Chapter 99: Biohazard Part. 3

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(AN: Hey all! My work should be slowing down a bit now so I will (fingers-crossed) have some more time to update this story. I want to go back to one chapter a week instead of one every two weeks, because it's moving a little too slowly for my liking. In all honesty, I had imagined we would have already moved past this fight by now, but it is what it is. I might then do my marvel story every other week instead, because this is still my priority. Another thing, I'm trying to write better fight scenes, and I'm happy with how this chapter came out, but let me know what you think. Also, 'technically' this is the one-hundredth chapter, who would have thought it, huh? In celebration this chapter will be over five thousand words. Hope you all enjoy as always!)


[Wichita Proper]

Pulling himself up out of the deep crater, [Y/N] had found himself in quite the conundrum. His strength was being sapped with every attack he made, and his best guess was that Parasite held some absorption based ability. That made even harming the pink mutate a real challenge. Yet, his own enhancements enabled him to fight any strange foe. It wouldn't be instantaneous, but over time his body would evolve to counteract their stealing powers. It would only be a matter of time, but time wasn't something he held in abundance.

That made the challenge clear, stay in the fight for as long as possible, building up his tolerance. It was a risky gambit however, as with every attack Parasite was sure to grow faster and stronger too. A difficult balancing act. Playing defensive would be the best way forward. Taking attacks and not feeding it anymore strength then warranted. It wasn't the usual gameplan, but [Y/N]'s patented blitz approach wasn't going to work here. Though, it was certainly easier said than done. His head throbbed in pain, while his arms and legs already felt tired and worn out, as if he had been running for days straight.

Push through. Push through for now. Keep moving, keep fighting, he thought to himself behind gritted teeth. The ground trembled all around him, like a mighty earthquake shaking the land. A low, guttural growl roared, bouncing off of the surrounding towers. Instinctually, [Y/N] bolted, throwing himself forward, only just narrowly avoiding a massive blast of green ooze. He knelt, exasperated. Around him the chemicals simmered and disintegrated the cement below, quickly burning the ground like acid. It left behind a foul smell like rotting carcasses, easily able to have made any normal person sick. The city turned into a neon abattoir.

He questioned whether or not it would have done the same to him had he been on the opposite end of the blast, slowly melting away. That wasn't a scenario he wanted to explore any time soon. Lumbering above him, Chemo was even closer now then he had been, and just like Parasite, the green giant seemed to have turned its attention to him instead. Where it's head would have been, it appeared to resemble facial features, eyes and a mouth, though it could have also been his mind playing tricks. It appeared far less sentient then its pink friend, who appeared to relish in hunting [Y/N] down. This one seemed far more simple minded.

He could use that. That was something to be exploited. Chemo roared once more, bringing it's shoulder back, before hurling it's entire arm into the street below, dowsing it in a sickly neon green. This was bad, [Y/N] was practically open, with no place to hide, standing in the centre of a long row of desolate street. He ran as the giant mutate's gelatinous fist crashed into the cement, flooding the street with acid and chemicals. It left behind a violent sizzling noise, tearing through everything it touched. It wasn't done yet however, picking up some speed, it gave chase, pushing itself past towers and over rows of houses, bulldozing through any obstacle to catch its prey.

Racing down an empty street, standing out in the open wasn't going to work for very much longer. Chemo could attack him from any distance, and any hit could have been fatal. And that wasn't even taking into consideration where Parasite had gone off to. Though, [Y/N] was sure he wouldn't have been far. Whatever energy he was giving off that made him so appetising must have been irresistible. It would take a much greater prize to pry their attention away from the Doomsday. If they could sense him then running would do much good, but he could buy some time and reassert his bearings.

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