Chapter 28: Thaw

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Gabriel laid-back deep into his small metal chair, incredibly cold, or it could just be his own anxiousness in this situation playing tricks on him. Looking up at the ceiling he took a moment to analyse the ceiling, a crack over there, perhaps a small insect crawling along the nearly immaculate bone white material, before letting out a large sign to himself, attracting the attention of the two women sitting next to him. Ana and Dr Liao looked at the man, sitting rather casually for the tension that was present at the table, but ignoring his attitude.

Reyes was slightly fed up with the situation already, the only reason he arrived here earlier today was to get some actual information from his co-workers, who hadn't told him anything about this specific mission or the 'monster', or [Y/N] as he seems to want to go by. So when Reyes was told that the 'monster' had broken out of containment, brutalised multiple guards and was holding two science personnel hostage, well, he wasn't in a good mood, and that was the brunt of it.

Returning his gaze back to a central position, with his arms tightly crossed, he looked across the table at its inhabitants. To his left was Ana, and to his right was Dr Liao, both seemingly far more engaged then he currently was. The young woman, who couldn't necessarily remember her name, Angela or something like that, was sitting further along the table from Reyes' left, and had quite a concerned expression. Morrison stood in between the seated Ana and Angela, leaning forward with his hands firmly holding his torso up from the table, with his iconic steely look gazing across the table.

However across the table, the situation, it certainly was much different. Taking up the space of two or three chairs, standing tall and proud, slouching slightly as to fit inside of the room, an issue Reyes knew another Overwatch member had with a certain knight theme. The figure was large and brooding, two large and red eyes glaring at the people opposite, with a similar arm position to Reyes, with his own arms crossed, seemingly in an intimidating way.

Reyes didn't really know what to think right now. He had been through many years of continued warfare, experimented upon, put as the leader of the most well-known organisation in the world, and yet this seemed to surprise him, something he didn't think possible.

[Y/N], across the table, unbeknownst to the two, had essentially the same thought process. Not really sure why he had agreed to talk with the people who had attacked and captured him, and currently thinking upon multiple different ways in which to escape the current situation. And he was sure this time that he would make it out and free.

However, there was one issue, and it really got on his nerves, angering him. He couldn't really say 'no' to the younger woman across the table from him, and he had never had this sort of experience before, further enraging him. Perhaps it was her resemblance to the young girl in his childhood or it could be that she was the first person since his friend from the facility to seemingly care about him. But he had fallen for that trick before, his training mentor, the head-scientist, had both tried to get cordial relations with him, and both only wanted to exploit him.

[Y/N] had started to gain a general insight into the people across from him, apart from the young woman, Angela. To his right across was the Dr Liao that Angela had introduced to him before, and she seemed at least slightly more attentive and open towards him, though he hadn't been around her enough to know her true intentions. The other man in front of him, Reyes, he recalled, seemed ambivalent to the situation, but more annoyed if anything, just wanting to get the meeting over and done with, [Y/N] didn't really appreciate his attitude.

Now the other two, Morrison and Amari, where the two people in command here, with the older woman taking on a motherly role in the group, from what he had seen between herself and Angela, he seemed more open towards her. Morrison was a completely different story, very attentive and worried about his team, but standoffish and blunt towards [Y/N], which the large monster also did not appreciate.

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