Chapter 103: Biohazard Part. 7

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(AN: I retconned some stuff in chapter 91, which is something I wouldn't usually do, but I messed up one of the character introductions. My bad. It's not a lot, but the radio conversation at the beginning has been slightly altered. If I change anything in the future I'll let you all know in advance. Also, I feel like I haven't updated this in ages, even though its only been a week. I have a massive backlog of chapters too, currently I've just finished chapter 107. Maybe next week I'll do another double release, like we did at the end of Junker War. I don't expect any people will necessarily be against that, but let me know. Besides that, hope you enjoy this chapter, and the end to Biohazard!)


[Wichita Proper]

The green cell shattered like glass, vanishing from sight. And in its place, the amorphous amalgam of chemicals began reforming once more, but this time it didn't appear so cohesive. A thin arm exploded out from the smoke, leaking acid and waste. It shot out, reaching upwards, grabbing a hold of one of the nearby towers for support. The structure crumbled under the immense weight, shaking at its foundations.

Superman took on a concerned expression as the newly reforged Chemo pulled itself free from the murky dust, batting it away. A low, guttural growl sounded from somewhere deep within the darkness, and then the neon green irradiated bright against the blackness of night. Yet, now it appeared darker, more ghoulish...

A shoulder followed, maimed and malnourished, and soon it was joined by a spindly back, barely keeping itself together. The head was the last thing to appear. No mouth remained, just the two beady eyes. And it turned its gaze towards the caped man flying high above. Superman didn't flinch, he couldn't now. Hal was down there, and with both mutates back in the fight, cowering wouldn't do anyone any good.

He dropped down to the street, with a heavy thud. The disgusting mass congealed and twisted its form, attempting to get a good look at the blue suited man. It made a disgusting, slurping noise, spreading it's mire about. If it had smelt bad before, now it reeked, like an irradiated abattoir. It followed him closely, lurching above his figure. Acid continually rolled down its length, melting the ground beneath...

Sitting adjacent to the glowing vat of radiation, Parasite appeared, more demented and deadly than ever. It sat, leisurely hunched upon a piece of upturned rubble. However, its body appeared more mangled and disfigured. It held a manic look in its eye, quietly giggling to itself. Under its foot, Hal was held, himself now restrained, with the tendril constricting his entire body. And he wasn't looking good, bruised and slowly being drained of colour.

From out the pink mutate's mouth, an enormous tongue fell out, wrapping around the Lantern's chin, leaving a foul, green saliva upon his face. Superman narrowed his gaze, now facing both enemies by himself. Both some nightmarish creatures that would have crawled out from some ancient, dark pit. They weren't something that humans, nor omnics, and not even an alien like himself, could understand. There wasn't any recognisable reason behind their actions, beyond simple chaos and slaughter. That was why both of them were so intrinsically horrifying.

A Doomsday, you could reason with...

There was no reasoning with these things.

"Hhuuuu--" Parasite began choking on its own words, trying its very best to get them out. Superman listened intently, working to understand what it meant, but there wasn't any clear meaning...

"Hhuuuunngg-- Hhuuuunnggrryy..."

"Ppaaaa-- Ppaaaarraaaassiiiitteeee--"

"Ppaaaarraaaassiiiitteeee, HHUUUUNNGGRRYY." It sung at them in a disjointed melody. It's teeth shifting in inhuman ways, forming a cruel grin. Using the sharp tip, he traced it along Hal's face. He tried to resist, but every time he made even the slightest gesture, more strength quickly evaporated away, absorbed into the pink mutate. Parasite's movements were soon becoming more erratic and random, shaking frantically.

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