Chapter 62: Reflection

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(AN: I like giving the different narrative arcs for the story names of their own, the last fifteen chapters being named 'Goblin Hunt' as I said previously. For this one, how does "For The Man Who Has Everything." sound? Very internal/conversational dialogue in this transitional chapter, but hope you all enjoy as always.)


[A few hours after the Doomsday fled the Malta Facility]

Angela had refused originally to join the rapid response unit sent to the small island fortress when fears of an assault had begun to be passed around, the medic didn't care for any of the suspicions, in the last week she had lost a man she deeply cared for and the father of her daughter, and a young girl she was attempting to give a better upbringing. From her perspective, this had been a hit job, an attempt by the upper leadership of Overwatch to control [Y/N], out of fear for what he could do if he were to break free from their influence, they had been trying for years. It was obvious that something was going on behind the scenes, Angela acted uninformed when around the man, but it was clear that there was something he was hiding deeply, it hurt that he kept important information from her, putting a clear strain on the relationship that she felt so strongly attached to for years.

She thought back to the early days, when they had both been still kids in a big world, on the front lines, they fought on many frontlines, well, one doing more fighting then the other, while Angela performed her role under his safety, she enjoyed the dynamic, and since the death of her parents, it was the first time she had felt a real love for someone else. It was only after that blasted night in Zurich when everything fell apart, [Y/N] had already begun to feel the prejudice from some omnipresent force lurking above Morrison and Reyes, but it must have reared its ugly head that day. The medic wasn't sure exactly what had occurred that night, but the man she met later that beautiful evening, when they enjoyed each other's presence so much, was clearly a different person then the man she had left in the morning.

Her profession took her focus, continuing to work on her own life, completing her MD and submerging herself into piles of work, study and research to distance herself, fill the hole that had been left, and she felt good, it was what she had worked for all her life, helping people, dedicating her life to protecting the weak and weary. When news that little Kara was coming along, Angela's life hit another road-bump, how was she supposed to take care of a child, while working towards her further education, and keep a career with Overwatch open. She was fortunate that she had good friends, Mina and Jesse, always there when she needed, the doctor spending large portions of the year in Switzerland during the tumultuous period, and a solid maternal figure in Ana, who supported her fully along the way.

But the apparent absence that [Y/N] had left while he was off doing God knows what, playing Rambo in foreign wars across the globe, Angela would be lying if she had said she didn't despise the man for a time, dumping a child on her in such an important time in her life, and taking off, it was the complete opposite of what she expected would happen. At first, she demonised the man, and he deserved it to some extent, Jesse didn't help, seemingly also growing a hatred for the man at the time for his actions, or lack thereof, but she was an intelligent woman, [Y/N] hadn't taken off because he feared for fathership or being kept-down, hell he didn't even know she had had a kid until years later, not that it absolved him of guilt.

Something had happened that night at the opening of the Overwatch headquarters in Zurich, or more strictly speaking, someone had obviously happened to [Y/N], and his term as a vagabond must have been a direct result of said encounter. Eventually, the medic came to a realisation, had he been threatened, black mail perhaps? What if she herself was being used as a bargaining chip, it would explain why the monstrous Doomsday would flee so quickly, it did much to soften the brazen hatred she had cultivated towards the man for many years, though it still lingered, it would be impossible to absolve completely.

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