Chapter 36: Holiday Part. 1

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Standing aside a large landing-strip two young adults could be seen standing, waiting to catch their flight, enjoying the pleasant and clear weather, with no grey clouds in sight. [Y/N] stood tall, having a ruck-sack haphazardly thrown over his shoulder, holding only the bare essentials for his short trip. [Y/N] was joined by a shorter blonde woman, Angela, who had a small carry-on case, seemingly bringing a-lot more than the young man. Over the next week or so the two Overwatch members would be enjoying their time in Zurich, celebrating the 'grand-opening' of the new Overwatch Headquarters, and Angela was thrilled to show [Y/N] around her home city. And while [Y/N] was keen to take some well-deserved time to relax, he was sure that Angela would be pulled every which way by prodding journalists who would want every bit of information they could get from the Swiss national hero.

Accompanying both [Y/N] and Angela, many executive members of Overwatch, including the original six-man team, business associates, important national figures and country leaders would travel from all around the world to witness the event. [Y/N] thought all the fanfare was a little unnecessary, but seeing Angela's excitement, or much anxiety, [Y/N] wasn't necessarily sure, the young man went with it, for her sake. After about ten minutes or so, the two young adults were joined by the small group of Morrison and Amari while Reyes and the newly recruited McCree also joined them. Due to Dr. Liao's important research, she was needed in Singapore a majority of the time, so she would be flying in separately, while both Torbjorn and Rienhardt would be travelling from the Lindholme residence in Sweden.

McCree had a generally pretty jovial greeting to [Y/N] and Angela, Jesse attempting to make a flirtatious remark, [Y/N] makes a comically straight-face and the three young adults all shared a small laugh. Since McCree joined Overwatch, his relationship with both [Y/N] and Angela seemingly improved greatly and they all considered each over generally quite close and tight-knit. With each of the small trio being around the same age, eighteen or so, and thus could relate far-more than they could with the grizzled war veterans, a sort of bond was forged between the three.

Reyes and Ana also had quite positive greetings, before Anna and Jesse began talking, Ana seemed to have taken a liking to the young sharp-shooter, helping him train and generally attempting to make him feel welcome, but that could have just been apart of her motherly instincts, trying to make the misfit youngsters fit-in. However, Morrison and [Y/N] was still somewhat strained from the events after Mombasa, [Y/N] understood why Morrison did what he had to, but that didn't lessen any feelings of betrayal the young man, with both men only sharing a brief nod.

An Orca appeared before the small group, before landing, throwing up large amounts of dust upon the Overwatch members, leaving them unamused in their nice clothing. Jay could be seen in the cock-pit, currently having a laughing fit in response to the slightly-pissed expressions of his co-workers. Soon after, the team funnelled into the Orca and prepared for the journey towards Zurich, being only a few hours when using Overwatch's private transport vessels. During the trip McCree, [Y/N] and Angela spent a majority of the time talking with each other, talking about many different topics or utter-nonsense, either way, enjoying the company they each provided. Morrison, Reyes and Amari looked on at the young trio with a satisfied expression, enjoying the fact that these young people, forced into this incredibly harsh career, have the opportunity to actually be young people and engage with people their age.

Arriving much later, the sky changing from a clear blue to covered with grey clouds, the sun setting and a darker hue taking over the once bright day, the Orca the group travelled with would finally set-down on a similarly large landing-pad, a small figure guiding the transport-vessel towards a suitable landing position. [Y/N], who had stayed awake during the whole journey, had a slightly annoyed face, to which Ana burst out laughing, while Morrison and Reyes both gained mischievous smirks. On either side of [Y/N], both Jesse and Angela, who didn't seem to have done quite as good a job at staying awake, could be seen both leaning upon the taller young man, small snores emanating from their sleeping persons.

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