Chapter 52: Assault on Pretoria Part. 2

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A convoy of Orcas appeared on the outskirts of the city, somewhat masked by the jagged buildings and rising smoke from the ensuing conflict, their progress however unimpeded as they made their way towards the centre of Pretoria. Morrison held a stoic grimace, scanning the charred remains of what used to be Pretoria as they flew overhead, building after building, whole rows of street levelled and destroyed, the light from gunfire appearing sporadically across the city. Jack had seen his fair share of warzones, he had been born and bred in the military, it had given him his true purpose in life, but seeing destruction on this level never got easier. However Morrison wasn't just some soldier, he was the Strike Commander of Overwatch, and undermining the war-effort would do nothing to help the situation.

Amari stood next to the man, yet the sniper was far more candid about her feelings, clear as day on her face, utter disgust, how had they, a peace-keeping organisation, let the fighting get this extreme. Amari understood hard choices had to be made, she had made many during her time, choices that shouldn't be put on anyone. The fact that under their supposed watchful eye the UN had allowed Talon to grow this large without Overwatch knowing was truly scary to the veteran. So many lives lost, Amari knew that the operation was necessary, they couldn't just allow the cancer to fester and grow, but would more planning have helped lower the casualty rate? Maybe if they had given time for the civilians to evacuate? No, the analysts had told of spies in every corner of the city, one word and Talon would have scampered away like rats, it was the only way, or at least that's what she kept telling herself mentally.

Jack looked at Ana from the corner of his eye, getting the sniper's attention, to which Ana gave the man a disappointed look, "So this is the result of our 'radical' change in policy Jack..." gesturing with her hand, "It just looks like we're hurting more people than before." Morison kept his eyes locked upon the ruins below, "I know, Ana. I, as much as anyone else, didn't expect this level of resistance, but we let Talon grow and now we are paying for it..." Amari looked at the man for a few moments before also returning to watch the city below.

"Talon couldn't have grown this quickly on it's own though, even through criminal means the amount of money and resources needed to finance this is huge." Vivian said, walking up in between the two, "They've either got deeper roots then we ever expected or someone's giving them their open chequebook, and their pockets look pretty deep..." Morrison put a hand up to his chin contemplating, "Well we will soon see what we uncover inside the headquarters, we might hit a lucky break and get a lead to our mystery donor." Morrison responded.

A bout of turbulence hit the vehicle, slowing down as the convoy of ships began to make landings, declining rapidly. Morrison turned away from the window looking at his two fellow soldiers, "Come on now, we have work to do." moving adjacent to the exit ramp. Vivian and Ana shared a look for a moment, pushing aside any lingering emotions for the moments, before following their commander.


As the Strike commander emerged from the now docked transport vehicle he was greeted with an unusual sight, a makeshift hospital had been quickly constructed at the base of the tower, soldiers stationed around the outskirts on alert ready for an incursion. Sat in the centre of the medical area was none-other than Reinhardt, half stripped off his armour, with bandages wrapped around his arms and torso, yet still with his signature wide grim, attempting to romance the random medic attending him. Lindholme could be seen nearby, holding a holographic display and scanning across different architectural maps, the engineer adorned with a stern expression.

As Morrison walked up to the two, followed by Amari and Vivian, he let out a loud cough into his hand, attempting to get the large German man's attention, "AH JACK, YOU COULD FINALLY MAKE IT!" Reinhardt shouted, bolting to look at his long-time friend, "YOU'VE MISSED MOST OF THE ACTION THOUGH IM AFRAID, MORE FOR ME I SUPPOSE!" giving Morrison a mighty smile, pride flooding out of the man. A figure from behind the group quickly walked up to meet them, "Reinhardt, what on earth happened to you?" Angela said, making her way over to the large man, quickly scanning for any wounds or cuts. Reinhardt simply let out a boisterous laugh, "NO NEED TO WORRY ANGELA! JUST A THROUGH BRUISES NOTHING MORE!" the unnamed medic chirped up, "Multiple lacerations across the body and arms, at least six broken ribs, though a more thorough check is needed." Reinhardt attempted to wave off the medic, "REALLY, THERE IS NO ISSUE." clenching his fist as he looked at Morrison, "LET ME BACK AT THEM JACK!" Morrison gave a small chuckle at the barking dog, "Stand down soldier, I'm not letting you go in that condition." Turning to look at Angela, "Could you stay with him Angela?" the young woman nodded quickly, turning to address the crusader's status while Reinhardt sulked, Ana chuckling at the man's antics.

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