and Slade had begun to say some snappy remark, but decided against it and just left, surprisingly. Perhaps, he saw [Y/N]'s training as a chance to get a semi decent fight. He couldn't help but find the lessons more boring than the last, and a challenge would be a refreshing surprise for once.

After a few hours of training, [Y/N] would have another shower, eat dinner alone in the emptying dining hall, alongside some maintenance workers. Afterwards he would join his fellow subjects, crawling into his bed, and entering the abyss of sleep.

This would be [Y/N]'s routing over the next few months, and it produced clear results.

During a voluntary experiment with Dr. Jurgerns, who would be the main scientist requesting [Y/N]'s assistance during this period, Jurgens confided in the boy about a general hypothesis he had come up with about the 'Doomsday' serum. Essentially, Jurgens believed that the serum not only affected the alternative form, but the base form too. For example, he argued that any process physically or mentally made in the base form would be more easily processed by the body and mind due to the increased adaptive and heightened evolutionary nature of the 'Doomsday' serum. [Y/N] didn't really understand the specifics, but in general understood this as, any progress he made, for example, through physical training, would be a faster process and he could build up more muscle due to the advancement made by the serum.

However, it seemed to go further than that. [Y/N] experimented independently with the idea that he could digest concepts and practices far faster mentally. He read a history book, another on human evolution and a combat technique manual, including diagrams and pictures showing different styles of combat. While it wasn't perfect, after reading through the books in his spare time, he realised that he was absorbing the knowledge far faster than he would have previously done. Even the diagrams he analysed seem to come to him naturally.

It seemed like a cheat, but [Y/N] intended to exploit it.

From that point onwards, on top of his physical training, [Y/N] began training mentally, whether it be combat techniques, scientific, historical, it didn't matter. He devoured the books provided by the facility. And, when he ran out of books to read, he asked Paul to get him specific books. Paul was somewhat confused at first, unsure about the large amount, but he would eventually give in. Now a whole new world of experience was open to him. This would be how [Y/N] would strengthen himself throughout his entire time in the site.

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