Chapter 44: Metallo

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(AN: There, you all get a two for one, after not getting a chapter for like two weeks, I hope you all enjoy, lucky sons-of-guns!)

The giant monster stood opposite to the green metal man, a solid and unbreakable glare held between the two as utter chaos transpired all around them. Random firefights around the square had broken out between armed blackwatch agents and the unknown and well-armoured mercenaries that had invaded the site, a thick layer of smoke and debris filled the central plaza as civilians struggled to escape in one piece. A layer of bodies had already littered the floor, the stench of death pungent and nauseating, but neither [Y/N] nor Metallo were dissuaded from maintaining their steely gaze. Yet, a small layer of rain had begun to set in, making the smell all that worse and to Reyes just behind, it certainly felt like hell.

Reyes, who had just gotten up from his sitting position, stood just behind [Y/N], slightly wounded from Metallo's attack, but generally still operational, he had taken worse during the war, or at-least that was what Reyes had told himself. If this was an Overwatch operation helmed by Jack or even Ana, saving the lives of civilians would be the number one objective, but that wasn't the ethos of Blackwatch, Blackwatch's purpose was to get the mission done, by any means necessary. Reyes took a moment to think, as the two titans in-front of him continued to stare each other down, looking all around bodies had fallen, human and omnic, the whole situation had descended into anarchy. However, Reyes' mission was to ensure the safety of Mondatta, and by extension also the safety of Luthor, though the man would go missing during the attack Gabriel wouldn't necessarily be remorseful. It was a tough decision, but Reyes had been put into his position as the leader of Blackwatch for a reason, because he could make the tough decisions that others didn't have the will to do so.

Whipping his head back, one shotgun strongly gripped in his left hand, Reyes shouted out to [Y/N], "[L/N], I'm going to go after Jesse and Mondatta, don't underestimate this guy, he packs a punch." before darting off past his ward, without waiting for any confirmation. [Y/N] didn't look back, any chance to gain the upper hand he was sure the machine would take, simply letting out a large huff in response. Metallo had obtained a more aggressive stance, ready to strike at a moment's notice, the omnics eyes cold, but strangely almost slightly human in an uncanny but familiar way, [Y/N] pushed the thought out of his head, it wasn't important. [Y/N] who had been in a similar black suit to the rest of the Blackwatch agents, with a large coat overlaying his jacket, now had already damaged much of his clothing from the initial attempt at attacking Metallo, the sleeves already ripped and dirt stains apparent. In an attempt to try and intimidate the machine, [Y/N] ripped the coat off of his torso in a single fluid movement, the fabric tearing immediately as he flung it behind him, showing the large and muscled torso and arms underneath. The machine didn't seem fazed, while [Y/N] put his hand into the other, cracking his knuckles loudly.

Metallo's eyes seemed to focus on now, analysing [Y/N]'s movements. Now that [Y/N] was closer to the machine he had gotten a better look at his opponent. Large and thick arms were adorned with solid metallic plates with a green tint, multiple mechanical parts all working at once with a fluorescent green light shining brightly underneath the surface. A similar green gas emanated from the joints of the machine from the explosion impact, drifting in vast amounts from every orifice, streams of green smoke appearing out of the metal man's mouth. While in the centre, shining brightest was a single large core of what [Y/N] could easily presume to be Kryptonite, that would cause some issues if [Y/N] wanted to fight up close.

[Y/N] thought it made sense to test out the robot's capabilities, thinking it better to transform into his Doomsday form after learning the machine's upper-limits. However, [Y/N] didn't get the luxury to think any longer as Metallo had grown anxious with the long wait. Leaning forward, two large and bright beams of energy soared just past [Y/N]'s shoulder, his quick thinking allowing him to narrowly dodge the beams, but it had caught him off guard. When the second volley of beams had been fired from his eyes once again it just about hit [Y/N]'s shoulders, as the giant man narrowly failed to avoid the attack, leaving a scorched mark through his clothing. However, the beam did much more than simply leaving a mark, instantly [Y/N] began to feel slightly weaker, not as weak as he had felt when exposed to Luthor's pure Kryptonite from before, but it definitely set him back slightly.

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