Chapter 14: Perspective

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Slade had awoken this specific morning with a splitting headache, just perfect, it would be an understatement to say that he would be in a bad mood today. Straightening up and leaving his bed, he contemplated his experience in the facility over the last few months he had been here. It had definitely been a unique job. Similar in some ways to the experience he had gone through during his own participation in the American enhancement program. But also greatly dissimilar in other ways.

While Slade and the rest of his fellow candidates were all trained professionals who had served in the military for a decade or more, with engrained discipline and strict self-control, these children had none. Opposed to learning, lazy and inattentive, this was the main issue with conscription, you ended up with the dregs who don't want or care for the mission statement. It wasn't really these kid's fault that they were in this situation though. That got them nowhere however, at the end of the day, they were here. Not like they had an option, the guards would eventually beat subservience into them. At least, that's what Slade was supposed to say. In reality, he didn't think very highly of the institution as a whole, but had little motivation to leave. The job provided a comfortable position and a large stream of income, what incentive was there for him to leave?

There was one exception, that [Y/N] kid, Number Seventeen. While the rest of the candidates halfheartedly hung onto each lesson, not caring or engaging with what they were being taught, he continually showed attentiveness and a willingness to improve himself. It was evident through the constant training he did out of hours,morning and night. An exemplary standard that the rest of the test group should've aspired towards. However, [Y/N] was an outcast amongst his peers, earning scorn from the kids and giving it right back at them. One of these days, someone was going to snap at Seventeen. Slade was certain he didn't want to be the doctor administering aid to that child afterwards.

While in training Slade had clearly noticed basic and untrained defensive and or offensive tactics from [Y/N]. Yet, more recently clear attempts at moves from different styles of martial disciplines, fast strikes, strong grapples, fast footwork and constant movement. He wasn't necessarily sure how this kid had become so adept in such a small amount of time, but it had been noted by Slade.

Continuing throughout the morning, Slade attempted not to engage in much discussion with any passing personal, to avoid tempting his headache from flaring up worse than it already had, showering and moving onto food relatively quickly.

After finishing his meal, Slade attempted to make his way towards the training room. It was early but that never hurt anyone, and maybe he could see Seventeen, judge his improvement. That was until Dr. Bertron suddenly appeared from around the corner.

"Mr. Wilson, fancy meeting you here. I had just sent a request to meet with you in my office, but this should be fine, are you available? The matter is rather urgent." Bertron asked, though it came across as more of a command. Bertron had already begun retracing his steps, back towards his office space.

While Slade didn't want to, he obliged the man this once and followed him. The quick walk was brisk and silent, with no small talk or interaction between the men until they had moved inside Bertron's office. The lead scientist seemed frantically paranoid, not talking until ensuring the door was firmly shut behind him.

Slade was immediately put off by this action, this wasn't going to be good. "Mr Wilson, we have an issue that threatens the existence of this whole experiment we have going on here." Bertron asserted bluntly, though there was a clear anxiousness to his tone.

Wilson nodded and gestured for him to continue on. "The government has been dropping, not so subtle hints that they will be shutting down all of these superhuman projects that they set up around the globe. From my sources, they are seeking immediate participation in the United Nations' international strike team. It's now believed that's the best chance at winning this war, by taking down the machines together." Bertron stated, anxiousness clear in his tone and demeanour, black bags under his eyes, he obviously had been thinking about this for hours.

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